Anyone else getting tired of the BS coming from western white women?


Well-known member
Like i think we can all say we've entertained this 3rd way feminist idea long enough, it's really getting out of hand now, especially for white men.
Between the feminist stupidity, compounded by liberal idiocy taking hold of every institution, whether it be media, hollywood, even colleges are pushing for this garbage, every damn tv has to have it's multiculturaltranslesbigayness, and the degradation of white guys, it's just utter retardation in the streets today. (btw, in no way am i agaisnt trans, gays, lez, im just stating the insanity of whats taking place)
You want a laugh, type in ''black couple'' in google image, then type in ''white couple'',it's actually disgusting that this is taking place.
If white women (who are getting dumber by the decade) want to disavow white men, i say we swing big and go straight to asian women, think about it, the two groups with statistically highest IQ ( No offence to anyone else xD)
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I've taken it bro... i'm trying to figure out who else has xD thanks for the reply, most people get tripped out by the truth.
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My eyes have been open for a couple of years and the things that I accepted as 'normal', I began to critique...and the more layers I peeled-back, the more disenfranchised I felt. It's everywhere! On TV/Movies and all media...the 'feminine doctrine' has permeated our entire culture. It's no wonder women complain that 'they're are no good/real men' around...they've pussified them since birth. Boys are being treated as 'defective girls' in primary school, (so much so that they're medicating them to become 'drones'), it's tragic. No wonder there's such a proliferation of 'trans' boys...they grow-up thinking/believing it's wrong/toxic to be male.

We only have ourselves to blame and therefore incumbent for us to teach our young boys that it's OK to be a man...these feelings aren't 'wrong', no matter what or how many women try to tell you.
Big Schwanz Acht;747524 said:
My eyes have been open for a couple of years and the things that I accepted as 'normal', I began to critique...and the more layers I peeled-back, the more disenfranchised I felt. It's everywhere! On TV/Movies and all media...the 'feminine doctrine' has permeated our entire culture. It's no wonder women complain that 'they're are no good/real men' around...they've pussified them since birth. Boys are being treated as 'defective girls' in primary school, (so much so that they're medicating them to become 'drones'), it's tragic. No wonder there's such a proliferation of 'trans' boys...they grow-up thinking/believing it's wrong/toxic to be male.

We only have ourselves to blame and therefore incumbent for us to teach our young boys that it's OK to be a man...these feelings aren't 'wrong', no matter what or how many women try to tell you.

I know, i often wonder why there are no men who get viciously pissed when feminazi's use terms like ''mansplaining'' or ''toxic masculinity'', this gynocentric liberal stupidity is giving way the core foundation of what being a dominant man is.
They have buzzwords, and they use them so there's no investigation into whats actually being said or argued, they can just paint you as ''toxic'', and even more disgusting is the reference that because it's the opinion of man, its stupid, or must be wrong in some way.
It's like bitch, white men are pretty much responsible for every automotive, industrial, technological, and medical innovation we've ever had, who the fuck are YOU calling stupid? lol
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jekyllnhyde360;747528 said:
I know, i often wonder why there are no men who get viciously pissed when feminazi's use terms like ''mansplaining'' or ''toxic masculinity'', this gynocentric liberal stupidity is giving way the core foundation of what being a dominant man is.
They have buzzwords, and they use them so there's no investigation into whats actually being said or argued, they can just paint you as ''toxic'', and even more disgusting is the reference that because it's the opinion of man, its stupid, or must be wrong in some way.
It's like bitch, white men are pretty much responsible for every automotive, industrial, technological, and medical innovation we've ever had, who the fuck are YOU calling stupid? lol

I ignore it because even feminists get turned on by alpha males go alpha
jekyllnhyde360;747528 said:
I know, i often wonder why there are no men who get viciously pissed when feminazi's use terms like ''mansplaining'' or ''toxic masculinity'', this gynocentric liberal stupidity is giving way the core foundation of what being a dominant man is.
They have buzzwords, and they use them so there's no investigation into whats actually being said or argued, they can just paint you as ''toxic'', and even more disgusting is the reference that because it's the opinion of man, its stupid, or must be wrong in some way.
It's like bitch, white men are pretty much responsible for every automotive, industrial, technological, and medical innovation we've ever had, who the fuck are YOU calling stupid? lol

Knowledge, patience and maintaining our frame are going to be our most strategic arsenal to combat this shift (remember, this is 60 years in the making). Using what we know to our advantage will garner ALL the rewards we wish to have...ignore the femnazis, don't argue or inflame, use your innate Y chromosome to suss-out the situation and then act according to your plan. Let the beta's do the work for you...this movement will be slow/methodical so be patient. Never give-in, not to your spouse/GF whatever...stay strong in your virtue and conviction in your actions. Always maintain your strength of character, DO NOT lose your cool...EVER! Stand firmly and be that beacon for your him that he can love a woman without kneeling before her. Exhibiting weakness or sharing your 'feelings' is a trap, do not fall for this for one minute. A woman has to feel safe enough to allow herself those emotions/feelings/vulnerability and if she's with a man that thinks he's supposed to 'bare-all' because that's what society tells him, she will never be able to let her guard down and fully trust and give-in to you.

