case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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I've done shockwave for ED and may have been caused by excessive pumping/jelqing. the doc did a ultrasound to check bloodflow and showed that I had venous leakage he said could be caused by those things. The shockwave helped repair that leakage and my erections came back very strong after the 3rd session. I did 6 total (about $2500). Highly recommend. The research for it is strong. But, must use targeted/focused shockwave NOT radial. Radial is what you get when you buy the unit off amazon. not effective
I've done shockwave for ED and may have been caused by excessive pumping/jelqing. the doc did a ultrasound to check bloodflow and showed that I had venous leakage he said could be caused by those things. The shockwave helped repair that leakage and my erections came back very strong after the 3rd session. I did 6 total (about $2500). Highly recommend. The research for it is strong. But, must use targeted/focused shockwave NOT radial. Radial is what you get when you buy the unit off amazon. not effective
This is a check mark on the LIST device win.

Since it's done by the clinical physician, that is definitely the focused device. If someone is using the home base radial device, we can put another positive check mark for the LIST win column.
I've done shockwave for ED and may have been caused by excessive pumping/jelqing. the doc did a ultrasound to check bloodflow and showed that I had venous leakage he said could be caused by those things. The shockwave helped repair that leakage and my erections came back very strong after the 3rd session. I did 6 total (about $2500). Highly recommend. The research for it is strong. But, must use targeted/focused shockwave NOT radial. Radial is what you get when you buy the unit off amazon. not effective

$2500! Wow that is a lot but if it is helping as you have stated it is priceless. I believe the last time I spoke with OldandLively $5000 was the price so you found a cheaper way or did insurance pay for some of this?
I've done shockwave for ED and may have been caused by excessive pumping/jelqing. the doc did a ultrasound to check bloodflow and showed that I had venous leakage he said could be caused by those things. The shockwave helped repair that leakage and my erections came back very strong after the 3rd session. I did 6 total (about $2500). Highly recommend. The research for it is strong. But, must use targeted/focused shockwave NOT radial. Radial is what you get when you buy the unit off amazon. not effective
Happy for you man!
ok. ive read every day for this entire injury. im still confused how i so easily did this. i keep thinking my glans nerves are shot. and i still do. yet the pelvic issues i feel make me struggle and i stay on the fence with it. im gonna list some facts just to clear my head. to me, when i injured myself, feeling loss should have have happened at time of injury? thats where i struggle a lot. cause it didnt.

1. the day i "injured" myself, i felt zero reason to expect an issue. felt as good as ever , if not more.
2. at least a couple days or more later, woke up hurt. didnt feel physically wrong. just wasnt plump and aroused as usual.
3. thought i had ed. even watched some mindfulness videos to help. found that foreplay helped a ton. sex was great.
4. during sex or mastur, noticed it felt "puffy" like fluid during erection. this eventually went away.
5. after around 4-5 weeks, had reactions to sex. very shrunk , wet,cold feeling. similar to now yet worse. started getting oversensitive. premature ejac. SUPER sensitive to touch .
. feeling in clothes diminished. if i was mentally aroused at all, it masked this . and still does.
6. had times erection would hurt. a few times ejaculating hurt. all gone now.
7. started excercising. supplements. seemed to start recovering. it was really not though. just covered it up .
8.had decent relief stretching at times around april-june.
9.foggy with timeline ,but had pelvic floor tightness. way improved these days. still an issue.
10. glans sometimes is red/burns with stimulation

so. i can and still do get erections every night. my glans feels everything with my finger. even sheets. although skewed. its not right. last night i woke erect, yet was hard to feel the sheets. hour later same thing, yet seemedto feel more. all day long , struggle to feel much at all. it shrinks due to this. soft feeling. i lose any feeling from a kegel. i just feel the tip touching here/there prickly. and its not good.

heres where me and my mind struggle all day. when i sit down lately, i get a light firey feeling. more of left side of my inner rectum up through my penis. more pronounced during kegel. i had this last night sitting in bed. the more i sit, i can tell. i generally dont feel any of this when i awake hard/kegel. or walking..also the left is where my glans usually stings. hasnt in awhile though.

so, this has extremely screwed me up. i cant function right. i feel my nerves are destroyed. yet it took quite awhile to even notice this effect. and i feel that alone cause my PF to cause issues. or somehow, im just way off , and i need to try something else.

