My experience with Vac type hangers has been phenomenal, instead of it having on point of attachment, it creates suction on the glans... and instead of it being worn for 20 mins at a time, you can wear up to for a whole hour. It’s does not create blood flow issues, and it expands the entire unit... the stretch can be felt throughout the entire shaft... I have not felt fatigue similar to that of a vac type
hanger.. that goes to say I have not tried the
Length Master... the fact that you can also use the
silistretcher as an ADS is pretty crazy... it’s definitely going to be one on my top 3 list of equipment I want to buy.
- LengthMaster
- Silistretcher
- Bathmate extreme
Ever since I’ve started
hanging with a vac based I’ve broke plateaus that have lasted me 6 months... I’m really excited that MOS has something similar but also unique in its own way. And knowing the great minds that collaborate here on MOS there will be more innovative ideas and exercises or a way to incorporate the
silistretcher with routines. Let’s get these gains going and these plateaus breaking.
