
I've been dealing with a lot of anger lately. It is all so new for me how strong it is. Part of it I know is the new medication I am on, part of it is having zero sex brings up a lot of new emotions for me, and the other part is dealing with I guess living in a totally run down part of the city and the harassment I have to put up with there. I also been dealing with a lot of personal jealousy which is relatively a new emotion for me truth be told.

I tell myself not to be angry. In my head I repeat over and over this is not a reason to be angry. I tell myself to relax and not let whatever it is not get me upset. But it doesn't work. I get so mad I feel like I want to hit somebody. I never use to have. Sometimes I wish someone would start something with me just so I can get that feeling out. One day a person was messing with me and I started telling them to fuck off, then I realized they were a little pib-squeak and I almost stopped what I was doing to break his face off. Then a couple moments later 2-3 police cars drove right passed where I was at and if I had layed him out I would probably have killed him or severally assaulted him and be locked up right about now. I sure as hell don't need that kind of trouble and if I ended up going to jail or something worse it might as well be a death sentence for someone like me.

I am so angry sometimes when you see really really pissed off black people in the heart of the ghetto and they are mad dogging people when our eyes meet they look away like, "whoa, this bitch is angry..." I don't know where it came from I was never this way before in my life. I know of the few reasons I posted about that I am going through it. I also read that if you spend a lot of time online it can make these types of feelings occur. I am super addicted to going online. It isn't healthy. It would be one thing if I jumped on in the morning and had the rest of my day then right before bed check up on it again at night. But since January I have been going through so much shit, if I want to go online it is a full day long process. The blessing of God has allowed me to finally have that come to an end this month, it is by a miracle! Because I am going to start receiving money regularly so now I can just buy stuff I need and I can take a break from these day long computer marathons. They were really wearing me out!

So that may be something else that will help tremendously and I will also have money for a few other things I really need not to mention getting out of this terrible neighborhood, not meant for a person like me, definitely causing much of the stress. The reason I am posting about it is because I thought some of you guys might have some tips for cooling down, or hearing about what others might be dealing with anger. Its pretty new to me honestly and I still have a couple weeks before I get ANY money so nothing will really change for another 14 days or so and the last thing I want to do is screw it up right before its over I kind of am stressing that. I kind of don't want to leave my house for the next 2 weeks but that is pretty much impossible.

Plus I love posting on the site and I just couldn't leave for 2 weeks.

I apologize if I have ever come off insulting to anyone. That isn't really my demeanor but sometimes I feel like making too many jokes is a way to mask pain. At times maybe I've gone overboard.
I get angry and stressed - the way I handle it is that as soon as I recognise that I am getting angry/anxious, I try to remove those thoughts or think of more positive/pleasant things. I also found that running, working out and talking to friends helped massively. If your surroundings are an issue, then do something to address this - even if you dont have the cash yet, start looking for other places to move to, th emore positive actions someone takes, then the more in control of your life you feel - even if the reality is that we have almost no real control! If you spend all day alone, in front of a PC, its like a vicious cycle -- its self reinforcing - you need to get out and see people, go run in a park , read a book outside etc Plus at least you know that this is temporary - 14 days and you have cash which brings options - start thinking about that in a positive fashion. Hope this helps
I usually only become angry with myself, most people know not to anger is never a good scene!
Today I was just thinking, "Fuck everybody". Just fuck 'em, Im doin' me and whoever doesn't like it can just suck their mathafuckin' thumb when they get home.
Turnover;437774 said:
Today I was just thinking, "Fuck everybody". Just fuck 'em, Im doin' me and whoever doesn't like it can just suck their mathafuckin' thumb when they get home.

Life is too short to worry about what others think about what you are doing or how you live your own life! Just care about what really matters to you
shavenasian;437929 said:
Life is too short to worry about what others think about what you are doing or how you live your own life! Just care about what really matters to you

It has a lot to do with everything happening right now. Other people are large percentage of it, but I also have these emotional feelings I struggle with, poor location, etc. I care about what matters to me I use reason when I want to fight. If I were to get myself into trouble I would rather not deal with those consequences than deal with the original insignificant comments. Anyone would be angry if they were treated bad. I saw a story of a 13 y/o boy who killed a 4 year old 10 years ago because kids at school gave him such a hard time because of the way he looked he just snapped. I can understand that. Human beings need more than food, water, and shelter to survive as human beings. Otherwise we grow up like animals. That must be what happen to most of the people in this area. Stress is one of the worst results of living here. If it wasn't bad enough already add having the urge to fight everyone everywhere you go on top of that at the end of the day. I just want to mind my own business and get on with my life. I get really really pissed off and for good reason, but I hate feeling that way. I just have to keep saying in my head peace is right around the corner, peace is right around the corner.
Its sounds like your surroundings/environs are a big negative factor. Where do you live ? Can you move out to friends/family for a while til you get some peace and rest ?
They say dealing with anger assertively is the best way and sports helps allot for me in the past. Its bottling it up and using anger with aggression thats not good.
shavenasian;438215 said:
Its sounds like your surroundings/environs are a big negative factor. Where do you live ? Can you move out to friends/family for a while til you get some peace and rest ?

