Belated hello


Hi everyone,

Thought it was time I said hello. I joined MOS at the start of the year, and have been spending time reading when I can.

I've known about all this stuff for maybe 15 years, originally I was on PEgym (I believe now renamed Biohacker?). So I've done a lot of reading in my time, trialled a few techniques, own some kit, but never fully committed to it. It was probably a good thing in reality because back then I was quite depressed and unhappy with myself generally, and approaching this would have been from a place of desperation. Now I'm coming from a place of it being an added bonus if I can make it work!

That, and I am living alone for the first time ever, so a good time to do it.

I have so many questions... one thing not discussed on the other forum was SRT, and this makes so much sense to me!

My stats are 6.5 BPEL and 4.75MEG (this can be lower woth poor EQ though). My biggest aim is girth a steady 5" or 5.25", but would happily take myself to 7" length. Just read somewhere to aim a bit past in case you stop so let's say 7.5 x 5.5.

I own a Bathmate, and used to have a phallosan forte but binned it when I moved house a while back as I didn't feel it worked well.

Not sure if I should put my questions here, but a couple of starting ones would be:

1. Is the Silistretcher any better than the phallosan? Otherwise, maybe just the Silisleeve would be a better approach for me?

2. From my years on the other forum, the biggest thing that held me back was watching out for positive indicators, such as morning wood. The moment I started any routine, straight away morning wood would go. Is this still the theory? I find a lot of these routines to be quite intense! That leads me on to...

3. If I was doing a girth routine, say 5x5x3, I would really struggle to get past 1 set of squash jelqs and 5 minutes in the bath mate... beyond that I'm so fatigued that getting hard gets tricky. I wouldn't say I have ED, I often get complimented on how rock hard I can get during sex, and erections are never a problem during sex.

4. On a similar note, back to SRT, going into a cock ring after girth workouts, are we trying to stay almost hard for a prolonged period after? I won't stay hard that long and will need to keep stimulating myself continually, which I don't have the time for.

My main issue with all of PE is the time it takes, and I don't want this to be a lifetime pursuit. I want to achieve my goals and then get to some sort of maintenance routine. That said, I am willing to put a few years into it, I'm not expecting insta-results (although some early girth gains would be great!)

Be great to hear from some of you, and look forward to seeing you all around.

By the way, I'm from the UK... if I think I need it, I would totally buy the whole PE pack on offer, do they ship to the UK?
Hi everyone,

Thought it was time I said hello. I joined MOS at the start of the year, and have been spending time reading when I can.

I've known about all this stuff for maybe 15 years, originally I was on PEgym (I believe now renamed Biohacker?). So I've done a lot of reading in my time, trialled a few techniques, own some kit, but never fully committed to it. It was probably a good thing in reality because back then I was quite depressed and unhappy with myself generally, and approaching this would have been from a place of desperation. Now I'm coming from a place of it being an added bonus if I can make it work!

That, and I am living alone for the first time ever, so a good time to do it.

I have so many questions... one thing not discussed on the other forum was SRT, and this makes so much sense to me!

My stats are 6.5 BPEL and 4.75MEG (this can be lower woth poor EQ though). My biggest aim is girth a steady 5" or 5.25", but would happily take myself to 7" length. Just read somewhere to aim a bit past in case you stop so let's say 7.5 x 5.5.

I own a Bathmate, and used to have a phallosan forte but binned it when I moved house a while back as I didn't feel it worked well.

Not sure if I should put my questions here, but a couple of starting ones would be:

1. Is the Silistretcher any better than the phallosan? Otherwise, maybe just the Silisleeve would be a better approach for me?

2. From my years on the other forum, the biggest thing that held me back was watching out for positive indicators, such as morning wood. The moment I started any routine, straight away morning wood would go. Is this still the theory? I find a lot of these routines to be quite intense! That leads me on to...

3. If I was doing a girth routine, say 5x5x3, I would really struggle to get past 1 set of squash jelqs and 5 minutes in the bath mate... beyond that I'm so fatigued that getting hard gets tricky. I wouldn't say I have ED, I often get complimented on how rock hard I can get during sex, and erections are never a problem during sex.

4. On a similar note, back to SRT, going into a cock ring after girth workouts, are we trying to stay almost hard for a prolonged period after? I won't stay hard that long and will need to keep stimulating myself continually, which I don't have the time for.

My main issue with all of PE is the time it takes, and I don't want this to be a lifetime pursuit. I want to achieve my goals and then get to some sort of maintenance routine. That said, I am willing to put a few years into it, I'm not expecting insta-results (although some early girth gains would be great!)

Be great to hear from some of you, and look forward to seeing you all around.

By the way, I'm from the UK... if I think I need it, I would totally buy the whole PE pack on offer, do they ship to the UK?
Welcome to the brotherhood! The SiliStretcher is the best out there. The Phallosan can't compare.

Erections in the morning have nothing to do with you growth. It usually means, you like me and never got them, or you are suffering from fatigue. The best indicator is measurements.

You can adjust the 5x5x3 to be 2x2x3 or any other method that works for you and then work you way up as you can.

Wearing a cock ring is not to remain erect but to keep the expansion you gained during the work out.

That is exactly what you want. Make your goal and maintain it through a simple workout once per week.

I hope this helps
Welcome to the brotherhood! The SiliStretcher is the best out there. The Phallosan can't compare.

Erections in the morning have nothing to do with you growth. It usually means, you like me and never got them, or you are suffering from fatigue. The best indicator is measurements.

You can adjust the 5x5x3 to be 2x2x3 or any other method that works for you and then work you way up as you can.

Wearing a cock ring is not to remain erect but to keep the expansion you gained during the work out.

That is exactly what you want. Make your goal and maintain it through a simple workout once per week.

I hope this helps

Does MOS Shop ship to the UK though?
Welcome to the brotherhood! The SiliStretcher is the best out there. The Phallosan can't compare.

Erections in the morning have nothing to do with you growth. It usually means, you like me and never got them, or you are suffering from fatigue. The best indicator is measurements.

You can adjust the 5x5x3 to be 2x2x3 or any other method that works for you and then work you way up as you can.

Wearing a cock ring is not to remain erect but to keep the expansion you gained during the work out.

That is exactly what you want. Make your goal and maintain it through a simple workout once per week.

I hope this helps

Thats very helpful, thank you. I can be the sort of person that wants to know everything before I start, but sometimes the best thing to do is get going and work it out as you go. I'll get a spreadsheet set up to track what I'm doing.

I've read conflcting advice on whether to start with length or girth. I've seen you say start with length, and others say do girth and it will remain when you get to length. I've just started a health kick, so I'm expecting to see an extra 0.5inch based on reduced fat pad, which I remember happening before too. What are your thoughts these days? Maybe both? I don't think I'd want more length without girth to he honest.

I think I'd be fairly happy to start manually (at least for length) and see where I get to, but need a way to heal extended after stretching. Have to say the extenders are quite a faff, what's the next best choice, a sleeve or some of these wraps I've seen?

Also, I've seen people talking about adapting the bathmate with a gauge... is there no way of working out the pressure you're using without one?
First off, welcome brother. Sorry for not able to greet you sooner. I was on top palm trees doing trimming as part of my arborculturing hobby and couldn't type things out in details. don't like to break my phone from 30 feet above.
I have so many questions... one thing not discussed on the other forum was SRT, and this makes so much sense to me!
SRT is literally a proven theory. Back then DLD coined it as a theory, but over the decade, the theory now is proven. Other forums uses different methods, but all the methods came down to the same procedures to break down collagen bonds (breaking tissues), initiate healing and duplication of cellular bodies, and maintain micro gaps from elongation and expansion as long as you can for your body to catch up in filling those micro gaps. Collective sciences are now providing insights at the biochemical and cellular levels.

