Anyone know where to grab this stuff in Canada?

ok I finally found the cable clamps, I use nylon from an old back pack, but what I cant find is the soft touch grippers. Anyone noe where to find them?
I got the cable clamp at home depot, but the grippers are the fuckin hardest to find. If anyone has found these please tell me!
I thing It was the hardwaresection, just so you know I went 2 to other home depots b4 getting the clamps at the that one. Some stores have them and some not. Still looking for the grippers please :s
Can anyone confirm where to get cable clamps and in what section of the store? If you know of a place in the montreal area, that would be even better! I really need a pair of these! ;)
Bryson said:
Can anyone confirm where to get cable clamps and in what section of the store? If you know of a place in the montreal area, that would be even better! I really need a pair of these! ;)

Well to answer my own question, I found the red(medium) cable clamps at canadian tire next to a whole bunch of hooks on the bottom shelf. My next stop was walmart but I couldn't find any there which surprised me.
Instead of the grippers use a couple of big grade school pink erasers. Saw another guy use them on this forum. Seemed to work.