It's very fascinating (if it wasn't so tragic), and this time in our lives is rife with figure it the fuck out and make all these 'messages' tools to work in your favor. Frustration and anger are trappings of the that you're aware, use this landscape to your utmost advantage!
stillwantmore2;747538 said:
According to a recently published survey women still prefer muscular men with money.
Who would have guessed????? hahahaha rofl It's hilarious how many fat, ugly, poor women expect brad pitt to come knocking lol Hypergamy is gods greatest comedy.
I won't lie, i maximize my looks and take care of myself, but i'm fortunate handsome. And i hate it when a 6 comes looking like she's even close to the level, entitled little hoes.
k, this is going to sound really harsh, but when you boil it all down, a woman's biological purpose is to bear children so once she reaches the age of menopause her relevancy diminishes to almost nil. (Now before every White Knight decides that I'm dissin' either their 45yo woman specifically or middle-aged women as a whole, I am speaking strictly through an anthropological prism). The Women's Movement, Feminism, ERA are mainly driven by the fact that once a woman has elapsed her value in The Sexual Market Place, there needed to be something done in society to maintain their station. Let's face it, once the kids have been raised and you're left with a sour, overweight shrew bitching at you cuz she's becoming a prune, for men, there's really no reason to remain in the relationship...except for the fact that she'd take your house/money/name/business/etc. and then trash you to whomever would listen (many men stay just because it's easier/less headache/sense of obligation/etc.). So all the marital/family/relationship laws favor women by an overwhelming margin, essentially shackling men financially to the person that's no longer who they's the only leverage they have. You hear about the 'Trophy Wife' like it's some derogatory term...I'm betting 90% of middle-aged married men silently applaud that guy (perhaps even envy him).
So, again, once you're aware of the forces at play (legally and socially) you can anticipate and guard yourself while also increasing your value...just don't get complacent or lazy cuz your game has to be 'on-point' at all times.
Big Schwanz Acht;747540 said:
k, this is going to sound really harsh, but when you boil it all down, a woman's biological purpose is to bear children so once she reaches the age of menopause her relevancy diminishes to almost nil. (Now before every White Knight decides that I'm dissin' either their 45yo woman specifically or middle-aged women as a whole, I am speaking strictly through an anthropological prism). The Women's Movement, Feminism, ERA are mainly driven by the fact that once a woman has elapsed her value in The Sexual Market Place, there needed to be something done in society to maintain their station. Let's face it, once the kids have been raised and you're left with a sour, overweight shrew bitching at you cuz she's becoming a prune, for men, there's really no reason to remain in the relationship...except for the fact that she'd take your house/money/name/business/etc. and then trash you to whomever would listen (many men stay just because it's easier/less headache/sense of obligation/etc.). So all the marital/family/relationship laws favor women by an overwhelming margin, essentially shackling men financially to the person that's no longer who they's the only leverage they have. You hear about the 'Trophy Wife' like it's some derogatory term...I'm betting 90% of middle-aged married men silently applaud that guy (perhaps even envy him).
So, again, once you're aware of the forces at play (legally and socially) you can anticipate and guard yourself while also increasing your value...just don't get complacent or lazy cuz your game has to be 'on-point' at all times.

As men, we really need to step it up for the younger gen, i just seen this teen guy wearing pink shirts that said ''raise little boys and little girls the same'' shit is getting ridiculous .
jekyllnhyde360;747559 said:
As men, we really need to step it up for the younger gen, i just seen this teen guy wearing pink shirts that said ''raise little boys and little girls the same'' shit is getting ridiculous .

this is a crime!

lead by example and you can make a difference
I think we need to take into account most feminazis are lesbians/bisexual or have been sexually abused, elites then use these fucked up people to promote the degeneration of society, just like all the musicians actors sports stars etc they are all fucked up. If you are the best version of yourself woman will follow you.
stillwantmore2;747538 said:
According to a recently published survey women still prefer muscular men with money.
quazimodo_007;747570 said:
If you are the best version of yourself woman will follow you.
Guys who cares what women want? Since I've became a MGTOW man I stopped to care about this shit and life is so much better! No hitting on women so there are no rejections, no bad fillings, so drama and bullshit and no spending money on boring dates. Way more mental peace. I can now really focus on myself and my life's goals and I'm happier. I regret that I didn't realize it a long time ago, could avoid a lot of bad feelings.
I'm mean, if women will follow me along the way it will be great, but if they will not it will be even better. Women just don't worth it.
stillwantmore2;747538 said:
According to a recently published survey women still prefer muscular men with money.