My stats are 6.5 BPEL and 4.75MEG (this can be lower woth poor EQ though). My biggest aim is girth a steady 5" or 5.25", but would happily take myself to 7" length. Just read somewhere to aim a bit past in case you stop so let's say 7.5 x 5.5.
Don't worry brother. PE is a life long journey and your EQ will improve with proper techniques. Don't be desperate when you see gains and go crazy without first conditioning your penis for growth. One step at a time. Think of yourself as a baby in the PE journey. First learn turn, then sit up, to crawl, stand, walk, then climb a mountain. The moto here is, "It's a marathon and not a sprint."

Your aim at girth to between 5in to 5.25 (where I was around December when I started back up again) will keep on going towards 6in and 6.5in. I thought in stopping at 6in or 6.3in, but the wife is licking her lips for the 6.5in after seeing my 11inx2.5in cylinder. She was happy to see the 9inx2in cylinder, but did a double take with a huge smile when she saw something larger. Your PE journey will continue on in the future.

I own a Bathmate, and used to have a phallosan forte but binned it when I moved house a while back as I didn't feel it worked well.
Which model of the Bathmate? If you have the one that can use a hand pump, or upgrade to the hand pump (aftermarket purchases of the manual pump), mod it with a gauge. We have the mod techniques here in the forum.

Not sure if I should put my questions here, but a couple of starting ones would be:

1. Is the Silistretcher any better than the phallosan? Otherwise, maybe just the Silisleeve would be a better approach for me?
Either one is good. Phallosan has plenty of the extras for you to use, BUT, you will spend quite a bit of money to replace the comfort rings that goes onto the penis and attaches to the vacuum cap. Both have good and bad points. I can list them out in a novel-like report. But overall, SiliStretcher comes out on top by a small margin. We can discuss the positive and negative in a lengthier discussion later if you like. I believe there have been quite a few discussions on this already if you do your search.

2. From my years on the other forum, the biggest thing that held me back was watching out for positive indicators, such as morning wood. The moment I started any routine, straight away morning wood would go. Is this still the theory? I find a lot of these routines to be quite intense! That leads me on to...
No. Morning wood is not an indicator of growth. It's an indicator of your body "reprogramming" to provide optimal growth conditions for your PE. Your penis don't get the needed resources for maintenance and growth naturally. After your prime years, your penis is placed last on the list for everything. Your pelvic hair gets more attention than your penis on a daily basis. This is not a pun, but it's the truth. Your growth is actually measured by your flaccid state from the longer hang. This is due to the amount of new tissue growth that reinforced your overall penile elongation. Your tissues will be 80% to 85% of your entire penile enlargement, while the 15% to 20% will be new blood volume from the expanded corpa cavernosa and spongiosum.
3. If I was doing a girth routine, say 5x5x3, I would really struggle to get past 1 set of squash jelqs and 5 minutes in the bath mate... beyond that I'm so fatigued that getting hard gets tricky. I wouldn't say I have ED, I often get complimented on how rock hard I can get during sex, and erections are never a problem during sex.
Erection quality (EQ) will take a bit hit as a starter in the journey. Even after decades of PE, I still get a bit hit of EQ drop here and there. You're not alone. EQ hit is due to penile fatigue. No penis out there will maintain 100% EQ after a real 5x5x3 intensive routine. If you want sex after the routine, you can modify it using 5x5x3 as a standard approach, and reduce to 2x2x2, or 3x2x2, or even 2x2x5. There are many personal 5x5x3 routines for your various needs. 5x5x3 is simply an optimal routine to use, but do modify it for each personal needs. Not everyone is the same. Right now, I'm doing a weekly tweak of 3x3x10 to 3x5x15, and later, back down to 4x5x5. Why oddball routines? To constantly reprogram the brain and penis from any long term adapting while I achieve optimal growth for both length and girth at the same time. I'm my own test subject.

4. On a similar note, back to SRT, going into a cock ring after girth workouts, are we trying to stay almost hard for a prolonged period after? I won't stay hard that long and will need to keep stimulating myself continually, which I don't have the time for.
No. You do not need to stay hard for the prolong period. The trick it to get an erection to pump blood in to achieve 100% erected blood volume. Some got confused about this. It's about getting your blood volume to fill up as much as possible into the penis to crank those micro gaps wide open while the penis is grabbing all the resources it can from the blood. But do not trap that blood for too long. Optimally, 5 minutes max. If you can't 10 minutes max. After 10 minutes, empty the blood by squeezing the blood out of the penis. No need to take the C-ring off. Then repump the blood back to full erected volume. No need to remain erected for all that time. Just the blood volume.

HOWEVER, do be warned that wearing a constrictive ring can truly hurt you. Constriction is when blood is being held inside the penis for more than 5 minutes. A good C-ring use in a restrictive method allows the blood to leave the penis back to a full flaccid state by itself in 5 minutes without the initial erection and kegel exercises. If the C-ring holds onto the blood more than 5 minutes, that's constriction. Too tight of a constriction can and will damage your dorsal nerves and blood vessels. Worst yet, deep vein thrombosis can occur that may cause systematic wide failures. We have lots of warnings for this in this brotherhood.

My main issue with all of PE is the time it takes, and I don't want this to be a lifetime pursuit. I want to achieve my goals and then get to some sort of maintenance routine. That said, I am willing to put a few years into it, I'm not expecting insta-results (although some early girth gains would be great!)
PE is a lifetime pursuit. This includes maintenance. PE has two stages: growth and maintenance. Maintenance is a lifetime. You don't maintain, you'll loose it little by little. Your body will divert the resources from the last item on its list elsewhere. The saying, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it" rings true for both the penis and vagina.

By the way, I'm from the UK... if I think I need it, I would totally buy the whole PE pack on offer, do they ship to the UK?
I know a few brothers from the UK, greater parts of Europe, and to the very remote parts as well. They receive the packages from MOS, but the delivery time can get LONG. Up to a month. Work with MOS Shop and DLD for quicker delivery methods.
Thank you oldandlively for such a detailed reply!

If only I knew how to quote in sections like you have done, maybe not so easy on the phone?

Frankly, 6 inches in girth, or even 6.5 seems ridiculously thick!... and I quite like my blow jobs! You never know though, maybe I'll meet a partner who's into me getting bigger like yours!

I've got the Hydromax X30. I think like you say, less is more to start so maybe its a good idea I start slow with manual techniques, plus the bathmate and see if I can build up the consistency and a routine. This really must be the tough part! Not sure how long it will be before seeing any results, and to keep yanking on your pride and joy daily without seeing the fruits of your labour must be tough sometimes.

A lot.of what you have said is reassuring... I find with my cock ring I will go to a "chubby flacid" within minutes and was worried this wasn't having the desired effect. Feel like I need a Silisleeve for stretching though still. If you said the silistretcher isn't street's ahead of the phallosan I may steer clear, unless I decide to get the full package with
If only I knew how to quote in sections like you have done, maybe not so easy on the phone?
Simply hit Reply button down at the bottom right of the post, and press Enter/Rerun button on the keyboard and you'll split the text up just like I have. All done on phone's browser.

Frankly, 6 inches in girth, or even 6.5 seems ridiculously thick!... and I quite like my blow jobs! You never know though, maybe I'll meet a partner who's into me getting bigger like yours!
Here here to that. Wife can barely do her BJ now without popping her jaw wide open. But the BJ for the glans is enough. The fun just get started then.

