Growth Mindset


Active member
Hello everyone,

I've been lurking on this site for a little over a month and doing a modified version of DLDs beginner routine for 1 month and 1 day.

I started on Feb 12th and beginning measurements were:

BPEL - 15.9cm
BPFSL - 16.3cm
MSEG - 10.9cm

My routine has been:

- Warm Up
- Bundled Stretches
- beginner stretch routine 3x30s in all directions
- Jelq 200-600 reps and experimenting with other exercises (horse squeeze, SSJs)
-Erect stretching

I am married and have a couple kids so I've been clandestine about my PEing. I've been training length 4-5x per week, girth 3-4x, and erect stretching 2-3x.

The last 2 weeks I've been wrapping up with an ace Bandage immediately following my length work to promote healing in an elongated state. And using a shoelace to clamp for 5-10 minutes following girth sessions.

My measurements yesterday at the one month mark were as follows:

BPEL - 16.5cm
BPFSL - 18.2cm
MSEG - 11.3cm

So, I've gained some and am a believer in these methods. I appreciate this community and all the advice the brotherhood has given out to all the lurkers like me.

I suppose my goals would be to get to 19-20cm BPEL and 14cm EG.
Do you guys think that this current protocol consistently applied will get me there? Anything I should add? I'm not looking to add any equipment at this time.

Thanks again. This brotherhood is pretty amazing.
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Welcome and good start, for now probably just add in kegals to your routine, thought of adding a pump maybe bathmate or mityvac? Other option is an ads such as sillisleeve, these will take you to the next level.
So far so good! Those are some solid 'newbie' gains...keep-up the momentum while your d!ck is still trying to figure-out what you're doing :) I'd definitely suggest that you keep your PE endeavors on the DL.
@andyuk I'm not really looking to purchase anything right now. I'm doing the ace wrap in place of a sillisleev and it seems to be doing alright. It will be good to compare notes going forward. Do you have a progress thread on here? What's your routine?
Family day today so I got up early and did the newbie stretch routine.

Bundled Stretches for 5 min
1) 3x30s manual stretches in all directions
2) ~40 min of experimental bundled stretches while I watched random stuff on the PC
3) lots of kegels throughout the day
4) wrapped up in an ace bandage for 5+ hours and counting

No girth work today. Family stuff made it impossible.
I woke up early again this morning to get my stretch in before the family wakes up. It was a good session. Very focused and a finally learned how to get a good stretch in each of the basic directions for the newbie routine. I had a few 'aha' moments today.

5 min Bundled stretch
3x45s stretch in all the directions

Before today I had only felt like I could get a good stretch in the BTC and downward angles, but today I realized you could amplify the stretches in the straight out and upward angles by moving your hips in the opposite direction of the stretch. I used what I think is called a counter stretch method for the upward angles. These adjustments really gave me a deep stretch in the deep recesses of the penis and I think may have changed the game for me. I'm starting to experiment more with kegels and reverse kegels during the stretches.

I decided today I'm not going to measure for a month or 2. I measured too often early on and it just wasted a lot of time that could be spent PEing.

I kegeled a bunch yesterday and am going to increase the amount of time spent on kegels and reverse kegels.

Mindfulness is important with PE
Good best not to measure too often, can so easily get you down and stop you carrying on with PE, best way is to keep going and don't worry
I was really sore from 3 days in a row of stretching so did 30 minutes of girth work today and clamped for a total of 20 minutes.

I'm constantly paranoid about thrombosis every time I do girth work. Certain veins feel hard and rope, sometimes for a few days after a girth session. Is this something to worry about?
I was really sore from 3 days in a row of stretching so did 30 minutes of girth work today and clamped for a total of 20 minutes.

I'm constantly paranoid about thrombosis every time I do girth work. Certain veins feel hard and rope, sometimes for a few days after a girth session. Is this something to worry about?

I get same feeling, you should be ok
Thrombosis is something you should only fear if you are clamping or restricting bloodflow for an extended period of time. Even if you do get Thrombosis there is a solution to it to heal. So have no worries.
Well, the coronavirus has shut my work down for the next month so I guess I'll have plenty of time for PE.

This morning I did my stretch routine:
Warm up
Bundled stretches
3x45s in all directions (using counter stretch

Bundles stretches

I will heal all day wearing an ace wrap and maybe do a girth session later.

I have a couple of questions. I noticed that, while flacid, I do have a sort of baseball bat effect going on(haven't noticed this while erect). I have developed more girth closer to the glans than midshaft. Will this eventually even out if I stick to this regimen? I have heard @DLD mention that SSJs can be used to target specific spots for girth improvement. Are there any other methods to gain girth in mid shaft area? I guess I need to keep experimenting with the SSJs

My other question is about clamping. When using a cockring or shoelace do I need to get fully erect and then clamp off? Or is there value in just clamping off in a semi-erect or even flacid state? I'm only doing 5-10 minute sets of clamping and am very cautious not to overdo it. I just was wondering what others were doing.