I agree and agree I have neither and no women :)
Big Schwanz Acht;747614 said:
The traits women look for in a man are the very ones they try to change when they land him

Reminds me of that shirt I have seen a couple of times, "I have the pussy so I make the rules" We need a shirt that says "I have a big dick so I make the rules" lol
Big Schwanz Acht;747641 said:
If you can make their 'vag' tingle every time, you can have all the women you want...(or keep the one you have for as long as you wish)

I am not sure about the tingling vag, but I have made her toes cramp from curling, does that count, lol. I still want to hit that posterior fornix you talk about.
Lookn4girth;747661 said:
I am not sure about the tingling vag, but I have made her toes cramp from curling, does that count, lol. I still want to hit that posterior fornix you talk about.

she'll follow you around like a puppy (but she probably already does :))
quazimodo_007;747675 said:

IAmSpartacus71 i was like that before i had red pill rage but i got over it.

once you begin to see everything for what it is vs. what you've been fed, it's easy to become angry/frustrated/disenfranchised/etc., but true growth and empowerment lies beyond the 'knee-jerk' reaction. once you've allowed for the initial rage to subside, you are then able to see that the possibilities are endless and opportunity abounds!

I've always said that as long as I know the rules, I'll be able to figure-it-out...well, we've been given the rules so time to get figuring :)
Like I said in another thread, in todays environment I would need a contract to date a woman. This new craze of 'sexual assault' is so out of control, really sad.
doublelongdaddy;747831 said:
Like I said in another thread, in todays environment I would need a contract to date a woman. This new craze of 'sexual assault' is so out of control, really sad.

Pretty much a new one every day or so.
No disrespect guys, but there are insecurities being put out in this post. If you are having problems bagging women you need to reassess your VIEWS on women, where you are looking, your approach and your dating style.

1.) First and foremost any man who looks at a woman just as a housewife/baby-producer/sex slave is part of reason why all of the feminazi bullshit started in the first place. Feminism was born from racism (ask me and I will explain why). If this is how you view women, then it will show in your actions and this explains the results you are having.

2.) The Internet is for hookups, the real world is for dating. Approaching women is a selling technique. You have to get off of the Internet and meet people. Believe it or not, no matter how much money you have, your muscles, car, skin color, or dick size, (with the exception of escort/prostitutes) PUSSY DOES NOT FALL IN YOUR LAP. Stop worrying about how other men "SEEM" to bag chicks easier than you. Put more of your focus on honing your game instead.

You ever seen an ugly guy with a beautiful woman? He understands that dating is selling game and whoever has the best pitch wins... And you have to be able to back that pitch up.

3.) STOP PUTTING SO MUCH STOCK IN WOMEN. If you are guy who was always constantly overlooked growing up, it is easy for your insecurities to influence your thoughts and make you put on your luvyduvy goggles too fast. You are chasing women. Women want to be led. If you put your focus on your career, or building something and make her seem like she is along for the ride she will stay. It is your job to provide leadership (and leadership is NOT the mindset I was talking about in #1, you dumbasses), financial, spiritual, emotional and physical protection. Get yourself and your careers together and make yourself interesting. It is easy to have a job and save money.

If you are dating just to date, make sure you limit your time with women. Make it seem like you have to fit her into your schedule. Trust me, if the sex is good and your approach and conversation is interesting you should have no problems getting call backs.

Focus on your game and stop bitching...
smokey622;748943 said:
No disrespect guys, but there are insecurities being put out in this post. If you are having problems bagging women you need to reassess your VIEWS on women, where you are looking, your approach and your dating style.

1.) First and foremost any man who looks at a woman just as a housewife/baby-producer/sex slave is part of reason why all of the feminazi bullshit started in the first place. Feminism was born from racism (ask me and I will explain why). If this is how you view women, then it will show in your actions and this explains the results you are having.

2.) The Internet is for hookups, the real world is for dating. Approaching women is a selling technique. You have to get off of the Internet and meet people. Believe it or not, no matter how much money you have, your muscles, car, skin color, or dick size, (with the exception of escort/prostitutes) PUSSY DOES NOT FALL IN YOUR LAP. Stop worrying about how other men "SEEM" to bag chicks easier than you. Put more of your focus on honing your game instead.