things get very decent if i get my arousal to hang around. i stay girthy, i get plump off and on like old times. it feels really fair compared to otherwise. it just doesnt happen often, nor is it easy to figure out how i can get there enough to matter.its too late for nerves to heal it feels. yet sometimes, ive felt like it tried. seems like sex or something always causes a regression of the weird feelings. its just so hard to know
Get some peptides look at my post.
I’d agree. But stemmed from nerves was my point. Nerves bad= never getting out of this circle of nonsense I keep trying. I only get marginal improvement yet always back to zero. I’m stuck in excercise hell for not much relief. And only when resting. You should see when I run. It’s flat out ridiculous how small a penis can get. And within seconds . Of course I don’t start with a whole lot now either.

Unless I’m wrong and Prostatitis is causing this glans inflammation, and lack of feeling. It’s super bad when I’m beyond
Iimp. Which is my new day to day life. Some days I think maybe that’s the case. But the way it came on is just weird. Had no feeling loss or pain. Just turtled feeling. Took a good month or 6 week to start getting over sensitive ,which eventually started heading toward stinging, and feeling loss. I don’t get so much stinging anymore. But the top of the glans rubbing my clothes and just a tickle here and there is majorly unsettling. But seems to be only really bothersome when I’m at my new normal smallness. The times I have my package back(rare), it’s not bad at all
You may want to get into the gym man and try the peptides like I said. Perhaps hormone therapy.
How are you doing notmeanymore? I have not seen you post in a few days.
$2500! Wow that is a lot but if it is helping as you have stated it is priceless. I believe the last time I spoke with OldandLively $5000 was the price so you found a cheaper way or did insurance pay for some of this?
Unfortunately, it's not FDA approved yet. That's the going rate here in Austin and well worth it. I no longer require trimix/quadmix
Unfortunately, it's not FDA approved yet. That's the going rate here in Austin and well worth it. I no longer require trimix/quadmix
That stinks that insurance does not pay. So sorry about that. Do you need to pay 2500 for each treatment or is it once and done. Glad it's helping and I pray you can get exactly what you want 🙏🏽
That stinks that insurance does not pay. So sorry about that. Do you need to pay 2500 for each treatment or is it once and done. Glad it's helping and I pray you can get exactly what you want 🙏🏽
I paid it upfront and that took six sessions I think.
Yes in Greece it's cheaper though like 1800 for 6 sessions
That not so bad when you consider in the USA it is as much as 5000. So glad you found an inexpensive way forward.
How are you doing notmeanymore? I have not seen you post in a few days.
Not good. Same ole same. This will sound like I’m fine. But far,far from it. I give up really. It’s so damaged, if theres no improvement by now, what’s the point. I had sex 5 times last week. Other than that, I feel absolutely terrible every day. Can’t feel what’s there, what I do feel, is distant and irritating.

Went to clinic to see about shockwave and exosomes. Eh. I just can’t make myself believe there’s any chance of that helping anything this far out. At 10g, I’d just rather my family get that when I’m gone ,when my body is tired of dealing with this.

New doctor. She’s better than any man I’ve ever seen. It’s not gonna help anything, but she’s trying. She has me on Cialis since I’ve never really tried . It helps,but I still can’t feel much.Within first 10 minute, she asked about hard flaccid. Ordered hormone check, and Lumbar, and sacrum MRI. All of this won’t go anywhere but I don’t really care anymore. I killed everything. I don’t understand it,but it is what it is. I hate every day. I hate myself. I stay alive to provide and play with my kids. I can’t enjoy anything period like this. My glans is same as always. I either feel nothing, or irritation. Somehow, I have sex and feel all of it , and it’s not bad at all. Too confusing to even think about anymore. Can still feel everything on glans. But some days are worse than others. Feels like I have a condom on sorta. Took a year to get this bad. Guess that’s all over now and I’m just where I am.

