Once i reach my length and girth goal (ex. Length 8 inches, girth 6 inches) how permanent will the gains be? Will there ever be a point in which i can stop doing this all together? Or do i have to continue to do these stretches in order to keep my results?
When you
cement your gains it will be
They recommend you to go
0.5 Inch past your length goal (in BPEL) in order to cement your length fully.
Because if you stop immediately, there is a big chance that you will loose like
0.5 Inch with time (This info comes from
@hugh-girth and
After you have reached your goal of
8.5 Inch Bone Pressed Erected Length you can stretch for a little bit longer, at least give stretching 1 year. But I belive 1.5 year are more suitable for most people.
It all depends on how far you are able to progress and elongate and loosen up tunica albigunea (and the other tissue). There will also be
cell division involved in the growth process. But how your body are growing is nothing you ever need to think about. But nutrition/food, sleep, and healing (use
SRT healing) are very important to see good progress with your penis enlargement program.
But in order to cement and gain the fastest I recommend bundled stretches as well. Stretching your penis with regular stretches will not be enough to gain fast for the majority of your length gain journey.
In some parts of your program you need to incorporate
bundled stretches in order to increases the intensity progressively. You want this in order to not get stuck in plateaus where you stop gaining.
They are called
bundled stretches because your goal is to bundle up as much tissue as possible, and then stretch all that. In this way you will elongate and stretch out more tissue in comparison to regular stretches.
If you can afford
LengthMaster 3 that would be your best tool of making this process as fast as possible.
We call this type of penis enlargement:
That is: You stretch more seldom and not as hard, like once per week in order to make sure you will cement/make permanent your goal length of 8 Inches BPEL. It's also nice to see that temporary elongation after a session, it's extremely addictive.
I have always been afraid of loosing gains, so I understand your concern FULLY. But I'm not afraid anymore once I have seen, that my gains are now cemented fully. But I will never stop penis enlargement either (will always have some kind of maintenance program in place), so my worries are not there any longer.
But to your question.
how permanent will the gains be? Will there ever be a point in which i can stop doing this all together? Or do i have to continue to do these stretches in order to keep my results?
Your gains will be permanent. But you need to stretch for a while in order to make sure they are permanent. When it comes to girth it's a little bit diffrent. Even there you need to expand past your end goal in order to cement your girth.
The golden rule in penis enlargement:
Temporary gains leads to permanent gains with time and effort.
Also I recommend that you progress as fast as you can into
bundled stretches (
Explanation of bundled stretches). You can start with your hands and progress from there. It's important to increase the intensity exponentially as you progress.
Reverse kegels are also super important in order to stretch your entire tissue (shaft, inner tissue, inner penis and ligaments).
You should not be afraid of stretching your ligaments and inner penis hard. I have been stretching my ligaments hard, mainly what we are focusing on are
Fundiform and
Suspensory. And I have no bad side effects form this.
My penis is just ticker and longer.
Bundled stretches will also increase the
tickness (also some girth) of your penis, especially when you progress into:
Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches,
Expressive Stretches (grip at the base/attachments at the base ) and
5 minutes holds (each stretch are 5 minutes long).
5 minute holds are also superior in order to maximize the temporary elongation after a length session. And you want this maximized.
Your brain will make sure you are stretching with optimal stretching force. It's hard to explain how hard you can stretch to gain fast, but what I will say is that you need to
"dig into" your
inner penis and
ligaments in every strech you do. Ligaments will retract, so there is no danger in stretching them hard.
I read an interesting resarch paper on this previously (related to ligaments), I hope I can find that again so I can share that here.
They where talking about the functions and properties of ligaments, and how they where able yo retract fully when not stretched past a certain limit.
You do not need to be scared of stretching your ligaments and inner penis with full stretching force.
I tried to
pull off my penis with
LengthMaster 3, but I was not able to. This analogy tells you how hard I was stretching.
But be careful. You need to build up your intensity (stretching force...and other things) in order to get to max intensity. This process to get to maximum stretching force can take many months to get into.
In the beginning it can also be hard to fully relax into the stretch with
reverse Kegels. Becouse you are not used to your penis being stretching past it's
"safe zone".
Reverse Kegels are done naturally when urinating, but also if we would imagine someone else would get hold of our penis and pull it.
This would be the worst case scenario for our penis. Then you would automatically do extremely hard Kegels (not reverse Kegels = allow your penis to be stretched), in order to protect your penis and inner penis. There is more tissue inside of your body then outside your body. This exist in order to support your penis when you have a 100% erection. Without this inner structure it would not work.
Look here at our wonderful inner penis (from the underside). Look at how much tissue you see here.
Picure: This picure above are linked from the album: 🖼 Penis Anatomy.
I have a good progression program that I recommend, that will make you gain length fast. Tell me if you want a direct link to it? Otherwise the information are pinned at the top in the
Penis Enlargement Forum.
We also have a section in this thread (
link) where I have attached links to threads where brothers are talking about how to cement gains. Both in girth and length.
Here is the thread, just "click" on it to get to the thread.
🗒 List of important threads.
Note: When I write posts/in threads I only make links
BLUE. So links are easy to find. I also mostly add
in front of a link, if there is not to many of them at once.
Here is a copy of the list in that thread, where the discussion are about cementing gains. I do not quote the: 🗒 List of important threads, becouse it will be changed in the future (it's a dynamic thread where information will be added continuously).
Cementing gains.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards