So about year ago I took Cialis, it didn't really work because I have bad ED from being paralyzed. But I woke up in the morning with a huge red bulge on the left side rate under Head of my penis. I went to the hospital that night because I thought it would go away but it didn't all day and they injected me with some kind of anti-inflammatory or something.
Took Viagra in Las Vegas worked awesome, fast forward to last night tried it again about an hour in after taking it I'm getting head and hand job, I notice the big red bulbs on the same side is there again. So we stop I go soft, not like I'm maintaining an erection for over four hours that really bad, but what the hell is this big red bulge, it was still there so I iced it this morning and it went down a lot but my penis is still kind of uneven looking, thicker near the head on the left side I don't have any sensation down there so kind of freaked out. The hell could it be
Took Viagra in Las Vegas worked awesome, fast forward to last night tried it again about an hour in after taking it I'm getting head and hand job, I notice the big red bulbs on the same side is there again. So we stop I go soft, not like I'm maintaining an erection for over four hours that really bad, but what the hell is this big red bulge, it was still there so I iced it this morning and it went down a lot but my penis is still kind of uneven looking, thicker near the head on the left side I don't have any sensation down there so kind of freaked out. The hell could it be