Cialis has me all over the place. Will have zero effect half the day, then randomly I’ll swell up. Sometimes, I get full on boner. It’s all or nothing. Dick don’t look like mine. Red, flushed, still have pains sitting and kegeling. Pretty much a merry go round of repeat, repeat. Cannot masturbate,nor do I want to anymore. It is really stupid what my dick looks like if I try. Gets red, stings, bloated feeling. burns when I do it. Sex usually does none of that. Wake up rock hard every night several times. Sometimes glans is nice and inflated. Even feels pretty decent. Sometimes it doesn’t, and the feeling is wrong. It’s just what I am now. Not really a man.
Not good. Same ole same. This will sound like I’m fine. But far,far from it. I give up really. It’s so damaged, if theres no improvement by now, what’s the point. I had sex 5 times last week. Other than that, I feel absolutely terrible every day. Can’t feel what’s there, what I do feel, is distant and irritating.
It sounds like you are getting better. Having sex 5 times in a week is a very good. I believe you are getting better.
Went to clinic to see about shockwave and exosomes. Eh. I just can’t make myself believe there’s any chance of that helping anything this far out. At 10g, I’d just rather my family get that when I’m gone ,when my body is tired of dealing with this.
Well I would continue to go through everything to find the issue. I would never stop searching if I had these issues. Keep going as I feel you will ultimately find something soon.
New doctor. She’s better than any man I’ve ever seen. It’s not gonna help anything, but she’s trying. She has me on Cialis since I’ve never really tried . It helps,but I still can’t feel much.Within first 10 minute, she asked about hard flaccid. Ordered hormone check, and Lumbar, and sacrum MRI. All of this won’t go anywhere but I don’t really care anymore. I killed everything. I don’t understand it,but it is what it is. I hate every day. I hate myself. I stay alive to provide and play with my kids. I can’t enjoy anything period like this. My glans is same as always. I either feel nothing, or irritation. Somehow, I have sex and feel all of it , and it’s not bad at all. Too confusing to even think about anymore. Can still feel everything on glans. But some days are worse than others. Feels like I have a condom on sorta. Took a year to get this bad. Guess that’s all over now and I’m just where I am.

I would put a great confidence in you new doctor. Don't think that nothing is going to work before you have gone through these suggestions. Try everything with confidence it may work.
Cialis has me all over the place. Will have zero effect half the day, then randomly I’ll swell up. Sometimes, I get full on boner. It’s all or nothing. Dick don’t look like mine. Red, flushed, still have pains sitting and kegeling. Pretty much a merry go round of repeat, repeat. Cannot masturbate,nor do I want to anymore. It is really stupid what my dick looks like if I try. Gets red, stings, bloated feeling. burns when I do it. Sex usually does none of that. Wake up rock hard every night several times. Sometimes glans is nice and inflated. Even feels pretty decent. Sometimes it doesn’t, and the feeling is wrong. It’s just what I am now. Not really a man.
So many different issues but I think you should stop all pe until you figure it out. It is a good sign you are getting sporadic erection and having sex. I will continue to pray for you to find out what's going on with you ASAP.
It sounds like you are getting better. Having sex 5 times in a week is a very good. I believe you are getting better.
This is where you are wrong. I can have sex any day of the week if I want, I am not better,
So many different issues but I think you should stop all pe until you figure it out. It is a good sign you are getting sporadic erection and having sex. I will continue to pray for you to find out what's going on with you ASAP.
So. I have not, NOR DO I EVER WANT TO do any PE ever again. If anybody ever enters this hell I woke up with, you would never try it again, EVER.
This is where you are wrong. I can have sex any day of the week if I want, I am not better,

So. I have not, NOR DO I EVER WANT TO do any PE ever again. If anybody ever enters this hell I woke up with, you would never try it again, EVER.

It's to each his own in pursuing something, be a race car driver, a dare devil, or simply eating too much of a good food or use of a pain killer. Each of us enter into our own hell, and discovered something that we are not meant to enter. It's a good general warning, but it's not a universal warning as each of us is different. Your body actually have tell-tale signs of something, and PE is a trigger to speed up that trigger. It can be as early as last year for you, or it can be later a few years from now, but that trigger is already there, built, and just either need time or a catalyst to cause it to manifest faster.

So, a lesson learned, and a lesson to keep close to the heart when we all venture into something far beyond our natural bodies meant to go.
So, a lesson learned, and a lesson to keep close to the heart when we all venture into something far beyond our natural bodies meant to go.
So true. It also requires different therapies to try. Never give up! Eventually you will find a solution. Put your trust in Jesus and ask Him for healing. no better doctor than God. Pray for a solution to end this. Never stop praying as God will show you a way.
That's perfectly fine if that's your mindset in life brother. Just beware all of the BS in life out there as well to safeguard yourself further brother, including alternative fuels, filtered water, medicines, x-ray, supplements, protective equipments, plastic containers, canned goods, processes foods, edible crops, etc. They will hurt and kill you too. Life on this planet is too fragile to live luxuriously. Too many BSes to deal with.
You all are unreal. That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The way you talk about this so calmly, as a trigger like it was supposed to happen anyway. I didn’t trigger anything. I listened to nonsense in a bad moment. If a car falls on me, I guess that triggered my body to crush. So dumb
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No need to become angry over the situation. There are inherent dangers when you practice anything or do anything.

