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So many awesome benefits with the MOSRED. When you start using you will see incredible gains and healing. Nows the time to buy as it is on sale and you can also use the 18% additional discount using the coupon code MOS18...huge discount
I just became a member here today because I decided to seriously restart PE. I tried jelqing and stretching about 7 years ago but quit after a few months. I have just bought a bathmate hydromax, and will buy a phallosan forte plus very soon. I plan to use the bathmate during the day and use the phallosan while I sleep.

I'm not really sure how I should start, but I know it needs to be slowly and carefully. I don't really know how often or how long I should use each device. I don't know when/if I need to take breaks or push through the discomfort/minimal pain. And I don't know when and how I should/can kick things up a notch. I would really appreciate some direction and guidance, or even a laid-out protocol, about how I should get started and how to move through PE. Thanks a lot!!
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I just became a member here today because I decided to seriously restart PE. I tried jelqing and stretching about 7 years ago but quit after a few months. I have just bought a bathmate hydromax, and will buy a phallosan forte plus very soon. I plan to use the bathmate during the day and use the phallosan while I sleep.

I'm not really sure how I should start, but I know it needs to be slowly and carefully. I don't really know how often or how long I should use each device. I don't know when/if I need to take breaks or push through the discomfort/minimal pain. And I don't know when and how I should/can kick things up a notch. I would really appreciate some direction and guidance, or even a laid-out protocol, about how I should get started and how to move through PE. Thanks a lot!!

I've replied you on the thread you created. I also sent you a PM.
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I have a quite a few questions on pumping with the mitivax. I have never pumped, but I should have it delivered soon, just waiting on shipping. I guess the store is backed up due to Christmas.

Do you get hard then start? What is a good starter routine that isn't too complicated? I have read about 5x5x3 and interval, but they seem more advanced. Can i start there? etc...
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I have a quite a few questions on pumping with the mitivax. I have never pumped, but I should have it delivered soon, just waiting on shipping. I guess the store is backed up due to Christmas.

Do you get hard then start? What is a good starter routine that isn't too complicated? I have read about 5x5x3 and interval, but they seem more advanced. Can i start there? etc...
You get yourself erected and you also do Kegels inside the pump to "boost" the erection. If you do not get erected first, my understanding is that you then stretch out your skin.

This is the only program you need for girthwork:
🔗 SRT 5X5X3.

Here is the SSJ exercise:
📹 Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) - Girth exercise.
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Forums for Newer routines whit and whitout equipment although the SRT is almost unbeatable 🤣
We need to check if this is desirable (with a new forum). I don't think we need a new forum for this.

Yes indeed. SRT is the fundamentals of penis enlargement. Without
🔗 SRT -Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory (follow link)

we will gain so much slower.

*Edit by SIM(@squirt_inducer_man);
I have clarified that the above link, are indeed a link to the SRT program.
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You're right. It would be nice to have some place to go to look at every one of them. But can't it be that the most effective exercises remain KNOW?
Maybe a list with links? 🤔
The ones we already know are really effective.If we include the devices to our routines definitely gains are fastened.Theres still many new members that can't get the devices.I know the newbie routine is great,but knowing that there are others exercises that are the foundation to what we know now could be great, useful and mind opening..just my 2 cents, A list with links to the "roots" of PE,can be easier n take less time to rewrite them all over.The Descriptions are already there,if the descriptions are not clear enough they could be updated or something.

Amazing work 👍
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The ones we already know are really effective.If we include the devices to our routines definitely gains are fastened.Theres still many new members that can't get the devices.I know the newbie routine is great,but knowing that there are others exercises that are the foundation to what we know now could be great, useful and mind opening..just my 2 cents, A list with links to the "roots" of PE,can be easier n take less time to rewrite them all over.The Descriptions are already there,if the descriptions are not clear enough they could be updated or something.
Yes a really good idea. Maybe I can get to that in the future. The complete broomstick routine with video instructions is something I also will share later.
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I found it from Lightning in 2019 on the product page. He said start with 5-6in Hg.
Last one... maybe, with 5/5/3 do you use a sleeve or nothing since it is a short period of time?
I believe that is a great level to start at. But you will feel in your penis as well. The pressure/expansion in your penis should not be extreme...just optimal. And with time you would grow.

I have mostly been pumping with Bathmate. But also with a cheep ass air pump. I have no gauge on any of them.

My belief is that you do not need a sleeve when pumping as long as you do, Girth program 5x5x3.
Don't use to high pressure. It's better you aim for the long game.

Many seams to get blisters when pumping for to long (being inside the pump for to long) and/or with to much vaccum/pressure. I have never got blisters from pumping, and I had pretty extreme pressure with my Bathmate pumps (don't recommend that = be safe about it). The key is 5x5x3. 😊
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I believe that is a great level to start at. But you will feel in your penis as well. The pressure/expansion in your penis should not be extreme...just optimal. And with time you would grow.

I have mostly been pumping with Bathmate. But also with a cheep ass air pump. I have no gauge on any of them.

