Dead Flacid Penis Plz Help!

hi all i am a new member to this site & would highly appreciate any advice re my problem. I am 23 years old and have never experienced any kinda problem ever before always enjoying great sex masturbating freely ;) as and when iv wished etc until one night about a month ago i awoke with my cock all flacid & rubbery i now find it hard to get an instant erection in fact sensitivity has all but been lost and also that THROBBING feeling has become a thing of the past. Has anyone else experienced this? what is it? ?:( what can i do? PLEASE PLEASE HELP...
Lay off masturbation, sex, adult entertainment, or basically anything that involves your dick for a week or more. If there's no pain, discoloration, and you really did just 'wake up' and things seemed different, it's very unlikely that anything is physically wrong with you. Also, conisder whether you're depressed, on medication, hormonal changes, etc - all of these things could be a factor.

But, most importantly, don't freak out or jump to any conclusions until you've laid off your dick entirely for a good deal of time.
ha ha enuf of da pablo escobar stuff...

so i should just give it a good old rest? i do believe 'too much overtime' has caused it but it's scary and frustrating. Its been a week since iv done anything @ all down there but still nothing been to the doctor he reckons its nothing!