For example, I just got into an accident riding my bicycle. I broke enough bones to make a person wonders, "Why oh why would you ride a bike and destroyed your body that will effect the rest of your life?" I can't feel half of my body at the moment. Imagine the pains and numbness I will be feeling for the rest of my natural life.

My neighbors smoke medicinal cannabis to feel better from psychological episodes that occur since years ago. They bought cheap and tainted batches to save money for the long haul so they can enjoy comfortable life with less pains and relaxed nervous systems. They ended up in the hospital for laced chemical overdoses, strokes, and now, they are laying in a comma. If they come out of the comma, what internal damages do you think they suffered?

The politician near us encouraged self governance control of the neighborhood using drastic measures because the lack of police response time. The neighborhoods took to arms and killed young people that caused the disturbances through vigilante. Now, the residents face prison time and repercussions.

Can you read the hidden issues, inherent dangers, and triggers between the examples above? What you believe it's not the issues and ignore them simply brought to light after a trigger or series of actioned triggers. There are enough researches and warnings for you to listen to, heed by, and decided upon before you moved forward with the selected personal choice. The so called BSes have been provided as empirical info, data, and results. You selected the option to move forward based on the provided info. It's literally saying, "I am a street light, stopped, and waiting for the green light to turn. Oh, the red light is turned green. The opposite traffics is not stopping. Pfff..whatever. It's my decision to drive forward since it's my green light." We can drone on and on about this. However...