You ever seen an ugly guy with a beautiful woman? He understands that dating is selling game and whoever has the best pitch wins... And you have to be able to back that pitch up.

3.) STOP PUTTING SO MUCH STOCK IN WOMEN. If you are guy who was always constantly overlooked growing up, it is easy for your insecurities to influence your thoughts and make you put on your luvyduvy goggles too fast. You are chasing women. Women want to be led. If you put your focus on your career, or building something and make her seem like she is along for the ride she will stay. It is your job to provide leadership (and leadership is NOT the mindset I was talking about in #1, you dumbasses), financial, spiritual, emotional and physical protection. Get yourself and your careers together and make yourself interesting. It is easy to have a job and save money.

If you are dating just to date, make sure you limit your time with women. Make it seem like you have to fit her into your schedule. Trust me, if the sex is good and your approach and conversation is interesting you should have no problems getting call backs.

Focus on your game and stop bitching...

All good points here and some of these lessons need to be taught by fathers to their sons, and herein lies the conundrum...single mothers not knowing how to raise boys. Society's deference to women exacerbates the problem, thus resulting in our current 'vacuum'. Men are just going to have to learn for themselves how it is to be a man, (and bitching about it surely comes from not being tutored).

Make the focus about you...if you make it about her you're doomed
smokey622;748943 said:
No disrespect guys, but there are insecurities being put out in this post. If you are having problems bagging women you need to reassess your VIEWS on women, where you are looking, your approach and your dating style.

1.) First and foremost any man who looks at a woman just as a housewife/baby-producer/sex slave is part of reason why all of the feminazi bullshit started in the first place. Feminism was born from racism (ask me and I will explain why). If this is how you view women, then it will show in your actions and this explains the results you are having.

2.) The Internet is for hookups, the real world is for dating. Approaching women is a selling technique. You have to get off of the Internet and meet people. Believe it or not, no matter how much money you have, your muscles, car, skin color, or dick size, (with the exception of escort/prostitutes) PUSSY DOES NOT FALL IN YOUR LAP. Stop worrying about how other men "SEEM" to bag chicks easier than you. Put more of your focus on honing your game instead.

You ever seen an ugly guy with a beautiful woman? He understands that dating is selling game and whoever has the best pitch wins... And you have to be able to back that pitch up.

3.) STOP PUTTING SO MUCH STOCK IN WOMEN. If you are guy who was always constantly overlooked growing up, it is easy for your insecurities to influence your thoughts and make you put on your luvyduvy goggles too fast. You are chasing women. Women want to be led. If you put your focus on your career, or building something and make her seem like she is along for the ride she will stay. It is your job to provide leadership (and leadership is NOT the mindset I was talking about in #1, you dumbasses), financial, spiritual, emotional and physical protection. Get yourself and your careers together and make yourself interesting. It is easy to have a job and save money.

If you are dating just to date, make sure you limit your time with women. Make it seem like you have to fit her into your schedule. Trust me, if the sex is good and your approach and conversation is interesting you should have no problems getting call backs.

Focus on your game and stop bitching...

Bro, ''no disrespect'' but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. And secondly this isn't some douche bag MGTOW forum where no one gets laid so we all hate women, i get laid regularly, i probably get laid more often than you do, and by different women, i'm not looking for a relationship in this climate unless they're European.
there's a huge difference between swearing off women like mgtow, and being aware of the realities men are facing. There's no ''insecurity'' when your wife can fuck your best friend in your bed, and still end up with the house, kids, and being paid child support,as well as alimony. It's just flat out disgust.
So please, take your ''you guys need to reassess your views'' crap, and shove it.

No one is looking at women as baby making sex slaves you white knight troll, and if you want to get into a debate about socioeconomics we can go there, because again, you don't know what you're talking about... Feminism didn't ''come out of racism'' smh, it didn't even come out of sexism, it came out of the Democrates need for the womans vote to win the election. Do some research, the rockefeller funded women's lib.