Thanks guys.
Well I got sick over the weekend and wasn't able to PE. I'm feeling a little better today so got back on track.

Warm Up
Bundled stretch 5 min
3x45s beginner stretch in all directions
3x25 rotary cranks in all direction

Now I'm healing up all day in an ace wrap. It feels good to be back on the PE grind.

I noticed the last few days that my walking around flacid unit is definitely a lot bigger than before I started PE 6 weeks ago. How long does it usually take before erect length starts catching up to the flacid gains? I haven't measured in a while but I'm sure my BPFSL is ~3cm longer than BPEL measurement. I saw in the SRT thread that expressive stretching is a way to bring the 2 measurements closer together so I'm wondering if this is something I should start adding at this time.
Well I got sick over the weekend and wasn't able to PE. I'm feeling a little better today so got back on track.

Warm Up
Bundled stretch 5 min
3x45s beginner stretch in all directions
3x25 rotary cranks in all direction

Now I'm healing up all day in an ace wrap. It feels good to be back on the PE grind.

I noticed the last few days that my walking around flacid unit is definitely a lot bigger than before I started PE 6 weeks ago. How long does it usually take before erect length starts catching up to the flacid gains? I haven't measured in a while but I'm sure my BPFSL is ~3cm longer than BPEL measurement. I saw in the SRT thread that expressive stretching is a way to bring the 2 measurements closer together so I'm wondering if this is something I should start adding at this time.

I think it’s a fine time to start that. Expressive stretching is a whole new area that men usually do not stretch. You’ll see great growth at the base of your penis making you longer. As far as getting the two measurements closer together I think you’re referring to erect stretches. Erect stretches help to bring together your BPEL and your FSBP.

I am happy that you were looking through SRT as there are many wonderful suggestions, ideas and methodology that will really help in any work out.
After my morning stretch routine yesterday I spent some time perusing in the threads and came across @REDZULU2003 guide to clamping and some more details about SRT 5x5x3 girth routine.

I decided I wanted to try out clamping along with my other manual girth routine(I don't have any equipment).So I ended up doing a 5x5x3 inspired afternoon girth session that consisted of the following:

Warm Up w/ hot towel
Bundled stretch 5 min
200 light jelqs
3 min shoelace clamp set at high intensity
~5 min of SSJ, compression squeezes, horse squeezes, etc
4 min clamp high intensity
~ 5 min of SSJ, etc
5 min clamp high intensity
~ 5 min clamp
~ 3 min SSJ, etc

The short term results were spectacular. My member had never looked so huge and strong. I decided I had to measure to see where I was at and for the first time I measure at >12cm throughout the shaft. Growth of about .5-.8cm

I know the gains are only temporary at this point but it was exciting to see such numbers for me. I used the shoelace as a cockring for a couple hours after.
This morning I woke up with a strong morning erection and there were spots of edema throughout the shaft and I had still retained a good amount of the previous days growth. I was encouraged by the morning wood as it is a sign I am getting conditioned to the work. I had struggled with EQ during my first 5 weeks being introduced to PE.

I will probably take a few days off from girth so that my dick can heal from that powerful session.

This morning I Messed around with a different intensity of stretch so did a lighter stretch routine. I'm trying to find an intensity that will allow me to train with fewer rest days.

Thanks @DLD and @REDZULU2003 for the great programming you guys have put out there

PS I wanted to mention that adding hydrocortisone cream and baby powder(per DLDs instructions in the newbie routine) are game changers
Thanks @DLD and @REDZULU2003 for the great programming you guys have put out there

PS I wanted to mention that adding hydrocortisone cream and baby powder(per DLDs instructions in the newbie routine) are game changers

I’m so happy my advice helped you out, I wish more people would take my advice on this issue because it’s very inexpensive and it does a great job. I’m so happy you find the brotherhood helping you and I’m proud to have you as my fellow brother
I'm gonna start compiling quotes and links to threads that I want to remember for quicker access. I came across this stretch of DLDs in the SRT thread and want to add it to the routine 2-3x per week

"The SRT Size Blaster works on a mental level that if the internal penis was exposed we could use it. Keeping this in mind it is our first job to grip the extreme base of the solid, erect penis and dig our grip as far into the internal penis as possible. Once we have a good grip on the internal penis we use the other hand to pull and stretch all external penis out ward while the other hand continue to dig deep and deeper into the internal penis. This whole time we are push ing very hard into internal penis while pulling and stretching the penis being exposed. Eventually you will be have to masturbate the new, exposed penis whole the low hand continues to expose new, untapped penis. In time the internal structure will become real, useable, visible penis. As a matter of fact I diid not think there was anyway for me to make bigger gain than I have but this new exercise seems to be unlimited to all men to claim new penis." - DLD

I'm interested in this stretch because my flacid stretched length is over an inch longer than my most recent BPEL measurement.