I've got the Hydromax X30. I think like you say, less is more to start so maybe its a good idea I start slow with manual techniques, plus the bathmate and see if I can build up the consistency and a routine. This really must be the tough part! Not sure how long it will be before seeing any results, and to keep yanking on your pride and joy daily without seeing the fruits of your labour must be tough sometimes.
HydroMax x30 can be modded either by using a silicone tubing with a wine pump, or, you can mod it with an aftermarket manual pump for cleaner design. A gauge is a must:

A lot.of what you have said is reassuring... I find with my cock ring I will go to a "chubby flacid" within minutes and was worried this wasn't having the desired effect. Feel like I need a Silisleeve for stretching though still. If you said the silistretcher isn't street's ahead of the phallosan I may steer clear, unless I decide to get the full package with
This is definitely your call. SiliStretcher has more potential to play with than the Phallosan. Phallosan got too many built in functions that restricted the potential to max out the mods.
Simply hit Reply button down at the bottom right of the post, and press Enter/Rerun button on the keyboard and you'll split the text up just like I have. All done on phone's browser.
Testing.... oooo :)
Here here to that. Wife can barely do her BJ now without popping her jaw wide open. But the BJ for the glans is enough. The fun just get started then.
Just love my bjs too much, although not getting many at thr moment!
HydroMax x30 can be modded either by using a silicone tubing with a wine pump, or, you can mod it with an aftermarket manual pump for cleaner design. A gauge is a must:

This seems a bit technical for me! Think I'd rather buy a mightyvac... that way I have the option of doing it out of the shower too.
This is definitely your call. SiliStretcher has more potential to play with than the Phallosan. Phallosan got too many built in functions that restricted the potential to max out the mods.

So, just been looking at these caps and sleeves for pumping... is that a necessity?
So, just been looking at these caps and sleeves for pumping... is that a necessity?
Only if you think you need them as a starter to pumping. If you worry about fluid retention because you don't like to do the jelq to remove the fluid, sleeve is needed. If you want to remain elongated to work on flaccid length, sleeve is needed. If you worry about blisters because of uncertainty from pumping, cap is needed.

Otherwise, take it very slow and steady. Listen to all the comments and ask questions. Never stop asking questions before you start. Since you are not new to the pumping game, no need for the extras. But, do be careful as you start going high in pressure under the MityVac.
Only if you think you need them as a starter to pumping. If you worry about fluid retention because you don't like to do the jelq to remove the fluid, sleeve is needed. If you want to remain elongated to work on flaccid length, sleeve is needed. If you worry about blisters because of uncertainty from pumping, cap is needed.

Otherwise, take it very slow and steady. Listen to all the comments and ask questions. Never stop asking questions before you start. Since you are not new to the pumping game, no need for the extras. But, do be careful as you start going high in pressure under the MityVac.
I've had the edema while pumping before, it didn't worry me too much.

Definitely to want the sleeves for SRT following doing stretches... it was more about the pumping that I was wondering about.

Thank you
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I've had the edema while pumping before, it didn't worry me too much.

Definitely to want the sleeves for SRT following doing stretches... it was more about the pumping that I was wondering about.

Thank you
SRT is the smartest way to go
SRT is the smartest way to go

I can see its easy to keep wanting to do more and overdo it though. I just did a bit of a practice session with the bathmate last night after a few erect squeezes and SSJs and then wanted to keep myself hard all the way until bed, and then keep on wanting to get hard while sat at my desk working all morning today.

At what point do you just say, "now I just need to rest, recover and heal"?

Was just watching some of the FAQ videos as well. After how long of doing a routine with no results should you consider that maybe the intensity or technique is wrong? (of course I am not at the point yet but just looking ahead).

I guess that's the same as asking, how quickly should results come?... and what comes before proper gains? With length I seem to remember if BPFLS increases, then soon BPEL should increase. Is there a similar indicator with girth work?
Measure every six months to give you Time to grow. As far as time off you need to pay attention to erection quality. If you are feeling fatigue in this way you can take a day off.
Measure every six months to give you Time to grow. As far as time off you need to pay attention to erection quality. If you are feeling fatigue in this way you can take a day off.

So you could be doing a routine for 6 months, and if you haven't got the intensity right, get no results and have wasted all that time.

I'm getting to the point where I think I have information overload, I just have a few more questions:

1. Should I bother starting with a stretching routine if I have no kit (yet) to keep it stretched afterwards, I.e. a sleeve or ADS? (I am planning to get some stuff from the shop, but could take a while)

2. Should you always see temporary gains after a workout, so should you have either stretched some extra length, or see extra girth after a pump?

3. Is infrared enough for a warm up? Like 5 mins? I used to use a rice sock I made, but then I was constantly trying to keep it away from my balls as people were saying to avoid heating them!
(xd) Slow down brother. Slow down. Take a sit, and take some deep breaths. Let's break things down a bit. DLD is a bit busy, and the rest of the brothers will chime in. I'm relaxing with my cup of oolong tea right now, so let's get some answers rolling.

So you could be doing a routine for 6 months, and if you haven't got the intensity right, get no results and have wasted all that time.
You're not wasting time. If you don't get any significant gain because your intensity applications are off, you're actually in a limbo phase of programming and reprogramming your penis right now. During this limbo phase, you're actually conditioning your penis and preparing for a sudden growth. Let's say you don't have a gauge, or you've been using an ADS for awhile but not knowing the measured traction force. You've been hoovering between 3inHg and 4inHg in the pump and have not move up in the intensity, or you've been dangling your penis in the ADS between 1lbs to 3lbs, but not knowing what constant traction force because you've been moving around too much. You're stuck in a limbo. That's okay. You've been telling your brain and penis that changes are coming soon, and harshly.

I'm getting to the point where I think I have information overload, I just have a few more questions:
We're all there. I'm still there. Imagine us brothers trying to answer your questions while absorbing answers and research info from all over the world, and in the span of decades. We're all overloaded.

1. Should I bother starting with a stretching routine if I have no kit (yet) to keep it stretched afterwards, I.e. a sleeve or ADS? (I am planning to get some stuff from the shop, but could take a while)
Yes. Keep priming and conditioning your tissues. When the kit does come, you're ready to crank up the progressive intensities for true workout routines. It too me 2 to 4 months to contantly program and reprogram my penis, and now, BOOM, accellerated growth potential. What you see being stretched out and in the pumps are mere windows to the potential growth you are getting. Keep going consistently and apply the intensity over time, you get cemented gains. I'm now pre-stretched at 7.5in x 5.75in coming out from the Length Master and pump routines. Mind you that I was at around 6in x 5in around December of last year. Potential growth is accellerating even faster from here on out. Once I cannot reach this pre-stretch form any more, I will change my routines to push the pre-stretch even further. Keep your routine and condition going until the kit comes. Don't let up.

2. Should you always see temporary gains after a workout, so should you have either stretched some extra length, or see extra girth after a pump?
Temporary gains can vary. Some day, you'll see huge temporary gains. Suddenly, you didn't get a chance to keep the temporary gain from turtling or having too many rest days, and the next routine day, you didn't see as drastic of a temporary gain, or none at at. Don't worry. Your body is trying to force itself back to normalcy. You just need to pry it wide open again to get that drastic temporary gain. It happens to me all the time. When I get a cut from something, bruise because of my mistakes, or getting too rough with the missus, well, that extreme pre-stretch temporary gain got back tracked a bit. No problem. I force the routines and got it back without any issues.

3. Is infrared enough for a warm up? Like 5 mins? I used to use a rice sock I made, but then I was constantly trying to keep it away from my balls as people were saying to avoid heating them!
Yes, and no. 5 minutes of infrared is good, while warming up your external tissues, do a bit of light manual newbie stretching to warm up the tissues as well. If you worry about your sperms from getting warped and damaged and your kids come out like aliens, PFFFF, I got great looking kids coming out from the warming of my penis and balls from all the early years of PE using warm rice sock. Their looks are not from me. I crack mirrors. If you're planning to impregnate your lady, stop warming up your balls, ejaculate your loads for the next full week, and three days later, you'll have vibrant buggers ready to make great looking babies.

