How do you seal the deal with girls?

Hey gang.

Now, I am absolutley crap at sealing the deal with girls. I am quite incapable. As in I totally suck at it. I just don't know what the fuck to do. It doesn't come naturally.
I will not lie, I am not good at flirting with girls I don't know well, but I can flirt well with girls I do know.
Now the question is, how do I go from one step to another.

aka - From flirting with a girl, to giving her a hot dicking. (I'm not talking about a relationship here)

Now you could say, "get her number". I can do that. I get them on Facebook too. But it just feels like a friendship thing. Awkward.
So I guess what I'm asking is, how to turn a flirty conversation into hot sex?
It's like there are some in between steps or vital parts which I am missing. Or maybe I am just blind to the signs.

Looking forward to your wise advice.

~ Thomas
kitfisto;457150 said:
Hey gang.

Now, I am absolutley crap at sealing the deal with girls. I am quite incapable. As in I totally suck at it. I just don't know what the fuck to do. It doesn't come naturally.
I will not lie, I am not good at flirting with girls I don't know well, but I can flirt well with girls I do know.
Now the question is, how do I go from one step to another.

aka - From flirting with a girl, to giving her a hot dicking. (I'm not talking about a relationship here)

Now you could say, "get her number". I can do that. I get them on Facebook too. But it just feels like a friendship thing. Awkward.
So I guess what I'm asking is, how to turn a flirty conversation into hot sex?
It's like there are some in between steps or vital parts which I am missing. Or maybe I am just blind to the signs.

Looking forward to your wise advice.

~ Thomas

I'm going to assume that your fairly young and also going for fairly young girls in the advice that i give you. If not, then maybe not appropriate.

You say you can get to the person to person contact stage which is good however you are likely making a fatal flaw. If you just want sex rather than a relationship then you should be careful not to come across as too friendly otherwise its friendship or relationship, not casual sex.

Having met many people online i can tell you that the best advice is to be fairly forward in your approach, get her basic details (age, location, job) and then ask her what she is interested in ect.. adding some flirting and expressing a little interest in something she is interested in. Then, you should suggest that you meet up sometime, sorting out the when/where before asking what she wants to do. At this point you could suggest that we will go to (x) and then back to mine, if she says yes then you can either hope shes up for it when you get her back or ask beforehand whether she is on the pill/implant (basically turn the conversation abit sexual without saying i'm gonna tear your ass in two), you can then flirt a bit/suggest that her body really sexy and you would love to see it (don't be too strong here) or with your penis size, you could maybe say that you are watching some adult entertainment and would she like to see your cock on webcam (has actually worked).

Ideally, that conversation should take place within about an hour and also don't make the date more than a week ahead as it gives her a chance to back out.
rakas;457153 said:
I'm going to assume that your fairly young and also going for fairly young girls in the advice that i give you. If not, then maybe not appropriate.

You say you can get to the person to person contact stage which is good however you are likely making a fatal flaw. If you just want sex rather than a relationship then you should be careful not to come across as too friendly otherwise its friendship or relationship, not casual sex.

Having met many people online i can tell you that the best advice is to be fairly forward in your approach, get her basic details (age, location, job) and then ask her what she is interested in ect.. adding some flirting and expressing a little interest in something she is interested in. Then, you should suggest that you meet up sometime, sorting out the when/where before asking what she wants to do. At this point you could suggest that we will go to (x) and then back to mine, if she says yes then you can either hope shes up for it when you get her back or ask beforehand whether she is on the pill/implant (basically turn the conversation abit sexual without saying i'm gonna tear your ass in two), you can then flirt a bit/suggest that her body really sexy and you would love to see it (don't be too strong here) or with your penis size, you could maybe say that you are watching some adult entertainment and would she like to see your cock on webcam (has actually worked).

Ideally, that conversation should take place within about an hour and also don't make the date more than a week ahead as it gives her a chance to back out.

Thanks for your reply Rakas. Yeah I am young. I'm 18.

Your advice sounds great man.

Just one thing, what did you mean by "that conversation should take place within about an hour" ?
kitfisto;457158 said:
Thanks for your reply Rakas. Yeah I am young. I'm 18.

Your advice sounds great man.

Just one thing, what did you mean by "that conversation should take place within about an hour" ?

Ideally you do not want it to be drawn out as if you are being forward (wanting sex over the get to know you relationship) you want to get things moving as swiftly as possible. In theory you should have a date set within an hour.
A hundred dollar bill or two will usually seal the deal:)
I'm a proponent of the "Right-the-fuck-up-front" approach.
Tell any chick you meet that you want her to ride your face and come so hard she'll nap for three days afterward.