I've been training but not posting in here(tough with the whole family quarantined at home with me). I've been Doing lots of manual stretching and no girth because I'm worried about a vein on the left side of my glans. I'm going to just keep focusing on length until this thing is healed up.

@DLD your SRT thread is a goldmine of good information. I finally made it through all 60+ pages

I did have a question. It sounds to me after reading a lot on here that the downward stretches that attack the suspensory and fundiform ligaments might be the most important direction of stretch to focus on. Thoughts?
Warm Up
Bundled stretch 5 minutes
Newbie Stretch Routine
Assorted A and Y stretches
Testicle Health Massage

Applied hydrocortisone cream and now healing wrapped up.

I measured my BPFSL and easily got 19.2cm. So I'm still growing. I'm going to stick with this routine until I hit a plateau.

I might try and get another stretch in later today.
Make the forums only readable once posted? Gets rid of all the deadwood with no post

Well actually the forums have improved a lot.
I think spam n useless info gets detected n thrown into the recycle bin, Most men that visit the forums they really want gains, every now n then,you can find, useless stuff such as dating sites, gambling sites but they get deleted in no time IMO.
I was able to squeeze in a light girth session today. 300 light jelqs @75% erecrion and a couple of double compression squeezes. Now healing using a shoelace according to the principles of SRT.

I didn't measure(trying to hold off on measuring until May 12th which will be 3 months in PE) but I'm sure I'm growing in both BPEL and EG, ive never been so big. Exciting times. Thank you coronavirus for all the extra PE time!!
Warm up 5 min
Bundled stretch 5 min
Newb stretch routine 3x30s all directions
Rotary cranks 3x25 in all planes
Testicle massage

Now time to heal in accordance with principles of SRT, Hydrocortisone and wrapped. I will do one set of 25 rotary cranks and BTC stretches every hour for minimum of 6 hours and wrap up in between. I will do a kegel workout today and might get a girth session in later.
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Ligs were really sore after 6 days of stretching so today I did an hour erect stretching and girth work:
Bundled stretch 5 min
Erect stretches ~20 min
Bunch of jelqs
Bunch of SSJs
Horse Squeezes
Double compression squeeze
(2) 5 min sets of clamping with SSJs in between
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Still sore from all the stretching this week and beat up from yesterday's girth session so today was a light workout of 30 minutes of bundled stretches in all directions. Then wrapped up for 7 hours with 25 rotary cranks and a set of BTC stretches every hour.
Time was limited today so did what I could:
~10 min erect stretching
- bundles stretch 5 min
-BTC 3x45s
-downward angle 3x45s
-3x25 rotary cranks

healed in elongated state with wrap For 5 hours stretching BTC and 25 rotary cranks every hour.
Were you able to access all those videos without a problem?
Sunday 4/5/20:
I Woke up before the family and did a proper routine today.

Bundled stretch 5 min
3x60s beginner stretch in all directions
I will try to heal wrapped up all day and get a set of cranks and BTC stretches in every hour or so.

I used toilet paper for my grips today during stretching because baby powder is sometimes hard to get cleaned up quickly if the wife wakes up. The TP worked well as a grip and I got some good work done with it.

I haven't measured in a while but I can tell that I am growing based off where my stretches are getting to relative to my hips and other landmarks. Longer shaft makes it much easier to stretch with sufficient force. I think I may be on the verge of some fast gains. I'm excited to see what kind of progress I've made when I measure on May 12.
Did you try the site This is separate from the video section and includes all of the videos of the five phases. Between these two links so you should be able to find anything you want on video
I was not feeling motivated to PE today but I ended up getting a lot of work done.

Bundled stretch 5 min
BTC 3x45s
Downward angles 3x45s
Wrapped and healed all morning

Notes: experimented with latex gloves for stretching grips today and they were really nice. Definitely worth trying. I'm getting a lot of stretch marks from all this work and I'm looking for ways to mitigate this. I've been using hydrocortisone after every training session and today started using vitamin E oil. Hopefully these will help limit the damage. I think I'm gonna avoid the bundled double tunica stretches for a while. I was analyzing why I was getting so much loose skin/stretch marks and realized that this stretch (which Is definitely highly profitable for tunica stretching) was giving me most of my skin stretching.

Bundled stretch 5 min
Edging/Light JELQ for 15 min
Clamp 5 min
SSJ 5 min
Clamp 5 min
SSJ 5 min
Edging/JELQ 5 min

I had good expansion from the girth work and healed up with a shoelace for 90 minutes.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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