If you worry about warming your balls, flip your penis up towards your belly, and press the warm rice sock at the bottom of the penis against your bladder. The heat will not affect your balls.
(xd) Slow down brother. Slow down. Take a sit, and take some deep breaths. Let's break things down a bit. DLD is a bit busy, and the rest of the brothers will chime in. I'm relaxing with my cup of oolong tea right now, so let's get some answers rolling.
Don't worry man, I'm not unchilled. There is a lot to read though, and I'm also studying outside of work, and trying to keep fit. Busy busy!

I wasn't specifically aiming my question at DLD. Happy to hear from anyone!
You're not wasting time. If you don't get any significant gain because your intensity applications are off, you're actually in a limbo phase of programming and reprogramming your penis right now. During this limbo phase, you're actually conditioning your penis and preparing for a sudden growth. Let's say you don't have a gauge, or you've been using an ADS for awhile but not knowing the measured traction force. You've been hoovering between 3inHg and 4inHg in the pump and have not move up in the intensity, or you've been dangling your penis in the ADS between 1lbs to 3lbs, but not knowing what constant traction force because you've been moving around too much. You're stuck in a limbo. That's okay. You've been telling your brain and penis that changes are coming soon, and harshly.
Ok, that's good to know and a good way to think of it.
We're all there. I'm still there. Imagine us brothers trying to answer your questions while absorbing answers and research info from all over the world, and in the span of decades. We're all overloaded.

Yes. Keep priming and conditioning your tissues. When the kit does come, you're ready to crank up the progressive intensities for true workout routines. It too me 2 to 4 months to contantly program and reprogram my penis, and now, BOOM, accellerated growth potential. What you see being stretched out and in the pumps are mere windows to the potential growth you are getting. Keep going consistently and apply the intensity over time, you get cemented gains. I'm now pre-stretched at 7.5in x 5.75in coming out from the Length Master and pump routines. Mind you that I was at around 6in x 5in around December of last year. Potential growth is accellerating even faster from here on out. Once I cannot reach this pre-stretch form any more, I will change my routines to push the pre-stretch even further. Keep your routine and condition going until the kit comes. Don't let up.
so when you say pre-stretched, you mean after a workout... but that isnt permanent yet?

How long does it take for those gains to become, not cemented necessarily, but your actual gains that you can use for sex etc?
Temporary gains can vary. Some day, you'll see huge temporary gains. Suddenly, you didn't get a chance to keep the temporary gain from turtling or having too many rest days, and the next routine day, you didn't see as drastic of a temporary gain, or none at at. Don't worry. Your body is trying to force itself back to normalcy. You just need to pry it wide open again to get that drastic temporary gain. It happens to me all the time. When I get a cut from something, bruise because of my mistakes, or getting too rough with the missus, well, that extreme pre-stretch temporary gain got back tracked a bit. No problem. I force the routines and got it back without any issues.
So it sounds like you really need to keep the momentum up. I was hoping maybe I'd be able to do the three days that I work from home, Mon, Weds, Friday... but, sounds like before long my dick won't let me do that! Lol
Yes, and no. 5 minutes of infrared is good, while warming up your external tissues, do a bit of light manual newbie stretching to warm up the tissues as well. If you worry about your sperms from getting warped and damaged and your kids come out like aliens, PFFFF, I got great looking kids coming out from the warming of my penis and balls from all the early years of PE using warm rice sock. Their looks are not from me. I crack mirrors. If you're planning to impregnate your lady, stop warming up your balls, ejaculate your loads for the next full week, and three days later, you'll have vibrant buggers ready to make great looking babies.

If you worry about warming your balls, flip your penis up towards your belly, and press the warm rice sock at the bottom of the penis against your bladder. The heat will not affect your balls.
What are the newbie warm up stretches? Or are you suggesting a rice sock and IR, or IR and bundled stretches at the same time maybe?
Lso when you say pre-stretched, you mean after a workout... but that isnt permanent yet?
Correct. Pre-stretched mean you're seeing the potential growth from the relaxed tissues with the ability to cement at that point. It's temporary visual gain that has the potential to be solid.

How long does it take for those gains to become, not cemented necessarily, but your actual gains that you can use for sex etc?
You can see semi permanent gain with a couple of months. It's all about how consistent you keep at keeping ghe stretch to prevent the body from pulling back in. This is where the post pumping and lengthening routines come into play. You can go crazy with sex afterwards if your penis doesn't reach fatigue and goes limp during sex. I had sex a few times after my lengthening and pumping routines. At times, the fatigues caused my erection quality to drop to 80%. At times, my too solid erection quality wouldn't even let me cum.

So it sounds like you really need to keep the momentum up. I was hoping maybe I'd be able to do the three days that I work from home, Mon, Weds, Friday... but, sounds like before long my dick won't let me do that! Lol
You can go hard on days you are at home and take a day off during days you are running around. During days you are running around, a quick pump and slap on the wrap or sleeve and keep it elongated. That's more than enough to keep it primed for work later at night if you have any time. Otherwise, one day on, one day off is good.

What are the newbie warm up stretches? Or are you suggesting a rice sock and IR, or IR and bundled stretches at the same time maybe?
Yes. Newbie stretches are the newbie SRT routines. Warm up, light stretches, IR to initiate red light therapy for charging up the cells, and stretch. If you want a very effective pumping routine, stretch using the newbie routine like your life depends on it.
Correct. Pre-stretched mean you're seeing the potential growth from the relaxed tissues with the ability to cement at that point. It's temporary visual gain that has the potential to be solid.

You can see semi permanent gain with a couple of months. It's all about how consistent you keep at keeping ghe stretch to prevent the body from pulling back in. This is where the post pumping and lengthening routines come into play. You can go crazy with sex afterwards if your penis doesn't reach fatigue and goes limp during sex. I had sex a few times after my lengthening and pumping routines. At times, the fatigues caused my erection quality to drop to 80%. At times, my too solid erection quality wouldn't even let me cum.

You can go hard on days you are at home and take a day off during days you are running around. During days you are running around, a quick pump and slap on the wrap or sleeve and keep it elongated. That's more than enough to keep it primed for work later at night if you have any time. Otherwise, one day on, one day off is good.

Yes. Newbie stretches are the newbie SRT routines. Warm up, light stretches, IR to initiate red light therapy for charging up the cells, and stretch. If you want a very effective pumping routine, stretch using the newbie routine like your life depends on it.

Hi again, sorry for the delay in replying. A lot going on! I ordered the full SRT kit last week. Not sure quite how long it will take to get to me, but not heard anything yet.

Anyway, in the meantime, I have been practicing and learning the techniques, and trying to get my dick used to things. I've mostly been focussing on SSJ and bathmate. Managed to get to a second set the other day and keep an erection, so that is promising. I seem to have a better flaccid and I can see a marginal increased girth when I am keeping myself hard in a cockring afterwards. I do get some of the little red spots, but I remember these from before and it doesn't worry me.

I also did a bit of random stretching in the time too, but not too intensive. That said, I'm sure I was 6.5 BPEL, but it seems to be 6.7 now... most likely incorrect initial measuring. I'm also on a health kick and losing weight, so maybe literally the thickness of fat even when bone pressing?

Anyway, I have now started trialling some proper stretching using the newbie routine. I got my rice sock sorted... I just realised today that I should have been trying some bundled stretches to warm up (is this what you meant above re newbie stretches as a warm up?). I now have a few more questions...

