DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Here's a pic of me extended with the LG hanger and vac mod. Do you see how much shaft is available for heat?
View attachment 1824759

Now here's a pic of me actually hanging and applying US heat as well as heat from my NIR heat lamp. I can and sometimes do roll up sleeve a quarter inch onto itself for even more shaft exposure.
View attachment 1824760

The whole shaft is feeling the stretch. What's getting heated will experience the most elongation but some of that heat will dissipate to whole penis. What's not getting directly heated is glans and whatever sleeve is covering. That's better than only a warm up. That's better than nothing. There's not much improvement that can be done on the system. A vacuum hanger will allow more shaft exposure.
Here's a pic of me extended with the LG hanger and vac mod. Do you see how much shaft is available for heat?
View attachment 1824759

Now here's a pic of me actually hanging and applying US heat as well as heat from my NIR heat lamp. I can and sometimes do roll up sleeve a quarter inch onto itself for even more shaft exposure.
View attachment 1824760

The whole shaft is feeling the stretch. What's getting heated will experience the most elongation but some of that heat will dissipate to whole penis. What's not getting directly heated is glans and whatever sleeve is covering. That's better than only a warm up. That's better than nothing. There's not much improvement that can be done on the system. A vacuum hanger will allow more shaft exposure.

Okay now I understand it better. I have to modify the sleeve so it is strong enough to hang and leaving enough shaft skin to apply the gel and ultrasound ?

Your setup is very nice. ??
What you could do is hang one set with heat one without. Or 20 min heat last 10 min without.

What I want to do is keeping the heat steady for as long as possible at an as high temperature as possible and I think if you do 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off it will cool down too much (dick temperature) if
you have to wait for 30 minutes so that’s why I figured that 10 on/10 off would be better so more continuously heating is possible. And you said one ‘s dick shaft needs to get heated for 20-30 minutes straight but maybe that deep dick shaft optimal core temperature could be reached in two sets of 10 minutes with 10 minutes downtime as well...
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I feel the heat mostly at my legs and I don’t know how to position this infrared lamp so its radiation targets the shaft only. I am thinking about modifications like making some cardboard at all 4 sides of the infrared lamp which creates some sort of tunnel like effect for a more targeted concentrated heat source directly at the shaft because now I feel my legs heating up way more than the actual dick shaft ?
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So I tried to position the infrared lamp on the ground targeting the heat upwards to the shaft but the distance is too far. Either I have to lower the height of my desk chair or I have to put the infrared lamp on something which doesn’t burn so it can be elevated and doing its job properly becauseI didn’t feel any heat whatsoever on my dick shaft ?

I feel that my legs are getting roasted so I have to warm some sort of protection because the heat is pretty intense on my legs lol
View attachment 1824764

I set the distance of the lamp to 20 cm / 8 inches and my legs and desk chair are getting very hot !
My testicles are protected by the edge of the desk chair fortunately... The heat is now very intense and I feel it all along the shaft and I feel it gets penetrated deep into my tunica.

I think 20 cm is too short it needs to be at 30 cm or something because the heat will become unbearable after a few hours of hanging!
It takes ultrasound about 5 min to get into therapeutic range and heat is deep so usually skin will be just a little warm. Out of safety I've limited ultrasound heat to 20 min.

Infrared heat takes much longer to get into this range. You'll feel it burning the skin before the heat is absorbed deeper. It can feel like it's burning skin but not heating very deep. Look how I hang. I hang through my boxers. That protects my balls and inner thighs. It can take up to 20 minutes to get into therapeutic range with infrared, that's why I said 20 to 30 min.

You'll have to play around with distance. You want it close enough to be uncomfortable but not so close to get burned. I usually heat from top down with IR.

It takes at least 10 minutes to cool down, at least. So you'll be okay with one set without heat as long af rest times are short. My research has shown, especially with ultrasound, that you don't want to do warm ups. Only apply heat while under tension while it softens the collagen bonds. To maximize this effect cool down naturally (no added cooling). This cooling effect takes away least 10 minutes. So what you do with this knowledge is up to you. I'd definitely at least cool down under tension last set.
View attachment 1824765

This situation is FAR from ideal but hey it gets the heat flowing a bit. My legs are thoroughly heated up and it’s not good because they are about to get fried.... I felt a little bit dizzy when walking around after my first hour of hanging.

I’ll do 2 hours of hanging tonight and then call it off for tonight because it’s getting late already and I really have to get used to this new heat source.
It takes ultrasound about 5 min to get into therapeutic range and heat is deep so usually skin will be just a little warm. Out of safety I've limited ultrasound heat to 20 min.