Secondly, do you honestly think you're the only guy on a penis enlargement site, that may also be upping his game???? duuuhhrrr i bet every guy on here has some PUA experience, or is currently watching the material.
How about this, don't lecture us about how we should be, because you sound like a 3rd wave fem that just came from the lesbian fraternity.
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I think we can agree that the state of our society is creating backlash in many it PUA, Red Pill, Black Pill, MGTOW, whatever. The nature of being male is to 'suck-it-up' and carry the crap that's being fed to us and take it in the ass. Frustration and anger occurs and then it's shoved back in our faces for being 'abusive/misogynistic/etc.'. My suggestion is to harness the power of anger/frustration into achieving whatever personal goals/dreams that you have vs. back-biting each other. It's the basic principles of what it is to be male that we're losing and we must act with determination while also maintaining our composure (on every level) lest we get labeled 'toxic'.
I know what's working for me, but that recipe may not for let's exchange ideas w/out preaching or condemning cuz that only solidifies their argument against masculinity as a viable gender.
Big Schwanz Acht;748995 said:
I think we can agree that the state of our society is creating backlash in many it PUA, Red Pill, Black Pill, MGTOW, whatever. The nature of being male is to 'suck-it-up' and carry the crap that's being fed to us and take it in the ass. Frustration and anger occurs and then it's shoved back in our faces for being 'abusive/misogynistic/etc.'. My suggestion is to harness the power of anger/frustration into achieving whatever personal goals/dreams that you have vs. back-biting each other. It's the basic principles of what it is to be male that we're losing and we must act with determination while also maintaining our composure (on every level) lest we get labeled 'toxic'.
I know what's working for me, but that recipe may not for let's exchange ideas w/out preaching or condemning cuz that only solidifies their argument against masculinity as a viable gender.

I agree with you completely! I just wasn't about to let some white knight, try to convince us that were being ''insecure'', there a difference between a deluded insecurity, and being frustrated about a flat assault on everything that you are.
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jekyllnhyde360;748982 said:
Bro, ''no disrespect'' but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. And secondly this isn't some douche bag MGTOW forum where no one gets laid so we all hate women, i get laid regularly, i probably get laid more often than you do, and by different women, i'm not looking for a relationship in this climate unless they're European.
there's a huge difference between swearing off women like mgtow, and being aware of the realities men are facing. There's no ''insecurity'' when your wife can fuck your best friend in your bed, and still end up with the house, kids, and being paid child support,as well as alimony. It's just flat out disgust.
So please, take your ''you guys need to reassess your views'' crap, and shove it.

No one is looking at women as baby making sex slaves you white knight troll, and if you want to get into a debate about socioeconomics we can go there, because again, you don't know what you're talking about... Feminism didn't ''come out of racism'' smh, it didn't even come out of sexism, it came out of the Democrates need for the womans vote to win the election. Do some research, the rothchilds funded women's lib.

Secondly, do you honestly think you're the only guy on a penis enlargement site, that may also be upping his game???? duuuhhrrr i bet every guy on here has some PUA experience, or is currently watching the material.
How about this, don't lecture us about how we should be, because you sound like a 3rd wave fem that just came from the lesbian fraternity.

First of all I'm no White Knight because unlike you, I already have and had an Asian(s) that you claim you want to switch to....

Yes, your wife can fuck your best friend and get half... Sad shit, boohoo. If you are worried about that shit so much, get a prenup, problem solved. Its not just white women who can do this and USA is not the only country that favors women in cases. Even in a male-dominated country like Japan, women can take out massive loans in their husband's name, without their husband's permission, and the husband still has to pay it off.

Telling a lot of half truths in your response, if you can't be 100% truthful in your post, you expect us to believe that you get laid? If someone had pussy scheduled constantly like you claim to, I am pretty sure (unless times have changed) they wouldn't be on a PE forum complaining about feminazis... who were born (as we know it today) out of BLACK MALES being able to vote first... AND then what you said. You need to do some research.

The 14th and 15th Amendments ? History of U.S. Woman's Suffrage

We can have a battle of wits all day long. That is not my point. There is more important shit to bitch about than women... Being women.

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jekyllnhyde360;748982 said:
Bro, ''no disrespect'' but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. And secondly this isn't some douche bag MGTOW forum where no one gets laid so we all hate women, i get laid regularly, i probably get laid more often than you do, and by different women, i'm not looking for a relationship in this climate unless they're European.
there's a huge difference between swearing off women like mgtow, and being aware of the realities men are facing. There's no ''insecurity'' when your wife can fuck your best friend in your bed, and still end up with the house, kids, and being paid child support,as well as alimony. It's just flat out disgust.
So please, take your ''you guys need to reassess your views'' crap, and shove it.

No one is looking at women as baby making sex slaves you white knight troll, and if you want to get into a debate about socioeconomics we can go there, because again, you don't know what you're talking about... Feminism didn't ''come out of racism'' smh, it didn't even come out of sexism, it came out of the Democrates need for the womans vote to win the election. Do some research, the rothchilds funded women's lib.

Secondly, do you honestly think you're the only guy on a penis enlargement site, that may also be upping his game???? duuuhhrrr i bet every guy on here has some PUA experience, or is currently watching the material.
How about this, don't lecture us about how we should be, because you sound like a 3rd wave fem that just came from the lesbian fraternity.