When I'm stretching, I pull out until I can feel the limit of the tunica, I can't seem to stretch beyond this. Is this how it should be? I feel like if anything, I'm more likely to stretch ligaments and pull out more inner penis than anything!

As a result of these attempts, I have now had a couple of bigger blood spots (or maybe bruises). I assume this is just intensity and they will go away with a couple of days off like the smaller ones. I can't seem to leave my dick alone though! Every now and then while at my desk I feel down there and give it a bit of a pull out! Do I just need to give it more of a break, or just let it acclimatise?

As always, appreciate your efforts and inputs!
I do get some of the little red spots, but I remember these from before and it doesn't worry me.
No, try to worry a bit. Red spots means you are pushing too hard and too aggressive on the intensity load. Ease back a bit from that point of red spots just for a week to condition up before increasing the intensity again. I still get it now and then for going a smidgen over the current limit.

I also did a bit of random stretching in the time too, but not too intensive. That said, I'm sure I was 6.5 BPEL, but it seems to be 6.7 now... most likely incorrect initial measuring. I'm also on a health kick and losing weight, so maybe literally the thickness of fat even when bone pressing?
You cemented your gain, recovered the lost penile realestate, or both when you lost a bit of weight. A good start.

Anyway, I have now started trialling some proper stretching using the newbie routine. I got my rice sock sorted... I just realised today that I should have been trying some bundled stretches to warm up (is this what you meant above re newbie stretches as a warm up?). I now have a few more questions...
Yes. Some of our veteran brothers just stretch for 5 minutes using newbie routines as warm up. Some use warm rice socks to warm up faster and get things rolling. A few using warming heater to max out the tissue malleability through the workout. Everyone has tissue needs. Standard approach is to warm things up properly.

When I'm stretching, I pull out until I can feel the limit of the tunica, I can't seem to stretch beyond this. Is this how it should be?
Yes. The dull achy feeling when you stretch at your max without pain is the upper limit. Just slightly less achy is the lower limit. Just at the point of pain is the new limit.

I feel like if anything, I'm more likely to stretch ligaments and pull out more inner penis than anything!
Inner penis is the key to recover or expose the hidden realestate. But that's only 1 to 2 inches of hidden realestate. The true gains is from tearing the old penile tissues and develop new tissues along the entire penile shaft. That is your 2 to 10in plus of new length over time.

As a result of these attempts, I have now had a couple of bigger blood spots (or maybe bruises). I assume this is just intensity and they will go away with a couple of days off like the smaller ones.
Yep. Ease up and condition yourself first. No desperate routines and hurt yourself.

I can't seem to leave my dick alone though! Every now and then while at my desk I feel down there and give it a bit of a pull out! Do I just need to give it more of a break, or just let it acclimatise?
Welcome to PE. It's an addiction over time 😭 Just keep at it as it will be part of your life. Ladies play with their breasts and hair. We play with our penis.
Thanks for your speedy reply!
No, try to worry a bit. Red spots means you are pushing too hard and too aggressive on the intensity load. Ease back a bit from that point of red spots just for a week to condition up before increasing the intensity again. I still get it now and then for going a smidgen over the current limit.
I feel like if I went with less intensity I wouldn't be doing anything really... pretty sure it's from the SSJ, going in the bathmate after seems to reduce them a bit oddly. I think also initially, I wasn't including a proper warm up, so perhaps this will help.

Intensity seems a difficult thing to master, I see you even mentioned in a reply to me in this thread to "go hard at it", or words to that affect. I guess you are just meaning once I'm conditioned?

You cemented your gain, recovered the lost penile realestate, or both when you lost a bit of weight. A good start.
Do you call it a gain, even if its just from lost body fat?
Yes. Some of our veteran brothers just stretch for 5 minutes using newbie routines as warm up. Some use warm rice socks to warm up faster and get things rolling. A few using warming heater to max out the tissue malleability through the workout. Everyone has tissue needs. Standard approach is to warm things up properly.
Is this warm up in all the same directions as the routine? and is this quite light stretching?
Yes. The dull achy feeling when you stretch at your max without pain is the upper limit. Just slightly less achy is the lower limit. Just at the point of pain is the new limit.
But does it matter that I don't feel like I'm actually stretching anything... like I've seen written elsewhere, the tunica is as tough as leather, can perhaps stretch 5%, but I don't think I'm seeing or feeling that?
Inner penis is the key to recover or expose the hidden realestate. But that's only 1 to 2 inches of hidden realestate. The true gains is from tearing the old penile tissues and develop new tissues along the entire penile shaft. That is your 2 to 10in plus of new length over time.
1 to 2 inches is all I need! 😁
Yep. Ease up and condition yourself first. No desperate routines and hurt yourself.
Ok, so this the knack then.. as I said above, I feel like less intensity would be doing nothing. How do you gauge this?
Welcome to PE. It's an addiction over time 😭 Just keep at it as it will be part of your life. Ladies play with their breasts and hair. We play with our penis.
Are there times though, that I should stop playing and leave the poor chap to rest, or is it OK me having a fiddle and getting regular erections but not working anything?
Intensity seems a difficult thing to master, I see you even mentioned in a reply to me in this thread to "go hard at it", or words to that affect. I guess you are just meaning once I'm conditioned?
Correct. Once you are sufficiently conditioned, normally takes about a week to as long as two months, depending on each person's skin type, go hard at it in terms of incremental intensity. The dull pain is a great measurement of the upper bound of intensity, just before the no-no pain.

Do you call it a gain, even if its just from lost body fat?
Correct. When you lose fat, you gain the ability to pull even harder on the lost realestate hidden inside the body. Fat pad reduce the ability to pull hard using the pump because the fat pad doesn't allow you the leverage to pull harder under vacuum. The pull feels springy and inconsistent vs a tougher surface that provides good consistent pull under pressure. Body fat also hides the hidden penile shaft at the base which is the lost. In both perspectives, it's a win-win.

Is this warm up in all the same directions as the routine? and is this quite light stretching?
Yes. All directional stretches straight up and out acts as warm up stretches. The true stretches are the down and BTC, working against your ligaments and creating tears. In reality, or doesn't matter as long as there sufficient reactions to create tears for reformation of new tissues. Intensity loads are what we aim for.

But does it matter that I don't feel like I'm actually stretching anything... like I've seen written elsewhere, the tunica is as tough as leather, can perhaps stretch 5%, but I don't think I'm seeing or feeling that?
Tunica is indeed tough as leather, but soft flexible leather that can be torn. The stretches from full erection is 25%. From flaccid, it can go has far as 65% in additional length. At this point, you will be screaming.

1 to 2 inches is all I need! 😁
Nah, once you get there, it'll be another 1 or 2in. We all said that in the past. We are still chasing for more now.

Ok, so this the knack then.. as I said above, I feel like less intensity would be doing nothing. How do you gauge this?
We use hanging weights with a hanging device, like the Length Master's Hanger plates. We hang weights at the very start and measure the pulling sensation just below the painful sensation, slightly above the dull pulling pain. Once again, we measure the same weight half way through the routine, and then again after the routine. This is to gauge the sensation of the intensity throughout the routines from non fatigue to fatigue points. This is to ensure we don't go too crazy during the routines. I did the measurements last night, and I freaked out that I went 7lbs over the initial limit after 25 minutes of my lengthening routines. That's 17lbs total. Went too far without realizing because my penis wanted harder pull. If I kept on doing this without realizing it sooner, I will plateau out at higher weight too soon and cannot use the higher intensity as my trump card. You want to preserve that. Good piece of steak takes time at constant temperature over a certain amount of time. Don't mess it up by cranking up the heat too high because you're hungry.