Please look back on the earlier discussions during diagnostic. We did ask for probable issues and tell-tale signs over and over again. The signs were ignored. Read carefully. If you need us to revisit and quote the discussions, we'll be glad to.
Yeah… dude, I’d have loved to see a sign to ignore. There were zero signs. I did this,then felt perfectly fine. Then woke up different and am now what ever I am. I’m not sure why you keep trying to make this into something it isn’t,
Sorry if I made you perceive it as something that it isn't. The intent is simply a reminder that we're all humans, and we do things according to our own decisions because we want something more. When things go sideways, we blame everything else but our own selves for being just a bit more greedy with our own lives. This is why I always make fun of myself, knowing my own nature and knowing what I'm up against. It's literally the entire universe. The great signs is that you're still pursuing medical treatment with a new physician. You still haven't given up. The new physician is giving you treatment options while others in the past didn't, although, one option is quite expensive. There are still holistic methods that you haven't try yet, but that's another personal decision to bank upon, since the holistic approach is another uncertain path. This is where you either fully give up or fully pursue a cure. Don't idle in the middle. No matter what path you take, know that the brothers here will pray for you.
I wasn’t really being greedy per se. just thought I was doing what I was supposed to . I felt zero pain or problems whatsoever. Reckon that doesn’t matter. Holistic stuff or even medical probably isn’t gonna amount to much at this point. Over a year and a half. Not much is gonna change now I’d say. Dead man walking . Slowly walking that is
Nah. Dead man's walking is merely a saying of, "Even a zombie can live again." Perspective and ambition is important brother. If I have given up, I would be a 300lb fatso, with more than 20 screws in my body, 3 plates holding my skeleton in place, an improper healed crack skull, and complete numbness from top to bottom. That is a case of a dead man crawling. Even so, if you can still crawl, make every movement worth it. Make every movement count. Make every movement toward a solution. This is the reason why I'm armed with every knowledge, wisdom, and experience I can get my hands on. If you can still slowly walk, reach out and grab any known solution available. The internet is full of data. Use AIs if you have to and pull together as much evidence as you can. Make personal decisions that will not only benefit you, but your family as well. Each step is surely filled with uncertainty, but it's a gamble to get better. Standing still will only cement you in pure frustration and uncertainty. Of course, it's a personal decision at every step.
Please no anger here just trying to help you. We are all for you and no one is against you. There is no better place for this issue than right here. Please be respectful as we continue to help you. Anger will truly destroy anything you try. We will support you through this and respect your doctor as we figure out what's going on
No matter how you want to paint the picture, it’s pretty much over, I can only just pretend and survive now. It ain’t fun. Nor is it changing much. All I’m doing is adapting. And that’s not really a good thing. Getting used to this is absolute garbage. Total garbage of a life.
No matter how you want to paint the picture, it’s pretty much over, I can only just pretend and survive now. It ain’t fun. Nor is it changing much. All I’m doing is adapting. And that’s not really a good thing. Getting used to this is absolute garbage. Total garbage of a life.
I know you are not in the mood to hear anyone here, but why dont you spend just 2 minutes to read my post?
I have been in your position. I know how it is, how it feels. The thing is that you must wake up your self, and get up, because you will waste time here. Your problem is a multimodal problem and like all problems it takes time to heal.
You have to start a session with a therapist, maybe get some anti-depressants so you can get up and see things more positive.
Then, you have to do exercise for your pelvic ground, daily exercise for your body, moderate PE sessions to fix things up, do whatever it takes to fix the problem. Trust me, you will lose so much time and you will regret it.
There is always a solution.
I had ED for... 20 years? Premature Ejaculation from?? hm.. I do not remember? From my first encounter?
I was on meds with bipolar depression. Ups and downs. Never calm. So difficult life.
Trust me, you need to find the balance inside you, speaking with yourself first.
I did not have someone to teach me these things and lost so much time trying to figure out things.
But hear this out:: When I stopped care about my ED, PrematureEJ, PE Gains etc, they all suddenly came wtf :)) this is something that many people live to tell the story. Life is yours. Claim it back.
I know you are not in the mood to hear anyone here, but why dont you spend just 2 minutes to read my post?
I have been in your position. I know how it is, how it feels. The thing is that you must wake up your self, and get up, because you will waste time here. Your problem is a multimodal problem and like all problems it takes time to heal.
You have to start a session with a therapist, maybe get some anti-depressants so you can get up and see things more positive.
Then, you have to do exercise for your pelvic ground, daily exercise for your body, moderate PE sessions to fix things up, do whatever it takes to fix the problem. Trust me, you will lose so much time and you will regret it.
There is always a solution.
I had ED for... 20 years? Premature Ejaculation from?? hm.. I do not remember? From my first encounter?
I was on meds with bipolar depression. Ups and downs. Never calm. So difficult life.
Trust me, you need to find the balance inside you, speaking with yourself first.
I did not have someone to teach me these things and lost so much time trying to figure out things.
But hear this out:: When I stopped care about my ED, PrematureEJ, PE Gains etc, they all suddenly came wtf :)) this is something that many people live to tell the story. Life is yours. Claim it back.
That’s a great idea and all. But …I don’t really have ED. I mean,the daytime is garbage in that respect. But if my wife shows up ,it’s game on always. No idea how. I had it 5 times last week. And I wake up rock hard every night multiple times. I would trade all of that to feel normal again. At work. Or anywhere.

I’m awake, I’m up. I’ve worked my butt off the last month every day. It absolutely SUCKS. I’m totally uncomfortable almost all hours of the day. The more I move, the more I work, the less I feel. So no, nobody on here has been there,or knows how I feel. I wish I didn’t. It’s the absolute worst quality of life you can imagine. And even then, it’s worse than that. Believe me. I already went to a therapist. That’s a joke. The last one tried till I explained things. He then said, man I can usually relate to a person,and can get their head turned around, but I hate to say I can’t relate to how bad you feel at all. My therapy is God,and that’s it.

I’ve done all the pelvic crap. It does nothing anymore. I’ve worked too much lately ,and I’m too sore and worn out to even care to try stretching anymore. Even when I did get minimal results,the next day was back to square one anyway. PE is not gonna “fix anything up”. It’s already done enough fixing me. I have whatever life I have now, and that’s pretty much that, unless God irons it out years from now. I’m not really sure I wanna even be around to see , but that’s just how I feel anymore. I’ve fought this so long, and you have no idea how hard it is, to have no feeling at all in your dick, but at the same time, still have all the feeling in your dick. It’s too dumb to even comprehend. So , yeah. Everyday usually , my goal is to pretend I’m normal, do what I can to avert my mind, so I can make it to bed time. That’s about it.
That’s a great idea and all. But …I don’t really have ED. I mean,the daytime is garbage in that respect. But if my wife shows up ,it’s game on always. No idea how. I had it 5 times last week. And I wake up rock hard every night multiple times. I would trade all of that to feel normal again. At work. Or anywhere.