First of all I'm no White Knight because unlike you, I already have and had an Asian(s) that you claim you want to switch to....

Yes, your wife can fuck your best friend and get half... Sad shit, boohoo. If you are worried about that shit so much, get a prenup, problem solved. Its not just white women who can do this and USA is not the only country that favors women in cases. Even in a male-dominated country like Japan, women can take out massive loans in their husband's name, without their husband's permission, and the husband still has to pay it off.

Telling a lot of half truths in your response, if you can't be 100% truthful in your post, you expect us to believe that you get laid? If someone had pussy scheduled constantly like you claim to, I am pretty sure (unless times have changed) they wouldn't be on a PE forum complaining about feminazis... who were born (as we know it today) out of BLACK MALES being able to vote first... AND then what you said. You need to do some research.

The 14th and 15th Amendments ? History of U.S. Woman's Suffrage

We can have a battle of wits all day long. That is not my point. There is more important shit to bitch about than women... Being women.
If you are white and male you are a target in the US.
smokey622;749056 said:
First of all I'm no White Knight because unlike you, I already have and had an Asian(s) that you claim you want to switch to....

Yes, your wife can fuck your best friend and get half... Sad shit, boohoo. If you are worried about that shit so much, get a prenup, problem solved. Its not just white women who can do this and USA is not the only country that favors women in cases. Even in a male-dominated country like Japan, women can take out massive loans in their husband's name, without their husband's permission, and the husband still has to pay it off.

Telling a lot of half truths in your response, if you can't be 100% truthful in your post, you expect us to believe that you get laid? If someone had pussy scheduled constantly like you claim to, I am pretty sure (unless times have changed) they wouldn't be on a PE forum complaining about feminazis... who were born (as we know it today) out of BLACK MALES being able to vote first... AND then what you said. You need to do some research.

The 14th and 15th Amendments ? History of U.S. Woman's Suffrage

We can have a battle of wits all day long. That is not my point. There is more important shit to bitch about than women... Being women.

- - - Updated - - -

First of all I'm no White Knight because unlike you, I already have and had an Asian(s) that you claim you want to switch to....

Yes, your wife can fuck your best friend and get half... Sad shit, boohoo. If you are worried about that shit so much, get a prenup, problem solved. Its not just white women who can do this and USA is not the only country that favors women in cases. Even in a male-dominated country like Japan, women can take out massive loans in their husband's name, without their husband's permission, and the husband still has to pay it off.

Telling a lot of half truths in your response, if you can't be 100% truthful in your post, you expect us to believe that you get laid? If someone had pussy scheduled constantly like you claim to, I am pretty sure (unless times have changed) they wouldn't be on a PE forum complaining about feminazis... who were born (as we know it today) out of BLACK MALES being able to vote first... AND then what you said. You need to do some research.

The 14th and 15th Amendments ? History of U.S. Woman's Suffrage

We can have a battle of wits all day long. That is not my point. There is more important shit to bitch about than women... Being women.

A prenup, lmfao ya because it's not like a prenup is basically worthless in the US xD A women can contest the prenup and almost always ends up winning. Secondly, this isn't asia, so i dont give a shit what women do there, and guess what? the women in asia aren't western man hating retards, so your argument holds no value in this conversation.

Boohoo, to all the men and fathers that lose everything they have? to the countless suicides every year by men who have been taken to the cleaners by some whore cashing in on a gynocentric society?
Buddy, you're a fucking piece of shit. period.
there are no ''half'' truths to what i wrote, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see it. so take your feminist, white knight bullshit and shove it up your ass, like the little bitch you are.
Really, your argument is posting the amendment, retarded smh, So let me get this straight, you don't believe the American government has ever done anything under the table, enforced policies, saying they were doing it for one reason, but actually doing it for completely different reasons? lol Get a clue, the only reason Feminism or woman's lib (originally) came to fruition, was so the government could tax the other half of the population idiot!
Lastly, i don't care if you believe me, i definitely get laid more often than some fruity white knight, savior of all women. xD
And why wouldn't i come to the brotherhood to vent, we as men get lambasted by feminazi and manginas (who never get laid) like you, when ever we bring truth to the table.
And as you can tell, im not the only man who is aware of this, so the truth is, you look like a fucking dumbass pretending everything im saying isn't true.
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jekyllnhyde360;749135 said:
Boohoo, to all the men and fathers that lose everything they have? to the countless suicides every year by men who have been taken to the cleaners by some whore cashing in on a gynocentric society?
Buddy, you're a fucking piece of shit. period.
there are no ''half'' truths to what i wrote, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see it. so take your feminist, white knight bullshit and shove it up your ass, like the little bitch you are.
Really, your argument is posting the amendment, are you retarded, So let me get this straight, you don't believe the American government has ever done anything under the table, enforced policies, saying they were doing it for one reason, but actually doing it for completely different reasons? lol Get a fucking clue dipshit, the only reason feminism or womans lib (originally) came to fruition, was so the government could tax the other half of the population idiot!
Lastly, i don't care if you believe me, i definitely get laid more often than some fruity white knight, savior of all women. xD
And why wouldn't i come to the brotherhood to vent, we as men get lambasted by feminazi and manginas (who never get laid) like you, when ever we bring truth to the table.
And as you can tell, im not the only man who is aware of this, so the truth is, you look like a fucking dumbass pretending everything im saying isn't true.
jekyllnhyde360;749135 said:
A prenup, lmfao ya because it's not like a prenup is basically worthless in the US xD A women can contest the prenup and almost always ends up winning. Secondly, this isn't asia, so i dont give a shit what women do there, and guess what? the women in asia aren't western man hating retards, so your argument holds no value in this conversation.