The times you DO seal this deal will, by far, make up for the times y'get a pool cue busted over yer melon.
Plus; if you do strike out you got what? 20-30 seconds invested in the relationship?

Just be careful whatcha wish just might come true.
rakas;457270 said:
Ideally you do not want it to be drawn out as if you are being forward (wanting sex over the get to know you relationship) you want to get things moving as swiftly as possible. In theory you should have a date set within an hour.

Ah, I see. :)

And MAXAMEYES, I can't just go up to a girl and say stuff like that to her, unless she is a total cum-dumpster.
Hydromaxm... I would say read this book

First Impression from Ann Demarais. It's quite good. It guides you to make the best first impression. And when you do you are little better of.
1 tip in human to human comunication.. eye contact (works wonders - especially with girls). The way to make eye contact (and no stare) is described in the book.

2 tip.. woman want you to lead. It doesn't mean you have to be an alpha male. Just tell what you want (but not in the first sentence and not I want to fuck you)
I'm telling you, just tape some dollars about your body and they will flock
Thanks Faber.

doublelongdaddy;457426 said:
I'm telling you, just tape some dollars about your body and they will flock

I thought you were referring to picking up hookers before. I guess I could show a few hundred or so, but I don't think I can afford to spend the money I parade around lol. Where would I show these dollars about my body? Hanging out of pockets? I don't wanna get mugged lol.
I find the dichotomy of your positions funny.
"I want to seal the deal"....."I can't say that!"

You really need to expand your view of women if you truly ever want to give one "A hot dicking".

Get over your fear of saying something like that and everything else will seem easy.
And, no, she doesn't need to be a total cum-dumpster. Women are curious too, sex should be fun, playful, ENJOYABLE for all parties involved and if you can bring it home like you promised, then, like ALI said; "It ain't braggin', if it's true."

kitfisto;457338 said:
Ah, I see. :)

And MAXAMEYES, I can't just go up to a girl and say stuff like that to her, unless she is a total cum-dumpster.
kitfisto;457439 said:
I thought you were referring to picking up hookers before. I guess I could show a few hundred or so, but I don't think I can afford to spend the money I parade around lol. Where would I show these dollars about my body? Hanging out of pockets? I don't wanna get mugged lol.

They are all hookers, they all will want money for sex in some way. If your paying, which most of us are, buy the best for your dollar. Just walk up to the finest girl in the place and ask "How much?":)
Like that old one, "What's the difference between sex for love & sex for cash? Sex for cash is a SHITLOAD cheaper!"

doublelongdaddy;457468 said:
They are all hookers, they all will want money for sex in some way. If your paying, which most of us are, buy the best for your dollar. Just walk up to the finest girl in the place and ask "How much?":)
MAXAMEYES;457463 said:
I find the dichotomy of your positions funny.
"I want to seal the deal"....."I can't say that!"

You really need to expand your view of women if you truly ever want to give one "A hot dicking".

Get over your fear of saying something like that and everything else will seem easy.
And, no, she doesn't need to be a total cum-dumpster. Women are curious too, sex should be fun, playful, ENJOYABLE for all parties involved and if you can bring it home like you promised, then, like ALI said; "It ain't braggin', if it's true."

I could understand that working if she had a slutty reputation but just on any random girl i am not sure.
kitfisto;457439 said:
Thanks Faber.

I thought you were referring to picking up hookers before. I guess I could show a few hundred or so, but I don't think I can afford to spend the money I parade around lol. Where would I show these dollars about my body? Hanging out of pockets? I don't wanna get mugged lol.

Lol to this.

Max does have a point though which is confidence and with a 7.5 inch penis (bigger than over 70% of people - sticky at top of this section) i really would go down the get the number then either text or internet her with a picture of your penis route and then start asking what shes into ect..
MAXAMEYES;457463 said:
I find the dichotomy of your positions funny.
"I want to seal the deal"....."I can't say that!"

You really need to expand your view of women if you truly ever want to give one "A hot dicking".

Get over your fear of saying something like that and everything else will seem easy.
And, no, she doesn't need to be a total cum-dumpster. Women are curious too, sex should be fun, playful, ENJOYABLE for all parties involved and if you can bring it home like you promised, then, like ALI said; "It ain't braggin', if it's true."

Could you explain this further, i vaguely think i understand but not fully.
Women are sexual creatures, just as much as any man. Lots of guys want that "easy conquest" on one hand and yet are far too quick to dismiss a woman with a healthy sexual appetite as a "slut" on the other.