My belief is that you do not need a sleeve when pumping as long as you do, Girth program 5x5x3.
Don't use to high pressure. It's better you aim for the long game.

Many seams to get blisters when pumping for to long (being inside the pump for to long) and/or with to much vaccum/pressure. I have never got blisters from pumping, and I had pretty extreme pressure with my Bathmate pumps (don't recommend that = be safe about it). The key is 5x5x3. 😊
Thank you! I saw that the MitiVac finally shipped out today so i should have it in a week or so.
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Brilliant work you're doing, proud of you.

I don't visit much these days but not from lack of care, it's just I've moved down another path, and it's been time for a change here

It's good to see the new energy, fresh eyes, most important that Mos still around.

I'll be in and out, will share knowledge and will need it too 😃
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Brilliant work you're doing, proud of you.

I don't visit much these days but not from lack of care, it's just I've moved down another path, and it's been time for a change here

It's good to see the new energy, fresh eyes, most important that Mos still around.

I'll be in and out, will share knowledge and will need it too 😃

All of your routines,exercises,experience is useful for all of us..
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Ask any questions!
We are here to help. 🙂

I have been on a long break from this site, I need to get back into things. I have seen some girth gains that are permanent looking to gain to about 7-7.5” length now and gain to 6” girth I’m very close with girth after pumping. I see you have had impressive gains. Where do You reccomend I start after I do the beginners length exercises by hand ? Thanks brother !
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Where do You reccomend I start after I do the beginners length exercises by hand ?
Progress into bundled stretches as fast as possible. You can use a broomstick or Power Assist 2 to bundle your penis around, the final step is LengthMaster 3. I prescribe active manual stretches before hanging and extending. You have much more control and intensity. Bundled stretches are superior to anything else.

Here is the progression that I'm recommending for length gains.
Abbreviations down below:
DBS (Downward Bundled Stretches).
BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches).

I recommend this progression:
Start with lengthwork only. If you have time you can do girthwork with SRT 5X5X3 as well. Always do length work before girthwork. Not the other way around. It's hard to stretch when you have, temporary expansion in girth of your penis.

Here are the progression steps:
  1. Newbie routine (watch the: MOS DVD).
  2. Newbie routine, with only bundled stretches.
  3. Newbie routine doing bundled stretches with a fulcrum device (broomstick, Power Assist 2). Transition as fast as you can to these kind of stretches. Here is an example: Broomstick routine. You could also follow the Phases in the MOS DVD.
  4. When newbie gains of ~ 1 Inch have been reached, start using LENGTHMASTER 3. I recommend this device in order for you to, increase the intensity exponentially, in order to not get stuck in plateaus.
  5. If you prefer you can get the LENGTHMASTER 3 immediately, and skip step 1 through 4.
  6. If bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, progress to DBS with LENGTHMASTER 3. If not bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, you need to do the newbie routine with LENGTHMASTER 3, before you proceed. Do this newbie bundled routine for ~ 1 month before going to step 7.
  7. Do DBS, and when they are fully exhausted, transition to BTC-BS. Don't transition to fast. Stay on BTC-BS until you have reached your end goal in length. There are many ways to increase the intensity exponentially in BTC-BS. This exercise is the one that will increase your length the fastest, if you have the correct amount of intensity.
This progression above is optimized to increase your length the fastest. There is no other device then LENGTHMASTER 3 that can facilitate these kind of fast gains. Everything has to do with bundled stretches. They are superior to everything else.

Also remember to always apply the healing part of the; SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory.

If you follow this progression you will gain big.
Kind regards
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I'm looking for info about the "inner penis" . I plateaued for awhile but recently discovered that with close to a full erection , I pull on my penis in different angles while focusing on stretching the inner penis and doing a reverse keleg . Now I am making crazy gains ! I even slightly tilt my pelvis downward too to release all tension in the pelvic area while I stretch and pull on the inner penis . Like every few days I'm a little longer . I've been very surprised how quickly I am gaining now .

Just looking for a thread or more info about the inner penis . I read DLD say you can gain 6 inches from stretching the inner penis .

Lets say you gain 4 inches , what is happening with the inner penis ? Will you weaken the inner penis over time by stretching it too much ?
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Lets say you gain 4 inches , what is happening with the inner penis ? Will you weaken the inner penis over time by stretching it too much ?
Nothing is happening. Everything is still really strong, and everything feels like normal. You just get a longer penis.

I'm looking for info about the "inner penis" . I plateaued for awhile but recently discovered that with close to a full erection , I pull on my penis in different angles while focusing on stretching the inner penis and doing a reverse keleg .
I suggest that you stretch your penis fully flaccid and that you are focusing on expressive bundled stretches. That is: You attach/grip your penis at the base and stretch, your penis bundled. But when you are new to pe you should start with having the grip/attachment point behind your glans.

Just looking for a thread or more info about the inner penis . I read DLD say you can gain 6 inches from stretching the inner penis .
That I believe. But as you creep longer and longer towards 4 Inches lengthgain...and 5 Inches you need to increase the intensity exponentially and progressively and also keep the stretching tention and recovery optimally. 3 days on 1 day rest is optimally for myself.