I’m awake, I’m up. I’ve worked my butt off the last month every day. It absolutely SUCKS. I’m totally uncomfortable almost all hours of the day. The more I move, the more I work, the less I feel. So no, nobody on here has been there,or knows how I feel. I wish I didn’t. It’s the absolute worst quality of life you can imagine. And even then, it’s worse than that. Believe me. I already went to a therapist. That’s a joke. The last one tried till I explained things. He then said, man I can usually relate to a person,and can get their head turned around, but I hate to say I can’t relate to how bad you feel at all. My therapy is God,and that’s it.

I’ve done all the pelvic crap. It does nothing anymore. I’ve worked too much lately ,and I’m too sore and worn out to even care to try stretching anymore. Even when I did get minimal results,the next day was back to square one anyway. PE is not gonna “fix anything up”. It’s already done enough fixing me. I have whatever life I have now, and that’s pretty much that, unless God irons it out years from now. I’m not really sure I wanna even be around to see , but that’s just how I feel anymore. I’ve fought this so long, and you have no idea how hard it is, to have no feeling at all in your dick, but at the same time, still have all the feeling in your dick. It’s too dumb to even comprehend. So , yeah. Everyday usually , my goal is to pretend I’m normal, do what I can to avert my mind, so I can make it to bed time. That’s about it.
I understand your frustration. Being frustrated for your problem or for my problem does not change the feeling of frustration. I understand the way you see your problem as unique, but hey, my friend, someone has to tell you the truth the way it is. Thousands of people are frustrated for their reasons.
It took me 16 months to overcome my pelvic floor problems, my ED problems. My PE problems. It took me 3 years to feel "relaxed" because of bipolar depression. Trust me your problem is not as unique as you need to see it that way because we all have our frustrations.

For how long do you do your stretching exercises ? Do you do them for 12 months in a row? Is everything you have done so far for a big period of time? If you do things for 1-2 months and change to another thing, of course you will not find your solution.

Also, taken into account your character and the way you say things, I am assuming that you go hardcore on many things. Sometimes "the dose must be lowered for the best result". This applies to every matter we are facing, dear friend.

To me, when you say "you wake up woody in the morning", "having 5 times sex previous week", I really do not understand if in reality, there is a problem. Maybe you have to big expectations of your self? Why dont you try to solve this matter with a therapist? When I say therapist I am not meaning you go there for 1-2 months and say "hey nothing happened". I mean, go for 1-2 years, and then come back and say "it didn't work".
I understand your frustration. Being frustrated for your problem or for my problem does not change the feeling of frustration. I understand the way you see your problem as unique, but hey, my friend, someone has to tell you the truth the way it is. Thousands of people are frustrated for their reasons.
It took me 16 months to overcome my pelvic floor problems, my ED problems. My PE problems. It took me 3 years to feel "relaxed" because of bipolar depression. Trust me your problem is not as unique as you need to see it that way because we all have our frustrations.

For how long do you do your stretching exercises ? Do you do them for 12 months in a row? Is everything you have done so far for a big period of time? If you do things for 1-2 months and change to another thing, of course you will not find your solution.

Also, taken into account your character and the way you say things, I am assuming that you go hardcore on many things. Sometimes "the dose must be lowered for the best result". This applies to every matter we are facing, dear friend.