Are there times though, that I should stop playing and leave the poor chap to rest, or is it OK me having a fiddle and getting regular erections but not working anything?
It's not a problem. Keep messing with it. As long as you don't tug and pull as hard as a normal routine for too long of a period, you're fine.
Correct. Once you are sufficiently conditioned, normally takes about a week to as long as two months, depending on each person's skin type, go hard at it in terms of incremental intensity. The dull pain is a great measurement of the upper bound of intensity, just before the no-no pain.
Dull pain while stretching, not after? and is this in the tunica, or the deeper ligaments?
Yes. All directional stretches straight up and out acts as warm up stretches. The true stretches are the down and BTC, working against your ligaments and creating tears. In reality, or doesn't matter as long as there sufficient reactions to create tears for reformation of new tissues. Intensity loads are what we aim for.
So bundled and quite light?
Tunica is indeed tough as leather, but soft flexible leather that can be torn. The stretches from full erection is 25%. From flaccid, it can go has far as 65% in additional length. At this point, you will be screaming.
Ok, but I'm not feeling I'm getting any stretch right now, just hitting hard leather and getting nothing more... but yet, putting in too much intensity? Bit confused on that.
We use hanging weights with a hanging device, like the Length Master's Hanger plates. We hang weights at the very start and measure the pulling sensation just below the painful sensation, slightly above the dull pulling pain. Once again, we measure the same weight half way through the routine, and then again after the routine. This is to gauge the sensation of the intensity throughout the routines from non fatigue to fatigue points. This is to ensure we don't go too crazy during the routines. I did the measurements last night, and I freaked out that I went 7lbs over the initial limit after 25 minutes of my lengthening routines. That's 17lbs total. Went too far without realizing because my penis wanted harder pull. If I kept on doing this without realizing it sooner, I will plateau out at higher weight too soon and cannot use the higher intensity as my trump card. You want to preserve that. Good piece of steak takes time at constant temperature over a certain amount of time. Don't mess it up by cranking up the heat too high because you're hungry.
Ok, don't understand this and not read this anywhere before. Is this necessary as a newbie?
Dull pain while stretching, not after? and is this in the tunica, or the deeper ligaments?
Both. When pulling/tugging, you will feel the dull pain from the bottom of the penis at the base more than the rest of the penile shaft. Once the routine is over, you will feel it all over. The constant dull pain during the stretches is what important. The remnant dull pain is the result of the good routine.

So bundled and quite light?
Bundle by twist to the best that you can until it cannot be contort any more. This works the penile shaft, not so much at the base of the penis and the ligaments. When pulling, start lightly. Oh please be light. Then slowly pull until you get that dull pain feeling. The sensation is completely different between when bundled vs when not. During the contortion, less traction force is needed to work the penile shaft.

If you want to pull against the ligaments, dedicate a full 5 minutes of just pulling it straight down without the bundle. Use dynamic stretches (DS) instead. What is DS? Pull down until you feel the dull pain, slowly, SLOWLY, pull slightly harder beyond that dull pain until you reach light pain, hold for 30 seconds, and go back to dull pain. This is DS. I perform this at 10 seconds intervals, causing constant tears, while adding 180 degrees bundle. This is moderate to advance level for when you penis is sufficiently conditioned.

Ok, but I'm not feeling I'm getting any stretch right now, just hitting hard leather and getting nothing more... but yet, putting in too much intensity? Bit confused on that.
The hard leather feeling without that dull pain is not high enough of an intensity. Pull down just a bit harder, but slowly.

Ok, don't understand this and not read this anywhere before. Is this necessary as a newbie?
Yes, and no. Yes, as a newbie that has yet to enter into the world of PE. No, if you already did some pulling stretches manually. Newbie is just to provide conditioning enough before heading into more intense routines. Reading is one thing, but following a guide to the letter is another. PE is all about understanding the base guidelines but constantly modify the base guidelines for your needs.
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Both. When pulling/tugging, you will feel the dull pain from the bottom of the penis at the base more than the rest of the penile shaft. Once the routine is over, you will feel it all over. The constant dull pain during the stretches is what important. The remnant dull pain is the result of the good routine.
Ok, then as you have worked out below, I think I'm not giving enough intensity. The red spots are more likely from girth work as I said.
Bundle by twist to the best that you can until it cannot be contort any more. This works the penile shaft, not so much at the base of the penis and the ligaments. When pulling, start lightly. Oh please be light. Then slowly pull until you get that dull pain feeling. The sensation is completely different between when bundled vs when not. During the contortion, less traction force is needed to work the penile shaft.

If you want to pull against the ligaments, dedicate a full 5 minutes of just pulling it straight down without the bundle. Use dynamic stretches (DS) instead. What is DS? Pull down until you feel the dull pain, slowly, SLOWLY, pull slightly harder beyond that dull pain until you reach light pain, hold for 30 seconds, and go back to dull pain. This is DS. I perform this at 10 seconds intervals, causing constant tears, while adding 180 degrees bundle. This is moderate to advance level for when you penis is sufficiently conditioned.

The hard leather feeling without that dull pain is not high enough of an intensity. Pull down just a bit harder, but slowly.

Yes, and no. Yes, as a newbie that has yet to enter into the world of PE. No, if you already did some pulling stretches manually. Newbie is just to provide conditioning enough before heading into more intense routines. Reading is one thing, but following a guide to the letter is another. PE is all about understanding the base guidelines but constantly modify the base guidelines for your needs.
Ok, but I didn't understand what you were trying to explain... what are you trying to establish? Are you adding weight just until the point before pain at the start, recording that weight, then adding the same weight again in the middle and at the end... what does this tell you and how are you using it to adjust how hard you pull on your dick?
Ok, but I didn't understand what you were trying to explain... what are you trying to establish?
Comfort level. Just below the needed traction force to reinforce the gains.

Upper traction force level, where changes occurs but the pain is low and dull.

New growth zone level by inducing higher intensity for further micro tearing. Don't stay in this zone for too long.

Are you adding weight just until the point before pain at the start, recording that weight, then adding the same weight again in the middle and at the end... what does this tell you and how are you using it to adjust how hard you pull on your dick?
Correct. Let's just say this week you started out at 5lbs as the threshold point where you feel comfortable but there is no dull pain at the start, at the middle, or at the end of the routine. 5lbs is already above the needed micro tearing requirements. 30 minutes to 60 minutes of this will initiate micro tearinf regardless of your penile tissue density. Clinical warnings not to exceed 2.5lbs for more than 60 minutes. 2.5lbs at a longer period beyond 2 hours initiate micro tearing for optimal growth. 5lbs within 30 minutes will force the micro tears rapidly for newbies. But, for you, there is no dull pain at this point.

But the moment you add another 1lb onto the 5lbs, you feel the dull pain. This is your upper optimal zone. Remember the feeling.

In the middle of the routine for lengthening, use the same 6lbs. Feel it. At this time, you'll feel a bit less dull feeling than since the start. Opposite feeling may be true if your tissues and ligaments feel fatigue. Note that sensation and not to exceed that. Do the same again at the end. Note it and do not exceed it.

This is the early warning not to go too hard and too fast, similar to pumping. Too hard and too fast will make your penis adapts too fast at higher intensity. Wait until you're about 6 months into the Length Master routines before breaking out the truly terrifying intensity to break any plateaus, if you reach it. Most don't until the 9th or 12th month.
By the way, DLD is correct in predicting an increment of 0.5lbs every 2 weeks, starting at 2.5lbs. 1lb every 2 weeks indicates your penis is adapting fast to high intensity.
By the way, DLD is correct in predicting an increment of 0.5lbs every 2 weeks, starting at 2.5lbs. 1lb every 2 weeks indicates your penis is adapting fast to high intensity.
Building up intensity and/weight is safe but also more better growth
By the way, DLD is correct in predicting an increment of 0.5lbs every 2 weeks, starting at 2.5lbs. 1lb every 2 weeks indicates your penis is adapting fast to high intensity.
So this is a good rate of increase, or too fast?