I wish so bad. It should be sooner than later. Yes the area is very bad. So poor and dirty. I use to live in the surrounding areas and I knew back then to never cross the tracks into this territory and now I live here. Sometimes I go out of the city for a while and I forget about all the problems here. A lot of wanna-be's live here, it is the worst and angry people all the time. The thing I hate the most is that I am not ugly--- not even a little bit! But I feel ugly, all the time, like a way I have never felt. I don't have friends or family to help me, but it shouldn't be impossible for me to find somewhere to move I should have been all this time. I am going to start looking today.

REDZULU2003;438230 said:
They say dealing with anger assertively is the best way and sports helps allot for me in the past. Its bottling it up and using anger with aggression thats not good.

I have gotten exercise, there is just a lot of harassment here. Really it has been a test.
Hello Guys, Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.
Salfeer;438875 said:
Hello Guys, Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.

True anger is a natural emotion so it is not unhealthy. But it feels so torturous.
I tell myself not to be angry. In my head I repeat over and over this is not a reason to be angry. I tell myself to relax and not let whatever it is not get me upset. But it doesn't work. I get so mad I feel like I want to hit somebody.
YeoMan;468275 said:
I tell myself not to be angry. In my head I repeat over and over this is not a reason to be angry. I tell myself to relax and not let whatever it is not get me upset. But it doesn't work. I get so mad I feel like I want to hit somebody.

Telling yourself not to be something doesnt help.

Feel your body in those situations(best to train it beforehand) and concentrate on the feeling of patience in your body. Patience is the true antidot to anger.
Once you have patience you get the time to accept the cause of anger and you start to relax ;)
Try thinking of what this situation will mean in a week, a month, a year or 20 years. I like to think about things in terms of 5 years from now.

Usually that puts it completely into perspective and even helps you deal at the moment: If you think about how you'd like to remember the event you're more likely to keep your wits and work for a better outcome.
Anger is not good for health and it may have many of side effects on our health and it makes us old before the age. The bets cure of anger is think positive do positive and be with your family and spent your time to with them to get some moment of pleasures.
Anger is in every person and every body get anger suddenly because we dont know we mostly used harsh words and with others and then they get anger with us this is not a good thing and also bad for our health and directly attacked on our brain and chances to damage our brain
Peter1;480709 said:
Anger is in every person and every body get anger suddenly because we dont know we mostly used harsh words and with others and then they get anger with us this is not a good thing and also bad for our health and directly attacked on our brain and chances to damage our brain

Anger is only a surface emotion, when I have an outburst it is usually because something else is bothering me. I usually blow up at the wrong person and this is where anger is bad. It is best to deal with emotions before it gets to the level of a blow up. This has always been my biggest problem.
I've always loved what Lao Tzu said, "Much of anger comes from fear."
Sometimes recognizing that fear (and its source) is the hardest obstacle to understanding.
MAXAMEYES;486595 said:
I've always loved what Lao Tzu said, "Much of anger comes from fear."
Sometimes recognizing that fear (and its source) is the hardest obstacle to understanding.

It is true Max. When I am feeling angry I know that there is something that I am fearing, something that is causing me an insecurity that I am not sure how to deal with and it usually manifests itself as anger. For me it is definitely a protective mechanism, something I have honed my entire life (not that that is good). I admire men who have patience and do not grow to anger so quickly. So many times in my life I have held myself back because of fear and so many times I have destroyed something because of the anger that ensues. The best strategy for me is to walk away. To let it go and let the dust settle before I make a rash decision. If I am able to wait until the anger subsides I can take a much more rational approach to exercising a smart move.

Anytime in my life that I have gotten into a mess has been because I could not keep my anger in check.
Same here. My biggest fuck-ups came after my biggest losses of control. That's why I like the Hulk: reminds me to keep my cool.
MAXAMEYES;486699 said:
Same here. My biggest fuck-ups came after my biggest losses of control. That's why I like the Hulk: reminds me to keep my cool.

Just like the Hulk! The heat comes over me, I start seeing red and it is a wrap...I end up doing something I never would have done in a different state of mind. My Father used to call me 'my own worse enemy' and this is the truth. For me it is a mantra that helps me, when I feel the heat and the anger I say to myself "STOP!, time to reset" I close my eyes and wait for the flash to pass. If I still can't get it under control it is time to put it to bed until I can see things rationally. It does not always work but it is the point that I try. Today I got a speeding ticket, I wanted to lash out and be hulkish:) but I knew where that would het me. I simply closed my eyes and reset myself. I became rational, realized I WAS speeding and he was only doing his job. Oh well, $100 cup of coffee this morning.
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