DLD Twisted Rolls: hitting the Tunica and Septum with intensity


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
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DLD Twisted Rolls: hitting the Tunica and Septum with intensity

I was working with another brother who is looking to deal with his Septum. If you don’t know what a Septum is it’s a structure that runs down the center of your penis along the top side that makes it very difficult to gain length for some men. It’s very similar to the tunica in its density needing special attention in order to break down and stretch.

When we twist or bundle your penis and stretch it we’re really breaking down the Tunica tissue big time and since there’s no elasticity when it does stretch it’s permanent. The septum is exactly the same way, extremely dense with very little elasticity and once it is deformed it is permanent.

Keeping this in mind imagine just how powerful twisted or bundled stretches are for both the septum and the Tunica. Now let’s take it a step further where we start with a bundle and we roll back and stretch from there. We are delivering serious intensity to the Tunica and the Septum in all the right ways. This has to be the fastest way possible to physically break down these dense areas.

The exercise is rather simple to do but very powerful so be careful. Basically you take your Lengthmaster and strap in as you would normally then attach right at below the head. Once strapped in tightly do a half or a full twist and once you have done this with the handlebars of the LM roll back the penis towards your body and stretch outward.

This stretch encompasses so much, it is a expressive stretch, a Tunica stretch, a Septum stretch and a ligament stretch! These are pretty advanced so when you start take your time and be gentle until you have mastered the exercise. I’ll do a video later describing this and hopefully we can have a video of some of the perform it soon
Mods I will move this to LM forum after a couple days.
@DLD You sure it is not called DLD Toostie Rolls (like the dance)?


I want to add to this too, it’s important that the twist does not exceed the ability to roll. So if you usually get two twists only use one or if usually get one twist in only twist one half rotation.
I think I got it in my mind; confirm.

  • Hanger attachment on LM underneath the glans
  • Bundle 1/2 or a full one
  • Roll this back towards the body like a 'U' shape
  • Stretch outwards in this position

If so, I can certainly see its effectiveness and I will try it ASAP.
I think I got it in my mind; confirm.

  • Hanger attachment on LM underneath the glans
  • Bundle 1/2 or a full one
  • Roll this back towards the body like a 'U' shape
  • Stretch outwards in this position
If so, I can certainly see its effectiveness and I will try it ASAP.
Thanks! Can’t wait to hear your reviews!
If I understand correctly, the septum is the "border" between the two sides of the tunica, made of the same stuff as the tunica, but extra strong because it's got that X shaped structure to it. Or more like a Y, but with an upside-down Y under it...

I was thinking about this after reading @Jackxxx's thread on the septum, wondering, if we can somehow pull the two sides of tunica apart from each other where they meet to form the septum, then that should in theory make the septum thinner and easier to stretch.

I'm not sure if that's a safe thing to do, or how i would go about it. It also occurs to me that maybe that's what bundling does, but I'm having a hard time visualizing it.
If I understand correctly, the septum is the "border" between the two sides of the tunica, made of the same stuff as the tunica, but extra strong because it's got that X shaped structure to it. Or more like a Y, but with an upside-down Y under it...

I was thinking about this after reading @Jackxxx's thread on the septum, wondering, if we can somehow pull the two sides of tunica apart from each other where they meet to form the septum, then that should in theory make the septum thinner and easier to stretch.

I'm not sure if that's a safe thing to do, or how i would go about it. It also occurs to me that maybe that's what bundling does, but I'm having a hard time visualizing it.

Not possible to do that. The tunica is not two separate sides. The two chambers you see side by side is the CC's or corpus cavernosum. They are both together by the tunica. Imagine the tunica being like a sock over both chambers, BUT at the same time this sock has another lining that runs ins between those 2 chambers. That central lining between the 2 chambers is the septum, or inner layer of the tunica. On the sides of your penis you only have the outer layer of the tunica, thats why when you pull you only feel this cord in the middle.
That central lining between the 2 chambers is the septum, or inner layer of the tunica.

I really like the term “inner layer of the tunica” because since reading your whole septum thread I have been all messed up how the tunica becomes a septum.
Yep, I am using inner layer of the tunica going forward.

Thanks Jackxxx, you messed me up and fixed it.
I really like the term “inner layer of the tunica” because since reading your whole septum thread I have been all messed up how the tunica becomes a septum.
Yep, I am using inner layer of the tunica going forward.