...and I should do this at the start when the lengthmaster arrives, and match my intensity to how 2.5lbs feels?
So this is a good rate of increase, or too fast?
At 0.5lbs increase per 2 weeks, it's a good intensity. No need to climb faster. If your tugging and pulling remains at low weight/traction force, even better. It means you don't have to use higher weight/traction force to get the same amount of workout. I'm still using 6.5lbs since March, and push hard up into 10lbs when I get a micro tears for 10 minutes and go back down to 6.5lbs. Even at 6.5lbs, I worry that I may be reaching an accidental plateau at this weight/traction force. I should only be at around 5.5Lbs, or 6lbs. 0.5lb doesn't appear significant to us in terms of skeletal muscle tissues, but for soft penile and pelvic floor tissues, it's pretty significant, just like 0.5inHg vs 1inHg for pumping. The small number doesn't mean much, but breaking down to smaller values at the cellular level, it is quite large.

...and I should do this at the start when the lengthmaster arrives, and match my intensity to how 2.5lbs feels?
Yes. Gauge, gauge, and gauge some more. 2.5lbs, 3.5lbs, 4lbs, 4.5lbs...know the sensations. Find that lower comfortable limit below the dull feeling. Find that starting dull tug sensation. Then find that upper bound dull to painful feeling. Note it all down on your personal logs. You will be surprised when you look back on it later.
At 0.5lbs increase per 2 weeks, it's a good intensity. No need to climb faster. If your tugging and pulling remains at low weight/traction force, even better. It means you don't have to use higher weight/traction force to get the same amount of workout. I'm still using 6.5lbs since March, and push hard up into 10lbs when I get a micro tears for 10 minutes and go back down to 6.5lbs. Even at 6.5lbs, I worry that I may be reaching an accidental plateau at this weight/traction force. I should only be at around 5.5Lbs, or 6lbs. 0.5lb doesn't appear significant to us in terms of skeletal muscle tissues, but for soft penile and pelvic floor tissues, it's pretty significant, just like 0.5inHg vs 1inHg for pumping. The small number doesn't mean much, but breaking down to smaller values at the cellular level, it is quite large.

Yes. Gauge, gauge, and gauge some more. 2.5lbs, 3.5lbs, 4lbs, 4.5lbs...know the sensations. Find that lower comfortable limit below the dull feeling. Find that starting dull tug sensation. Then find that upper bound dull to painful feeling. Note it all down on your personal logs. You will be surprised when you look back on it later.
Hey, so I've got most of the SRT kit... surprised how tight the durorings are, and they all seem the same tension.

So many questions again, obviously haha

Quick first one though... does the mightyvac always constantly lose pressure? Are you always having to keep topping it up throughout your routine?
Hey, so I've got most of the SRT kit... surprised how tight the durorings are, and they all seem the same tension.
Yep. They are indeed tight. They are tight because they meant to work as an alternative method to all day stretchers and traction devices. I grew out of it so fast that it choked my poor litlte guy. I use a softer SiliSleeve2 to do the same thing, but with less traction strength.

So many questions again, obviously haha
Ask away. Never stop asking.

Quick first one though... does the MityVac always constantly lose pressure?
Yes, if you don't shave yourself well. No, if you have perfect contact and vacuum. If you do have slow leak, there are many ways to check for leakage. It can be as simple as aligning the threads properly to making sure the hoses are nice and tight onto the barbs.

Let us know what's going on with the pressure leak.

Are you always having to keep topping it up throughout your routine?
Topping off water? That's a no. Why? Because the 5x5x3 routine should force you to renew your water. 5 minutes SSJ or pump first, depending on how you work on your expansion, and when you use 5 minutes of water on the pump, the water gets vacated during the pumping. After pumping, you have to pull your penis out to do the follow up SSJ to further expand the internal tissues. Refill water, and start fresh.

I think you're thinking about topping off is because you have a leak? Even with a leak, when you pump out, you'll vacate the air and the remaining water volume should be the same amount you have before air intrudes.
Yep. They are indeed tight. They are tight because they meant to work as an alternative method to all day stretchers and traction devices. I grew out of it so fast that it choked my poor litlte guy. I use a softer SiliSleeve2 to do the same thing, but with less traction strength.
The cock ring things, yeah? Read that they shouldn't be too tight, they are far too strong... I have other adjustable ones I think I'll use.
Ask away. Never stop asking.

Yes, if you don't shave yourself well. No, if you have perfect contact and vacuum. If you do have slow leak, there are many ways to check for leakage. It can be as simple as aligning the threads properly to making sure the hoses are nice and tight onto the barbs.

Let us know what's going on with the pressure leak.
I'm shaven and the seal was good, what else should I check?
Topping off water? That's a no. Why? Because the 5x5x3 routine should force you to renew your water. 5 minutes SSJ or pump first, depending on how you work on your expansion, and when you use 5 minutes of water on the pump, the water gets vacated during the pumping. After pumping, you have to pull your penis out to do the follow up SSJ to further expand the internal tissues. Refill water, and start fresh.

I think you're thinking about topping off is because you have a leak? Even with a leak, when you pump out, you'll vacate the air and the remaining water volume should be the same amount you have before air intrudes.
No, I wasn't using water, was trialling with just air. Don't know how I'd do it with water here, same way as the bathmate? I only have a shower not a bath. Wanted the mightyvac it as it would be easier to do training out of the shower. It's a pain having to constantly be in the shower to be honest!
I'm shaven and the seal was good, what else should I check?
This is s good start:

This is for both air and water: check the hose connections between the cylinder, water trap, and the gun. Do not test the line going from the water trap, through the hose, and the pump gun by submerging them in the water. The other parts are line, such as the cylinder, the line, and the cylinder side that does not go towards the trigger pump gun. Most of the probable leak when using the water trap is the large o-ring in the water trap unit. Make sure it's not kinked, missing, or damaged.

For the line leak from the water trap to the pumg gun, disconnect the hose at the water trap that connects to the cylinder, put your finger and seal the barb for the water trap, and pump. See if there's leak somewhere between the sealing cap for the water trap or around the barbs for the water trap and the trigger pump gun.

No, I wasn't using water, was trialling with just air. Don't know how I'd do it with water here, same way as the bathmate?
If you're not using water, do the same test above after following the direction from our brother SIM's video, then do the pressure test without the cylinder.

I only have a shower not a bath. Wanted the MityVac it as it would be easier to do training out of the shower. It's a pain having to constantly be in the shower to be honest!
Bathmate device doesn't mean you have to use a bath tub. I use my Bathmate out of the shower all the time. Same with the MityVac. It's how well you prevent water from spilling all over the place is the key to not making your normal bed into a water bed. Most of my pumping done on my bed.
This is s good start:

This is for both air and water: check the hose connections between the cylinder, water trap, and the gun. Do not test the line going from the water trap, through the hose, and the pump gun by submerging them in the water. The other parts are line, such as the cylinder, the line, and the cylinder side that does not go towards the trigger pump gun. Most of the probable leak when using the water trap is the large o-ring in the water trap unit. Make sure it's not kinked, missing, or damaged.

For the line leak from the water trap to the pumg gun, disconnect the hose at the water trap that connects to the cylinder, put your finger and seal the barb for the water trap, and pump. See if there's leak somewhere between the sealing cap for the water trap or around the barbs for the water trap and the trigger pump gun.

If you're not using water, do the same test above after following the direction from our brother SIM's video, then do the pressure test without the cylinder.