To me, when you say "you wake up woody in the morning", "having 5 times sex previous week", I really do not understand if in reality, there is a problem. Maybe you have to big expectations of your self? Why dont you try to solve this matter with a therapist? When I say therapist I am not meaning you go there for 1-2 months and say "hey nothing happened". I mean, go for 1-2 years, and then come back and say "it didn't work".
Yup. Been waiting for somebody to say it was in my head. Let me be really clear. This is not a mental problem. I have physical. Damage here. My glans is not right. I’d say I’m 80 % dead when I have clothes on. It feels terrible. What I do feel touching my clothes is very unsettling. It’s not even the right color anymore. If I rub it on my zipper when I take a piss, I feel it all, but it’s really scratchy and over reported. It ain’t right. At night when it’s hard, it feels it’s best, but it’s still not right. Feeling is not corr3ct. Glans is always fairly flushed, or even red at times. If I even try to masturbate, it’s even worse and will burn while being quite red. So , yes, there’s a problem. Nothing mental about it. Does it give me anxiety? Absolutely. But not near what I had a year ago. I know it’s gone. Probably for good. Nothing a therapist can do to make it feel any better or fix it. I could actually care less about erections anymore. I just want to walk to the mailbox without feeling like I either have nothing, or the smallest over sensitive stinging penis there is.
I never said you are mentally ill. I said I was mentally ill. What I meant is whatever your situation is, talking with a therapist to calm down the stress might end up opening your mind when you are relaxted for new things and new solutions.
There is nothing a man can't achieve in this life.
I never said you are mentally ill. I said I was mentally ill. What I meant is whatever your situation is, talking with a therapist to calm down the stress might end up opening your mind when you are relaxted for new things and new solutions.
There is nothing a man can't achieve in this life.
You said since I have erections, you wonder if there’s even a problem. The only thing calming the stress down is my body slowly getting used to not having what I’ve always had. And it may not ever happen fully. Or at all
You are getting a lot of great options and I pray you read through them and apply what is offered.
Where? There’s literally no options to get feeling back
I think, at this point, you may want to see a psychologist for extra help. We are doing everything we can to help you and nothing positive has helped. I do think some of these problems can be solved with phycology exam you may start to get some better feedback.
It hasn’t helped ,cause there is no help for this. Psychologist isn’t going to heal anything either. I just have to get used to what I feel now for buying into a retarded idea to hurt myself
I guarantee that this behavior - this negativeness you very got, is a result of your life and a therapist can solve it
Yeah. Negative ness is a result of how I am now. Sure. I’ll agree to that. Not much use in caring past that though. Ain’t gonna make it any better. I can be as positive as I want, some days I am, doest change the fact that this absolutely blows,and I’ll never be a normal person ever again. Nothing, and I mean nothing is desirable to do anymore. And I don’t. I only do what others want to do, or work. Nothing a therapist can tell me to change that. Cause they have no idea what this is either.
Yeah. Negative ness is a result of how I am now. Sure. I’ll agree to that. Not much use in caring past that though. Ain’t gonna make it any better. I can as positive as I want, some days I am, doest change the fact that this absolutely blows,and I’ll never be a normal person ever again. Nothing, and I mean nothing is desirable to do anymore. And I don’t. I only do what others want to do, or work. Nothing a therapist can tell me to change that. Cause they have no idea what this is either.
A gynecologist does not know the ways of universe and God but he still helps bring the baby to life.
To a scientist it does not matter what's your problem because he will teach you how to solve problems on your own and how to think about problems. It does not matter what you have.
You speak like you need someone to understand you but this is not the case here my friend.
A gynecologist does not know the ways of universe and God but he still helps bring the baby to life.
To a scientist it does not matter what's your problem because he will teach you how to solve problems on your own and how to think about problems. It does not matter what you have.
You speak like you need someone to understand you but this is not the case here my friend.
Reckon I don’t see the point then. I tried a therapist once. I felt worse. Dealing with that crap just gave me even more anxiety about it, much like going to the doctor. I’d rather just stay away from the entire planet from now on. Therapy doesn’t give me my life back. That’s all I need, and I’ll never recover that.
As we all have mentioned going as far back as half a year ago, you have to maintain a positive outlook regardless of the situation. If you pray to God to provide you the healing, you can't be the person that sits around and do bare minimum. Take Jonah, Peter, the three slaves that held onto their master coins, and many others. They complained all they wanted, but those who act upon the available resources at their disposals to pursue His (hidden) wills meant for them, they received many blessings and healings along the way.

