Curing Water Blisters

Well it finally happened. I just had to keep pushing my time/weight while vacuum hanging. Hung for over 2 hours at 10 lbs(my max) nonstop. Very stupid and I ended up getting a slight water blister on my glans(doesn't hurt). I'm still hanging, haven't done any girth work yet, but what can I do to get rid of it? Should I pop it? When will it start to go down? I'm hoping it goes away by this next weekend.
water blister on the dick....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oucccccccccccccccccccccccccccchhh

does it hurt now its popped?
No not really. I put a lot of this neosporin-knock off first aid stuff on it. It shouldn't be a problem and should be gone in a week or so. Should be like any other blister, right? :blush:
10inchadvantage said:
slight water blister on my glans(doesn't hurt).

When I was using the max-vac, I got a little overzealous with it, and got a water blister. I was on the DL for 10 days.
Well fuck me. The skin is raw now and it hurts like HOLY HELL. Whenever I piss it gets in my cut and BURNS. It is right by my piss hole so I get piss in the sore all the time. This shit really sucks and I can't rely on cannabis to treat this over the course of a few days, I just can't stand being stoned and numbed all the time. Please, I really need some help now. I can't even wear clothes comfortably because it hurts all the god damn time now. PLEASE HELP!
Ironically the very thing that hurt me(or part of it), is now making it tolerable. If I wear a sheath then everything is good. But I need more solutions as I can't wear this 24/7. Please help.
Yo, well I never got water blisters from using the grip, but my head, and yeah around the hole is so calisted, and also dry blood spots that flake off every couple of days, When I took off in July for 2 months(length) It luckily all cleared.
I have though had many cuts and nicks on my junk, the only thing you can really do is give it like a week off.
If your wearing the sheath, and the tape under that, it shouldn't get outta control, and also, you shouldn't need to take amassive amount of air out of the chamber, just enough to keep it snug.
Ya, the only problem I have now is pissing, it really burns the cut, from the acid I guess. Other than that I'm still hanging and stuff. I can't do any wall clamps or the wall clamping-pumps that were recently found.