Thanks Jackxxx, you messed me up and fixed it.

That is actually the name I found for it in a picture that I assume is technically correct lol
I went down the rabbit hole....
That why I am researching the genetic potential to do some modifications.

Yeah i saw your comment about crispr. That technology is way too new and poorly understood for me to even begin considering. Besides, are there even any studies on genetics and penis size? How would you know what genes to target?
I included the twisted roll in tonites LM set. Feels really good and after the flaccid hang was great.

I think I will alternate the handles to above the bundle chamber every other set to roll in the opposite direction also.
Bundle chamber on top is as DLD described and when under would allow the opposite roll.

Good stuff, thanks DLD for the stretch and thanks Jackxxx for making this a current topic.
Yeah i saw your comment about crispr. That technology is way too new and poorly understood for me to even begin considering. Besides, are there even any studies on genetics and penis size? How would you know what genes to target?

The challenge is what makes it so attractive...Ive always been extremely careful and methodic though. I would never play with it unless real true proven science is put on the table. As of now, we know it works. It is proven. In fact, a controversial thing is that china is creating crispr babies. I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that at the level of scientific federal agencies research they have already grown 2-3 feet penises. They would never make that public though. its part of all these black budget projects.
I included the twisted roll in tonites LM set. Feels really good and after the flaccid hang was great.

I think I will alternate the handles to above the bundle chamber every other set to roll in the opposite direction also.
Bundle chamber on top is as DLD described and when under would allow the opposite roll.

Good stuff, thanks DLD for the stretch and thanks Jackxxx for making this a current topic.

Your welcome brother. Together throughout the years we experiment, prove and pave the road for new generations. Some day we will posses phallic apparatuses of the likes were only seen in ancient times when The Gods still walked on earth among humans.
DLD Twisted Rolls: hitting the Tunica and Septum with intensity

I was working with another brother who is looking to deal with his Septum. If you don’t know what a Septum is it’s a structure that runs down the center of your penis along the top side that makes it very difficult to gain length for some men. It’s very similar to the tunica in its density needing special attention in order to break down and stretch.

When we twist or bundle your penis and stretch it we’re really breaking down the Tunica tissue big time and since there’s no elasticity when it does stretch it’s permanent. The septum is exactly the same way, extremely dense with very little elasticity and once it is deformed it is permanent.

Keeping this in mind imagine just how powerful twisted or bundled stretches are for both the septum and the Tunica. Now let’s take it a step further where we start with a bundle and we roll back and stretch from there. We are delivering serious intensity to the Tunica and the Septum in all the right ways. This has to be the fastest way possible to physically break down these dense areas.

The exercise is rather simple to do but very powerful so be careful. Basically you take your Lengthmaster and strap in as you would normally then attach right at below the head. Once strapped in tightly do a half or a full twist and once you have done this with the handlebars of the LM roll back the penis towards your body and stretch outward.

This stretch encompasses so much, it is a expressive stretch, a Tunica stretch, a Septum stretch and a ligament stretch! These are pretty advanced so when you start take your time and be gentle until you have mastered the exercise. I’ll do a video later describing this and hopefully we can have a video of some of the perform it soon

If I understand correctly, this exercise is the length master rolls? I've done it consistently for 3 months and gained from it.

I need a new length master exercise, please help me with a routine Boss
DLD is back with that hotshit! ? this thread blew the fuck up. I knew it would, but never would have thought of until I was working with Jack! ❤️ It just made good sense.
@DLD I tried this stretch earlier on in the bathroom for 2 minutes and fuck me was it intense (like) I did it with my hands, no LM needed. I managed to do it hands only.

Because I'm uncut, I pulled the skin back before I initiated the bundle, and twist.

Very easy to execute, and I felt the soreness right inside the actual deep part of the penis, so its going beyond the tunicae sheath on the top, must be going deeper into the penis.

I have not felt anything that intense before, but it is very site specific in where it targets [not saying this is bad].

So yeah, its got potential ... I sat in the bathroom, did some helishakes and the flaccid looked great.

With this exercise, it seems to isolate the stretch on a tiny portion where the roll stretch is applied, so in theory you could perform this in certain areas, or the entire penis length.

I'd like to also point out, that its more for advanced men, and a newbie should not need this period .. its intense, and really for those that are having difficulty with getting length now, and need to smash up that intensity.