We are your sign posts, brother. We are His lambs that keep on telling you to get off your butt, stop whining, and pursue possible methods of finding a solution and not just patching jobs to alleviate the symptoms. What you contribute as a whole brings the brothers of Christ one step closer to helping each other in desperate times. What you have a unique case, just like @kriskros. He nearly gave up a few times, but he pushed through and discovered a path for himself. Now, he can guide other brothers with similar conditions forward. I have my own unique cases that I already suffered through, and still am suffering through. With the personal experience, knowledge, and wisdom I build up along the way, I can guide brothers in this brotherhood forward. Bitching and whining don't accomplish anything. Collaborative efforts do. I lost count on how many consultation and methods of approaches @kriskros and I hammered out just to get to where he is now.
I completely agree. Becoming a Brother in Christ you have access to the greatest healer ever Jesus. We tried physical we tried therapy now I think it's time to go spiritual. If you are not a Christian and pray you do and it's easy, repent and accept Christ as the Lord and God. That's it! No rituals not even going to church, just repent and believe. This was the smartest thing I ever did. Having the Holy Spirit to guide you into a better future. I pray you find your way.
Im Up off my butt plenty. Probably do more work than most .even today. I’m glad Kris Kris is fixed. I’m also aware that he wasn’t damaged beyond repair. Big difference. This just isn’t going anywhere soon.maybe years from now. That’s all I can hope for. Nerves are not right. No excercising fixes that. And I am a Christian. I try hard to be. I struggle a lot being that it’s a lot of hypocritical stuff everywhere. And I end up like this. I was not a Christian when I did this. I also do not feel anything on this website has anything to do with Christianity whatsoever. I am not proud at all to even come here and read anything anymore. It’s depressing,and not me. At all.wish satan had never got in my head to get me where I am today.

And maybe I do whine sometimes. There’s not a single one of you that wouldn’t either, or would even be lucky to be alive if it were you. This is no joke, and you can’t just be positive and be all flowers and happiness. It’s the worst life you could possibly imagine. Then multiply that by 10.
Well, let's break things down a bit on your way of thinking.

When a brother is searching a way to mend himself through PE to ensure his relationship with his lover is strong and more passionate, preventing his sexual prowess from dropping to nothingness, it's not Christian-like? When the brothers encourage each other on through a body of Christ to heal and to succeed, it's not Christian-like? When we try to pull all our knowledge together to make sure we bring new ideas and hope to one another, it's not Christian-like? When we announce blessing in His name and through Jesus Christ, it's not Christian-like? When we rebuke one another who are in the body of Christ, we are not Christian-like? I truly fear what Christians should be like.

You have to understand that the brothers that want to increase their penises for other purposes that go beyond what Christians should be like, but you have to ask yourself, "Are they following what being taught, or what belief they are following is the same as yours?" We have brothers from all walks of life. We cannot force our religious preferences upon them. Will you go to a clinic or hospital that only preaches to you about how to live a life only devoting to give money to them, to the cause of using only medicines, and ignore any other options that others may provide no matter how small the medical or emotional issues may be? If you have a headache, use the most expensive medicines they have to offer. If you have a cut, use the most expensive cellular restoration technology at hand.

Here, we join hands with brothers from all walks of life, providing information about how they can uplift themselves from their depression, provide PE practices to maintain their sexual health, and provide bondship with their significant others. If they use for other purposes, that on them. That cannot be condemned upon the act of this brotherhood and the brothers are are willing to help one another out. If we messed up along the way for other things, that's definitely on us for being foolish to pursue PE for personal gains on different levels. But to restore ourselves to peak conditions to prevent our relationships from stagnation, degradation, or destroy our own lives because of depressions due to ED or inadequacy, where is the darkside or the influence of the devil in that? If that's being influenced by the devil, then we are all 100% sinful against God, and completely against God for making us from caring about our loved ones. If you like to bring the scriptures into play:

The Song of Solomon
Proverbs 5:15-20
Romans 12:15
1 Peter 4:8
1 Corinthians 7:5
1 Corinthians 13
Ephesians 5:25-28

I can keep going. Your body is not yours, and her body is not hers. They belong to each other. We do our best to satisfy each other to prevent tiredness and separation. No matter how painful the processes are, we push through thick and thin for one another. In the body of Christ, we do the same for one another to the best that we can. But it takes the person's role of actions to pursue the objectives and goals while the rest provide encouragement. We are not your arms and legs. Only you can do what needed to be done. If all these actions we've done so far are of the devil and his works, then we don't know what else we can do to be Christian-like. We can only pray that you find a different group, church gathering, or someone you can claim that provides you the Christian-like path you're looking for.
One of the most important things I do to bring brothers to Christ. This entire Brotherhood was begun with a focus on Jesus and I have delivered His message in most of my post. I want all brothers to feel the grace of Christ and discover how powerful this is. I am happy you are Christian and now I just want you to put your faith in God and how He is the best healer. With God nothing is impossible. As the Holy Book says "With God on your side who can be against it."
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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