Infrared heat takes much longer to get into this range. You'll feel it burning the skin before the heat is absorbed deeper. It can feel like it's burning skin but not heating very deep. Look how I hang. I hang through my boxers. That protects my balls and inner thighs. It can take up to 20 minutes to get into therapeutic range with infrared, that's why I said 20 to 30 min.

You'll have to play around with distance. You want it close enough to be uncomfortable but not so close to get burned. I usually heat from top down with IR.

It takes at least 10 minutes to cool down, at least. So you'll be okay with one set without heat as long af rest times are short. My research has shown, especially with ultrasound, that you don't want to do warm ups. Only apply heat while under tension while it softens the collagen bonds. To maximize this effect cool down naturally (no added cooling). This cooling effect takes away least 10 minutes. So what you do with this knowledge is up to you. I'd definitely at least cool down under tension last set.

If only I could get a thermometer to measure the core temperature of the dick shaft.... Maybe I can measure the dickshaft skin temperature to gauge its effects.
Also you'll be first in line to get heat from top down instead of chair like you are currently doing it.

I’m gonna try a new set up with hanging straight upwards while lying down in bed and having the infrared lamp shining on my shaft 15 minutes on/ 10 minutes off .... I am doing what I can because if I go for 20 minutes on or longer it might explode in my face, i’m using this heat till I can get the ultrasound device for the time being.
With everything in PE take your time! There is never a rush when learning something new, take your time and be gentle with yourself and stay away from frustration.
I wouldn't assume it's going to explode. Literally never heard of it happening. As long as you utilize common sense you should be okay. Nice set up. Idk about the ice pack though I'd just place a towel or hang through boxes to protect them.
I wouldn't assume it's going to explode. Literally never heard of it happening. As long as you utilize common sense you should be okay. Nice set up. Idk about the ice pack though I'd just place a towel or hang through boxes to protect them.

I take the ice pack off after a few minutes because it only needs a little bit of cooling here and there.
I don’t want to freeze my balls and sperm lol. I alternate the position of the infrared lamp. One set on the left side of my body and 2nd set on the right side of my body so the whole shaft gets a good heating. I’m two hours in of hanging at the moment. Maybe i’ll get to 3 hours tonight.
View attachment 1824766

Look: my new set up for lying in bed while hanging upwards ! I can position the infrared lamp next to my body and I can relax for hours while reading a book or surfing the net while I get length gains ?

Just wait to see what I’m about to build it’s going to be the best PE room ever and where I’m going to do all of the new videos for the brotherhood
Just wait to see what I’m about to build it’s going to be the best PE room ever and where I’m going to do all of the new videos for the brotherhood

Yeah I want that too! I want a special PE room with all kinds of pulley systems for comfortable hanging sessions. I’d put a comfy sofa in it and a bed to lie on and a big TV screen to watch my favorite games / movies. I’ll breeze through the hours getting my hanging sessions easily in every day ! ??
Yeah I want that too! I want a special PE room with all kinds of pulley systems for comfortable hanging sessions. I’d put a comfy sofa in it and a bed to lie on and a big TV screen to watch my favorite games / movies. I’ll breeze through the hours getting my hanging sessions easily in every day ! ??

I’m going to have it within two months. I bought the house that I have been living in and now I have access to 2500 ft.² more than I did before. I have a room that’s about 12 x 15 that I will dedicate to the brotherhood. This is where I plan to do all of the video work.
Wednesday october 9th

SiliStretcher2 hanging + infrared lamp 15 mins on/ 5-10 mins off continuously:

1st set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins

pre-BPFSL: 20.2 cm (7.55 inches)
post-BPFSL: 20.4 cm

strain: ((20.4 cm : 20.2 cm) * 100 %) = 0.99019608
1 - 0.99019608 = 0.98 %

Well I don’t know for how long I hung exactly but it should be around the 3-3.5 hour mark. Last 30 minutes was a cooling down set without heat. The constant heat seems to give a little bit of strain.

I don’t know if I get strain when training cold without any heat.