(Old joke alert: What's the difference between a slut and a cunt? A slut will fuck anybody...a cunt will fuck anybody...but you! )

Which completely ignores the entire matter of personal choice, personal behavior, personal responsibility.
I've had quite a few, A) one night stands, B) liaisons, C) encounters, D) trysts...or whatever you'd like to call 'em with quite a variety of women.
Some were fantastic, some bizarre, some merely fun, some were a fantasy come true; lots of different categorizations, which those same encounters must also have been for those women too. Sometimes I wonder just how I was remembered, hopefully well; I take having fun seriously.
But all of them were because she and I both wanted a little taste of each other at that moment.

Back to point. If more guys would treat women as sexual equals, they'd be more apt to see sex as something shared between two consenting adults and less as either 1) what a guy needs to earn, cajole, seduce, trick, buy, or just take from a woman, or, 2) what a woman gives up, relinquishes, donates, throws away, sells or just "misplaces".

Too many guys are looking for "the trick", "the secret formula", "the way"....the....whatever, and are coming up with all this ludicrous, complicated shit when basically it comes down to chemistry. You two are either gonna get together and shag like rabid mink on meth, or you ain't.

And if a woman sees you as one thing, or a combination of many things, like sexy, interesting, funny, strong, confident, trustworthy, good smelling maybe and on and on and on; she's gonna make her decision to bang bang when it strikes her as the right thing to do. And how effectively you present yourself as a complete man is a major factor in just how quickly she makes that decision.

That's why I'm the proponent of the most direct approach possible; you put sexy thoughts into her head from the very first moment you meet her: you will be, first and foremost a sexual being in her memory. And it's a good thing when she's already in the mood for a fellow sexual being when you show up. And when you do it with grace, confidence, humor and honesty, (and you can fuck really good too, don't forget) the fun is both of yours for the having.

Sex can be compared to a banquet and I'm always ready to serve up a big, hot, meaty helping of MAXAMEYES to the lucky gal who just got a taste for it. 'Cuz women love fukkin' too.

rakas;457477 said:
Could you explain this further, i vaguely think i understand but not fully.
MAXAMEYES;457515 said:
Women are sexual creatures, just as much as any man. Lots of guys want that "easy conquest" on one hand and yet are far too quick to dismiss a woman with a healthy sexual appetite as a "slut" on the other.

(Old joke alert: What's the difference between a slut and a cunt? A slut will fuck anybody...a cunt will fuck anybody...but you! )

Which completely ignores the entire matter of personal choice, personal behavior, personal responsibility.
I've had quite a few, A) one night stands, B) liaisons, C) encounters, D) trysts...or whatever you'd like to call 'em with quite a variety of women.
Some were fantastic, some bizarre, some merely fun, some were a fantasy come true; lots of different categorizations, which those same encounters must also have been for those women too. Sometimes I wonder just how I was remembered, hopefully well; I take having fun seriously.
But all of them were because she and I both wanted a little taste of each other at that moment.

Back to point. If more guys would treat women as sexual equals, they'd be more apt to see sex as something shared between two consenting adults and less as either 1) what a guy needs to earn, cajole, seduce, trick, buy, or just take from a woman, or, 2) what a woman gives up, relinquishes, donates, throws away, sells or just "misplaces".

Too many guys are looking for "the trick", "the secret formula", "the way"....the....whatever, and are coming up with all this ludicrous, complicated shit when basically it comes down to chemistry. You two are either gonna get together and shag like rabid mink on meth, or you ain't.

And if a woman sees you as one thing, or a combination of many things, like sexy, interesting, funny, strong, confident, trustworthy, good smelling maybe and on and on and on; she's gonna make her decision to bang bang when it strikes her as the right thing to do. And how effectively you present yourself as a complete man is a major factor in just how quickly she makes that decision.

That's why I'm the proponent of the most direct approach possible; you put sexy thoughts into her head from the very first moment you meet her: you will be, first and foremost a sexual being in her memory. And it's a good thing when she's already in the mood for a fellow sexual being when you show up. And when you do it with grace, confidence, humor and honesty, (and you can fuck really good too, don't forget) the fun is both of yours for the having.

Sex can be compared to a banquet and I'm always ready to serve up a big, hot, meaty helping of MAXAMEYES to the lucky gal who just got a taste for it. 'Cuz women love fukkin' too.

Ok man, I'm starting to see it from your side of things now.

Please tell me more!!! :)
Hmmm haven't really had the opportunity, but Summers arriving down here and i've now got over 3 months break from Uni.

Its time.
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