I also will suggest that you progress into Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches.

Here is the progression I recommend.
🔗 Newbie progression..

Always stretch your penis fully flaccid.
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Why do you do erect stretches?

I don't know , I just felt the intuition to do it 🙃

After I'm all warmed up of course , I get erect , grab it like a joystick , then I pull slightly in different directions/angles focusing at the base , but mainly on stretching the inner penis , feeling the stretch on the inside , just like stretching other muscles of the body . Also while standing I tilt my pelvis slightly down towards the floor to release all tension in the pelvis area , relax butt muscles , relax everything , do a reverse keleg , and feel the inner stretch .

Does this sound like I could injury myself ??

Cause I think this is why I 'm starting to gain length really fast .
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I don't know , I just felt the intuition to do it 🙃

After I'm all warmed up of course , I get erect , grab it like a joystick , then I pull slightly in different directions/angles focusing at the base , but mainly on stretching the inner penis , feeling the stretch on the inside , just like stretching other muscles of the body . Also while standing I tilt my pelvis slightly down towards the floor to release all tension in the pelvis area , relax butt muscles , relax everything , do a reverse keleg , and feel the inner stretch .

Does this sound like I could injury myself ??

Cause I think this is why I 'm starting to gain length really fast .

No, this should not hurt you.
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Okay... so i ordered the LM3 today. Can I use a silisleev with this device? I saw there were beginner stretches I will dig into. Any recommendations for starting out as far as comfort goes or ease of use?
I recommend to use 2 pieces of THERABAND | BANDAGE | PENIS WRAPPING TAPE |

The reason for 2 pieces is to cover the entire penis with THERABAND.

I believe just using a sleeve will wear and tear in your skin to much, especially when you increase the amounts of bundles with time.

I have videos that show exactly how to think about it. The text to the videos are really important, becouse I do not talk in my videos.

Start by attaching direct behind your glans. It's also important to hold/push on your glans during the entire clamp down into the chamber. 100% flaccid is also important. Clamping down all the way is really important. I recommend to stay in the chamber for no more then ~13 minutes at a time.

I can share my program later if you want that.
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I recommend to use 2 pieces of THERABAND | BANDAGE | PENIS WRAPPING TAPE |

The reason for 2 pieces is to cover the entire penis with THERABAND.

I believe just using a sleeve will wear and tear in your skin to much, especially when you increase the amounts of bundles with time.

I have videos that show exactly how to think about it. The text to the videos are really important, becouse I do not talk in my videos.

Start by attaching direct behind your glans. It's also important to hold/push on your glans during the entire clamp down into the chamber. 100% flaccid is also important. Clamping down all the way is really important. I recommend to stay in the chamber for no more then ~13 minutes at a time.

I can share my program later if you want that.
Thank you. I will reach out once I get it in and give it a whirl.
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Thank you. I will reach out once I get it in and give it a whirl.
You're welcome brother.
You will love that fantastic device.
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Question about fluid build up/ retention. I started pumping about 2 mo. ago. I started at 5inhg. no problems with fluid build up. Then I found this group & added in bundled stretches & SSJ. I assumed I had progressed enough to increase pressure while pumping. I increased to 7in hg. This was when the fluid showed up. No biggie, followed advice here, took a few days off from PE and all fluid was gone. It did seem to create foreskin, that I never had before. (I'm cut) Back to my routine, and every time I pump, I get fluid. So,I took a 2 week hiatus over the holidays, from everything. Just started up again end of last week. I have slowed the Initial pump pressure to 2min, & max at 5in.hg. I've been doing the 5x5x3 method. After my second session of pumping, since my break, I've had the worst amount of fluid yet. It did receed after 24hr. but...
This can't be good. any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated!!

Sorry for the long post!!
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Question about fluid build up/ retention. I started pumping about 2 mo. ago. I started at 5inhg. no problems with fluid build up. Then I found this group & added in bundled stretches & SSJ. I assumed I had progressed enough to increase pressure while pumping. I increased to 7in hg. This was when the fluid showed up. No biggie, followed advice here, took a few days off from PE and all fluid was gone. It did seem to create foreskin, that I never had before. (I'm cut) Back to my routine, and every time I pump, I get fluid. So,I took a 2 week hiatus over the holidays, from everything. Just started up again end of last week. I have slowed the Initial pump pressure to 2min, & max at 5in.hg. I've been doing the 5x5x3 method. After my second session of pumping, since my break, I've had the worst amount of fluid yet. It did receed after 24hr. but...
This can't be good. any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated!!

Sorry for the long post!!
Have you tried pumping with water?
Keeping your tiseue warm during your entire pumping session, is important to prevent fluid retention.
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I have a Girth question , my thickest is at the base . I do SSJ , and wondering if the girth will eventually even out throughout the penis , or is the base always gonna be the thickest on some guys like me ? Seems like the base continues to thicken but the rest of the penis is slow girth growing .
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...