Let’s see if I can get a better strain tomorrow. Mind you this was with a load of 1 kg so very low amount of weights! I still got a little bit of strain so I cannot complain. If I increase the amount of weights I will get more and more strain.
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Wednesday october 9th

SiliStretcher2 hanging + infrared lamp 15 mins on/ 5-10 mins off continuously:

1st set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 1 kg (2.2 Lbs) for 30 mins

pre-BPFSL: 20.2 cm (7.55 inches)
post-BPFSL: 20.4 cm

strain: ((20.4 cm : 20.2 cm) * 100 %) = 0.99019608
1 - 0.99019608 = 0.98 %

Well I don’t know for how long I hung exactly but it should be around the 3-3.5 hour mark. Last 30 minutes was a cooling down set without heat. The constant heat seems to give a little bit of strain.

I don’t know if I get strain when training cold without any heat.

Let’s see if I can get a better strain tomorrow. Mind you this was with a load of 1 kg so very low amount of weights! I still got a little bit of strain so I cannot complain. If I increase the amount of weights I will get more and more strain.

Let us know how things go tomorrow.
Friday was october 11th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

100 jelqs

I don’t have the chance to train this weekend because i’m traveling back to my parents’ place. When I get back to my own place I’ll continue with the heated hanging sessions.
Friday was october 11th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

100 jelqs

I don’t have the chance to train this weekend because i’m traveling back to my parents’ place. When I get back to my own place I’ll continue with the heated hanging sessions.

Have a nice weekend off and I look forward to you coming back and getting back to work.
Good to see you looking around Bob! A detailed thread is such a benefit not only to yourself but to everyone else that’s reading. Keeping track of your routine, your gains and other information will be so valuable in the future when you want to look back on what worked and what didn’t work. It also allows other people to see what you’re doing and perhaps they can gain from it.

@DLD I am a bit of a noob when it comes to using the length master, however what I have noticed is that when I wear the length master, twist my penis and then stretch behind the cheeks, I get a very strong pull / stretch, it feels a little bit more effective than stretching downwards plus it doesn't put much pressure on my glans. is it just my mind playing tricks on me or is the stretch behind the checks really effective?
I wouldn't assume it's going to explode. Literally never heard of it happening. As long as you utilize common sense you should be okay. Nice set up. Idk about the ice pack though I'd just place a towel or hang through boxes to protect them.
What wrap are you using for your lg hanger? Also when you tape do you expand your glans before you wrap or just do it flaccid? I think my lg hanger is too big but i measured correctly. I'm wrapping with tape flavcid. Thanks. Once I get this system down I'll incorporate U.S into my routine, already have the machine.
I use one strip of micro foam tape along urethra and frenulum and I wear a glans protector cap. I'm not going more than 10 lbs and this system is quick and easy. With my other hand I use my pinky and ring finger to perform a sort of uli before I apply tape, glans protector cap and once again as I attach hanger. I'm at chub level, not completely flaccid but not semi erect either. Also it's important to give it a few minutes after adding vacuum before weights are attached, this allows glans to fill chamber.
Uli with CLASS and ELEGANCE! Put that pinky out....

I use one strip of micro foam tape along urethra and frenulum and I wear a glans protector cap. I'm not going more than 10 lbs and this system is quick and easy. With my other hand I use my pinky and ring finger to perform a sort of uli before I apply tape, glans protector cap and once again as I attach hanger. I'm at chub level, not completely flaccid but not semi erect either. Also it's important to give it a few minutes after adding vacuum before weights are attached, this allows glans to fill chamber.
Do you not use the tbone wrap anymore? Microfoam or micropore, in your opinion which is better? Also im new to hanging but ive done pretty hardcore manual sessions with the lengthmaster in the past. Im currently hanging at 8 pounds for 20 minutes mostly im trying to condition my skin for longer times. What should my progression look like? Ive been contemplating starting an ipr based routine but it seems like a lot of work measuring strain and what not haha. Thanks for the help longstretch
I think for my current weight range and conditioning it is enough. If you were to go up to 15 to 20+ lbs then switch to tbone's method. I mean microfoam, it's thicker and easier to remove. For my weight range I prefer microfoam. I think the micropore works better at higher weights but I'm gaining doing what I do.

I think you should do something similar to me kyrpa and a few others. The gains have been great. Taking measurement and strain ain't bad, I literally do it in a minute. I don't want to derail Dutch's thread abby further so come to my log or even my Long Game thread for any further questions.
@DLD I am a bit of a noob when it comes to using the length master, however what I have noticed is that when I wear the length master, twist my penis and then stretch behind the cheeks, I get a very strong pull / stretch, it feels a little bit more effective than stretching downwards plus it doesn't put much pressure on my glans. is it just my mind playing tricks on me or is the stretch behind the checks really effective?