Boohoo, to all the men and fathers that lose everything they have? to the countless suicides every year by men who have been taken to the cleaners by some whore cashing in on a gynocentric society?
Buddy, you're a fucking piece of shit. period.
there are no ''half'' truths to what i wrote, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see it. so take your feminist, white knight bullshit and shove it up your ass, like the little bitch you are.
Really, your argument is posting the amendment, retarded smh, So let me get this straight, you don't believe the American government has ever done anything under the table, enforced policies, saying they were doing it for one reason, but actually doing it for completely different reasons? lol Get a clue, the only reason Feminism or woman's lib (originally) came to fruition, was so the government could tax the other half of the population idiot!
Lastly, i don't care if you believe me, i definitely get laid more often than some fruity white knight, savior of all women. xD
And why wouldn't i come to the brotherhood to vent, we as men get lambasted by feminazi and manginas (who never get laid) like you, when ever we bring truth to the table.
And as you can tell, im not the only man who is aware of this, so the truth is, you look like a fucking dumbass pretending everything im saying isn't true.

Take solace in the truths that you've come to know, and if there are differing opinions(?) sobeit. No sense spending energy on the things we can't change. Having conviction in what you know and experience is proof enough.

Just remember...if someone angers you, they own you. (think about that for a few minutes)
The older I get, the less I am attracted to women, particularly white women. Period.

I am only attracted to black women these days. But I have yet to date one. They are the only females who make my dick hard.

My penis is just for my own pleasure really. I like to grow it and enjoy my masculinity that comes from big hang/big hard-on. I have a right to feel like a big-dicked stud, even if I am not fucking pussy.rofl
jekyllnhyde360;749135 said:
A prenup, lmfao ya because it's not like a prenup is basically worthless in the US xD A women can contest the prenup and almost always ends up winning. Secondly, this isn't asia, so i dont give a shit what women do there, and guess what? the women in asia aren't western man hating retards, so your argument holds no value in this conversation.

Boohoo, to all the men and fathers that lose everything they have? to the countless suicides every year by men who have been taken to the cleaners by some whore cashing in on a gynocentric society?
Buddy, you're a fucking piece of shit. period.
there are no ''half'' truths to what i wrote, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see it. so take your feminist, white knight bullshit and shove it up your ass, like the little bitch you are.
Really, your argument is posting the amendment, retarded smh, So let me get this straight, you don't believe the American government has ever done anything under the table, enforced policies, saying they were doing it for one reason, but actually doing it for completely different reasons? lol Get a clue, the only reason Feminism or woman's lib (originally) came to fruition, was so the government could tax the other half of the population idiot!
Lastly, i don't care if you believe me, i definitely get laid more often than some fruity white knight, savior of all women. xD
And why wouldn't i come to the brotherhood to vent, we as men get lambasted by feminazi and manginas (who never get laid) like you, when ever we bring truth to the table.
And as you can tell, im not the only man who is aware of this, so the truth is, you look like a fucking dumbass pretending everything im saying isn't true.

Cool story bro.

It is not possible for you to get pussy and talk this much shit. If so, I question the character of the females you deal with... who are probably escorts or tinder dates.

There is no way you can be getting pussy and you can't even have a debate without your "rebuttals" being 98% name calling. You can't even hold a decent conversation with another man, why would I believe that you can approach woman? Grow up bro... You have to at some point.

I got my Asian while you still sit here and complain about these white women. Whatever comes out of your mouth shows your character, and the women are not the problem bro...maybe for the other guys in this thread but not you. Trust me on this one.
smokey622;749293 said:
Cool story bro.

