DLD Twisted Rolls: hitting the Tunica and Septum with intensity
I was working with another brother who is looking to deal with his Septum. If you don’t know what a Septum is it’s a structure that runs down the center of your penis along the top side that makes it very difficult to gain length for some men. It’s very similar to the tunica in its density needing special attention in order to break down and stretch.
When we twist or bundle your penis and stretch it we’re really breaking down the Tunica tissue big time and since there’s no elasticity when it does stretch it’s permanent. The septum is exactly the same way, extremely dense with very little elasticity and once it is deformed it is permanent.
Keeping this in mind imagine just how powerful twisted or bundled stretches are for both the septum and the Tunica. Now let’s take it a step further where we start with a bundle and we roll back and stretch from there. We are delivering serious intensity to the Tunica and the Septum in all the right ways. This has to be the fastest way possible to physically break down these dense areas.
The exercise is rather simple to do but very powerful so be careful. Basically you take your
Lengthmaster and
strap in as you would normally then attach right at below the head. Once strapped in tightly do a half or a full twist and once you have done this with the handlebars of the
LM roll back the penis towards your body and stretch outward.
This stretch encompasses so much, it is a expressive stretch, a Tunica stretch, a Septum stretch and a ligament stretch! These are pretty advanced so when you start take your time and be gentle until you have mastered the exercise. I’ll do a video later describing this and hopefully we can have a video of some of the perform it soon