My other personal thoughts on the septum, is that its nothing special, when I have done OTS hanging, and applied a 'V' stretch the area will have took a hammering.

You know, we can get bogged down in the theory, and science, but once you fatigue the tunicae enough, the septum will follow in my opinion, and this new exercise should go a step further in doing that.

Illustrations are next DLD :)
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This does seem like a great way to target specific sections of tunica/septum, and also quite advanced, which js why I'm not even bothering to try it. I'm still getting length gains from <900g on the sizegenetics, and not trying to injure or toughen my tissues with moves like this.


When I am ready for moves like this, I will definitely take advantage of the ingenuity of the big bro @DLD.

You guys continue to amaze me.
This does seem like a great way to target specific sections of tunica/septum, and also quite advanced, which js why I'm not even bothering to try it. I'm still getting length gains from <900g on the sizegenetics, and not trying to injure or toughen my tissues with moves like this.


When I am ready for moves like this, I will definitely take advantage of the ingenuity of the big bro @DLD.

You guys continue to amaze me.
What attachment do you use for SG?

I use the SG VLC combo and love it!
What attachment do you use for SG?

I use the SG VLC combo and love it!
I just use the basic SG strap with a silisleev.

I should also mention that i've only used it about 10 times, and only for 1-2 hours per day with short breaks every 15 or 20 minutes. More of a hanger technique, but i'm seeing results so far. I figure the lowest intensity that gives me reaults is the place i want to be to maximize my ultimate potential.
Yep, it still hurt in the area hours after. It seems to really target deep inside the penis, so its getting right into the tuincae. Perhaps I was too rough? I bundled around x2 and did the stretch hard as I could, and held it for 30 seconds, helishaked for a few and repeated for the 2 mins.

Again, it isn't in my opinion something new guys, or intermediates should even consider.
For me, I think the issue is the picture below:

View attachment 1821005

If you look at the perineal body area, the skin there is tight so pulling has a limit due to the skin.

Would this stretch target this tight skin area or would I be better served pulling the skin in that area separately?
Are you referring to inner penis? the perineum region where we can sometimes feel this.
If so, then not to worry, because this exercise wont target inner penis from that area.

This stretch can target as much, or as little of the penis as you so desire! when I did it, the only part of my penis that was obliterated was the size of my thumb nail, so it really homes in.

Its hard to really describe this in words, and needs an illustration in all honesty, but its not a stretch that targets allot of mass. Its like an isolated stretch, for specific points on the penis .. this is how it felt to me, certainly very intense indeed.

If I had worked all the way up my penis from the base to underneath the head with this stretch, then I would have needed to move my hand position on the final stretch. Depending on where that hand, or in what DLD described, the LM, pushes against, is the area which will get the brunt of the force.

Hope this makes sense. I also pulled the forskin back, to avoid skin stretch, and always do that when I bundle.
I have to add, that this stretch is similar but not the same as the Mandingo stretch which focuses from my experience, on the entire penis shaft in the stretch, while as I have described, this one is very pinpoint on specific parts.

Its all down to the way the hand & knuckles are positioned. In the Mandingo Stretch its to the side, as can be seen from illustrations via the link above, while the DLD twisted rolls are, as I understand it, and have executed, unless corrected, executing the final stretch with the hand positioned top side of the penis.

This seems to isloate its parts much more.
Illustrations and/or a video would help tremendously. :)

I’ll put illustrations together as soon as possible. I’m glad the people are seeing the incredible intensity of this exercise and how much power it yields. Be careful in using it as it is extremely powerful so take your time and learning it and being gentle with yourself until you master it. It would probably be easier for me to do a video to show it so hopefully I’ll be able to do that tomorrow night as my Son will be with me.
I haven't yet because I have been trying to find a better way to wrap the snake for that. The thing is, I dont know if this happens to others but in my caae I need TREMENDOUS amount of force while pulling in order to feel "anything". So with the current wrapping I am ok just laying back and keeping a steady straight pull with the lenghtmaster but to bundle and twist I will rip the head apart LOL.
Yes I did the length master bundled rolls for 1 hours daily for 3 months. I made gains from it. I will still go back to it probably after doing 6 months of downward bundled stretches.

Thank you my brother and I hope the other men will try this exercise because it really kicks ass and it will bring gains very quickly.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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