It is not possible for you to get pussy and talk this much shit. If so, I question the character of the females you deal with... who are probably escorts or tinder dates.

There is no way you can be getting pussy and you can't even have a debate without your "rebuttals" being 98% name calling. You can't even hold a decent conversation with another man, why would I believe that you can approach woman? Grow up bro... You have to at some point.

I got my Asian while you still sit here and complain about these white women. Whatever comes out of your mouth shows your character, and the women are not the problem bro...maybe for the other guys in this thread but not you. Trust me on this one.

lol Nah man, you couldn't possibly get laid being the pussy whipped bitch you are, and everyone can tell you're a mangina.
secondly, the only argument you (think) you have is that i don't get laid, which is hilarious considering i literally just busted nuts in my girl.
And again, you have nothing, i've explained myself perfectly, even with the name calling for dramatic effect (which you yourself did as well, you hypocritical dumbass)
You're wrong about western women, you're wrong about feminism, and you lost this argument.
And lastly, you respond with ''cool story bro'' like some cunty teenager who doesn't get his way, and you have the audacity to tell me to grow up xD look in the mirror bitch. You speak so carelessly about the men who suffer through this, which again goes to show what a sniveling little sack of shit you are.
i'm finished beating you over the head with reality, so i won't be responding to this anymore. you have a problem, hit me up in the PM.
jekyllnhyde360;749310 said:
lol Nah man, you couldn't possibly get laid being the pussy whipped bitch you are, and everyone can tell you're a mangina.
secondly, the only argument you (think) you have is that i don't get laid, which is hilarious considering i literally just busted nuts in my girl.
And again, you have nothing, i've explained myself perfectly, even with the name calling for dramatic effect (which you yourself did as well, you hypocritical dumbass)
You're wrong about western women, you're wrong about feminism, and you lost this argument.
And lastly, you respond with ''cool story bro'' like some cunty teenager who doesn't get his way, and you have the audacity to tell me to grow up xD look in the mirror bitch. You speak so carelessly about the men who suffer through this, which again goes to show what a sniveling little sack of shit you are.
i'm finished beating you over the head with reality, so i won't be responding to this anymore. you have a problem, hit me up in the PM.
jekyllnhyde360;749310 said:
you have a problem, hit me up in the PM.

...thank you for that.

And now back to the topic.

This whole #metoo movement that has taken-over our society has the potential to do some real damage and we should act accordingly to make sure we're armed and ready for whenever we find ourselves in this precarious position. As it stands, any woman can 'cry foul' if she happens to 'feel' that your advances are of a harassing manner, but the same behavior by someone she deems as 'worthy' would be acceptable. Now let's take this a few steps further and use the 'flirty' guy as an example...she responds to his advances and eventually they end-up having 100% consensual sex and afterward she has 'regrets'. There's a push for women to be able to claim harassment 'after-the-fact' and the guy would have no defense. If she's a subordinate, then he's in deep shit.
This wave could also find its way into the bedrooms of married couples whereby if the wife isn't 'feeling it' for whatever reason and the husband continues to make advances, this could theoretically be construed as harassment, too (sounds absolutely ridiculous, but there's a push for this type of legislation).
The more information w have as men, the better we'll be able to navigate these changing careful and aware!
Big Schwanz Acht;749319 said:
...thank you for that.

And now back to the topic.

This whole #metoo movement that has taken-over our society has the potential to do some real damage and we should act accordingly to make sure we're armed and ready for whenever we find ourselves in this precarious position. As it stands, any woman can 'cry foul' if she happens to 'feel' that your advances are of a harassing manner, but the same behavior by someone she deems as 'worthy' would be acceptable. Now let's take this a few steps further and use the 'flirty' guy as an example...she responds to his advances and eventually they end-up having 100% consensual sex and afterward she has 'regrets'. There's a push for women to be able to claim harassment 'after-the-fact' and the guy would have no defense. If she's a subordinate, then he's in deep shit.
This wave could also find its way into the bedrooms of married couples whereby if the wife isn't 'feeling it' for whatever reason and the husband continues to make advances, this could theoretically be construed as harassment, too (sounds absolutely ridiculous, but there's a push for this type of legislation).
The more information w have as men, the better we'll be able to navigate these changing careful and aware!

100% agree.
It's so funny, women complain men don't approach, while in the same breath complain about how this one ugly guy that wasn't up to her standards was a creep for even trying xD
jekyllnhyde360;749340 said:
100% agree.
It's so funny, women complain men don't approach, while in the same breath complain about how this one ugly guy that wasn't up to her standards was a creep for even trying xD

the old adage: if she likes you, it's flirting...if she doesn't, it's harassment