Behind the cheeks is probably the most powerful way to increase ligament gains. When we stretch upward we are affecting the Tunica and the only real way to get intensity with an upward stretch is using the link master. All Downward stretching will increase length but it will also increase girth at the base. But you should become comfortable with all stretches using the Lengthmaster as it packs on length quickly.
Monday october 14th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

100 jelqs for hardness & erection quality

I am taking a deconditioning break of 6-8 weeks from hanging because the infrared lamp is a hassle to work with and I don’t want to hang for hours and hours. I’ve got other things to do in my life at the moment. Thing’s got busy so I am saving up for the ultrasound device and then i’m gonna try out that method.

I want to start over again with the ultrasound device and calculating the strain precisely.

I have returned the infrared lamp and asked for a refund.

I’ll be doing my kegel routine every other day just as usual.
Monday october 28th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s
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Reactions: DLD
Monday october 28th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

You changed your avatar. It’s so strange how I identify people by their avatar. Anyways, looks like you got a good session in today, nice work.
You changed your avatar. It’s so strange how I identify people by their avatar. Anyways, looks like you got a good session in today, nice work.

Yea I had to change my avatar! It’s a toilet spray cleaner which has the dimensions of 10” length and 7.5” girth. Those are my goals and I keep one toilet spray cleaner in my room. I put it on my nightstand so it reminds me every day of my ultimate goal. I can see and feel the dimensions in real life and I visualize and meditate on it.

It’s so nice to have something of your size goals available in your room because a real life 10” dildo would be too weird and frowned upon.
Wednesday october 30th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s
Yea I had to change my avatar! It’s a toilet spray cleaner which has the dimensions of 10” length and 7.5” girth. Those are my goals and I keep one toilet spray cleaner in my room. I put it on my nightstand so it reminds me every day of my ultimate goal. I can see and feel the dimensions in real life and I visualize and meditate on it.

It’s so nice to have something of your size goals available in your room because a real life 10” dildo would be too weird and frowned upon.

I got you! That is great motivation, every single day you see that you’re going to get motivated to get there. I’m so glad I asked.
Friday november 1st

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s
  • Like
Reactions: DLD
Sunday november 3rd

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

I try to space out my kegel sets during the day. If you do it all at once then there’s only one short physical stimulation time. I will slowly build up the amount of sets and space it out every hour or so.

After a few weeks i’ll re-introduce my fishing weights for added resistance.

I must admit that doing a reverse kegel while lying down in bed is pretty hard as I don’t feel the muscle clearly. When you’re on your knees your bodyweight presses down on your pc muscles so it’s better to train that way. But I want to have the same erection hardness while lying down in bed and that’s a hard thing to accomplish.

Your blood and heart have to pump against gravitational forces and I think this is where your cardio health come in handy. If you do sprinting and running to keep your heart and veins healthy it should help with keeping your erection rock hard while lying down.

I am aiming for keeping my erection rock hard without physical stimulation. Like you just lie down in bed with your dick standing up straight rock hard handsfree.

I think that is the ultimate display of having a good sexual stamina.
Sunday november 3rd

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

I try to space out my kegel sets during the day. If you do it all at once then there’s only one short physical stimulation time. I will slowly build up the amount of sets and space it out every hour or so.

After a few weeks i’ll re-introduce my fishing weights for added resistance.

I must admit that doing a reverse kegel while lying down in bed is pretty hard as I don’t feel the muscle clearly. When you’re on your knees your bodyweight presses down on your pc muscles so it’s better to train that way. But I want to have the same erection hardness while lying down in bed and that’s a hard thing to accomplish.

Your blood and heart have to pump against gravitational forces and I think this is where your cardio health come in handy. If you do sprinting and running to keep your heart and veins healthy it should help with keeping your erection rock hard while lying down.

I am aiming for keeping my erection rock hard without physical stimulation. Like you just lie down in bed with your dick standing up straight rock hard handsfree.

I think that is the ultimate display of having a good sexual stamina.

Stamina is just as important as strength. Both should be attained. Rocking report my Brother!
Tuesday november 5th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s
  • Like
Reactions: DLD
Tuesday november 5th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Fast kegel clamps 3*30
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 3*30s
Reverse kegel holds 3*30s

Have you seen changes up to now and if so where has the improvements been? Really digging this routine as it is so specific to the exact changes you desire. Keeping things simple and keeping track of the simplicity of what’s going on it’s gonna be very beneficial to anyone doing an independent work out.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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