Bathmate device doesn't mean you have to use a bath tub. I use my Bathmate out of the shower all the time. Same with the MityVac. It's how well you prevent water from spilling all over the place is the key to not making your normal bed into a water bed. Most of my pumping done on my bed.
Ok, I'll have a read, thanks...

I wasn't using the water trap, as I wasn't using water. Assume its not mandatory?

How on earth do you bathmate out of the shower? Lol
I wasn't using the water trap, as I wasn't using water. Assume its not mandatory?
Nope. Air or water. Quite a few brothers use air. Quite a few use water. The rest use water and air, including me.

How on earth do you bathmate out of the shower? Lol
Look a lot of learning curve experience. Let's just say my bathroom was a nice pond before I acquire the methods to make it into light accidental spills. Everyone will learn how to work the unit outside of the shower eventually. This is a learning journey 😉
Nope. Air or water. Quite a few brothers use air. Quite a few use water. The rest use water and air, including me.
What I mean is, if you are just using air, you can skip the water trap section and just go from gun to cylinder?
Look a lot of learning curve experience. Let's just say my bathroom was a nice pond before I acquire the methods to make it into light accidental spills. Everyone will learn how to work the unit outside of the shower eventually. This is a learning journey 😉
Might skip this learning curve! 😅
Yes. If you're using only air, remove the water trap, connect the hose between pump and cylinder, and go crazy. Well, crazily and safely.

I've sorted this now already, seems to be staying at pressure... not sure exactly what it was if I'm honest!

Is it easy to attach pics in here, got soke weird looking silicone bit with the silistretcher... no idea what it is!
I've sorted this now already, seems to be staying at pressure... not sure exactly what it was if I'm honest!
Very common to have just a slight misconnection or angling of the hose on the barb will cause leakage. Samew it the sealing o-rings and threading for the cylinder. Everything should be by hand. Do make sure to read up on the maintenance of the trigger gun. You may not use water, but air containing moisture is the same as water. Learn how to strip it down and perform maintenance. Keep all moving parts lubricated accordingly. Since I also dabble in metalurgical materials as past time hobbies, make sure to coat the metal surface with either food grade mineral oil or silicone oil. They're cheap, and they will prevent rusts and pitting. If you need help on this, let us know.

Is it easy to attach pics in here, got soke weird looking silicone bit with the silistretcher... no idea what it is!
Yes, it is. Look for the button "Attach" or "Attach File" below the typing comment field. You can upload the photos, select Insert, follows by the option of the "Thumbnail" for smaller image or "Full" to include the original file size. You can even copy and paste the image directly into the comment field if you're on a PC, saving time to upload your image.
Very common to have just a slight misconnection or angling of the hose on the barb will cause leakage. Samew it the sealing o-rings and threading for the cylinder. Everything should be by hand. Do make sure to read up on the maintenance of the trigger gun. You may not use water, but air containing moisture is the same as water. Learn how to strip it down and perform maintenance. Keep all moving parts lubricated accordingly. Since I also dabble in metalurgical materials as past time hobbies, make sure to coat the metal surface with either food grade mineral oil or silicone oil. They're cheap, and they will prevent rusts and pitting. If you need help on this, let us know.
Yes, it is. Look for the button "Attach" or "Attach File" below the typing comment field. You can upload the photos, select Insert, follows by the option of the "Thumbnail" for smaller image or "Full" to include the original file size. You can even copy and paste the image directly into the comment field if you're on a PC, saving time to upload your image.
Ok, first question, what is this? It looks like maybe it shouldn't be this way, like it's deformed?
Second question, is the rubber thing on the right the bit thats meant to go over the edge of the vacuum device on the left, and then onto your shaft?
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Err..that deformed silicone may be an extra extrusion gone bad and accidentally got included as an Easter Egg present perhalf? Hahahaha..I wouldn't know. But that is trash.

As for that right silicone cutout on the right of the SiliStretcher, yes, it's a binding piece for your SiliSleeve and the SiliStretcher. It acts like spare gripping piece to prevent the slippage of the SiliSleeve from the SiliStretcher cup. More like spare precautionary piece. I use it as a loose cock ring padding when my penis base was smaller. Now, I use as a temporary cock ring with perfect tightness as a restrictive method to hold the blood in after pumping. The blood drains out within 5 minutes with this cutout. Why waste it.
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Err..that deformed silicone may be an extra extrusion gone bad and accidentally got included as an Easter Egg present perhalf? Hahahaha..I wouldn't know. But that is trash.
Okie dokes 😅 maybe I can use it as a ball stretcher!
As for that right silicone cutout on the right of the SiliStretcher, yes, it's a binding piece for your SiliSleeve and the SiliStretcher. It acts like spare gripping piece to prevent the slippage of the SiliSleeve from the SiliStretcher cup. More like spare precautionary piece. I use it as a loose cock ring padding when my penis base was smaller. Now, I use as a temporary cock ring with perfect tightness as a restrictive method to hold the blood in after pumping. The blood drains out within 5 minutes with this cutout. Why waste it.
Ooooh... am I meant to be using the Silisleeves to go from the thing on the left to create a seal with the shaft? I wondered why an extra set came with it. In the product pictures it's blue material and I was wondering where this bit was. So it will cover the full shaft, not just part of it? Are there any good threads with pictures etc showing set up?

Going back to the mightyvac... seemed that most of the expansion started in the base of my dick. Does it normally start there and work its way up? I'm keen to get even girth and I don't want any baseball bat going on. That said, it seems difficult to get proper work with the SSJ right at the base.
Just found the videos re the silistretcher I was looking for 👌
This silistretcher is way better that then phallosan, easy to get set up and it stay on!...Although could do with some help working out the straps 🤦‍♂️


Is this device what you use to hang weights from? I tried with some of my 0.5kg (1.1lb) gym weights, but you can't get many on!

Also then had some learning with the silisleeves (I am uncut and tried to do it with the head exposed but I think better with the foreskin up?

Is the thicker end of the silisleeve meant to go at the head or the base?... and do you store these as they came, i.e. Still using the polystyrene spine, and in the packets they came in?

Oh, and I didn't answer your previous comment re the mightyvac, would definitely like to know how to disassemble and oil up, but might save that until I get to grips with other things first!
This silistretcher is way better that then phallosan, easy to get set up and it stay on!...Although could do with some help working out the straps 🤦‍♂️

View attachment 1836399

Is this device what you use to hang weights from? I tried with some of my 0.5kg (1.1lb) gym weights, but you can't get many on!
Yep. With time, you will learn how to hang up to 20lbs. I suggest to remain low as you can. However, hanging should not be your strategy. Use Length Master over hanging. Hanging is for measuring the current pulling tension you're at.

Also then had some learning with the silisleeves (I am uncut and tried to do it with the head exposed but I think better with the foreskin up?
I'm uncut as well. Pull the foreskin completely back.

Is the thicker end of the silisleeve meant to go at the head or the base?

... and do you store these as they came, i.e. Still using the polystyrene spine, and in the packets they came in?
For unused ones, yes. For the one being used, no.

Oh, and I didn't answer your previous comment re the MityVac, would definitely like to know how to disassemble and oil up, but might save that until I get to grips with other things first!
I believe brother squirt_inducer_man (SIM) has a video on this. Go to pumping forum and search for the MityVac maintenance.
Yep. With time, you will learn how to hang up to 20lbs. I suggest to remain low as you can. However, hanging should not be your strategy. Use Length Master over hanging. Hanging is for measuring the current pulling tension you're at.

I'm uncut as well. Pull the foreskin completely back.


For unused ones, yes. For the one being used, no.

I believe brother squirt_inducer_man (SIM) has a video on this. Go to pumping forum and search for the MityVac maintenance.
Keep this! It's like an art piece!

Jokes aside, get an replacement, it's not supposed to look like this.
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