I think Penis Enlargement means PT for some, and here's why I think Penis Enlargement coaches deserve respect.
It seems that estrogen, natural and synthetic, is increasingly inundating our society as well as aquatic creatures such as fish and frogs, with the result that it is getting hard to find any male fish, easy to find frogs with both sex organs or no male ones, and human boys have smaller penises and girls, breasts at age one and earlier menstruation.
In a sense we choose smaller penises for boys, and vaginas for boys, and earlier development for girls, by doing nothing. Then Penis Enlargement coaching becomes a missionary position, or at least an honorable vocation.
It seems that estrogen, natural and synthetic, is increasingly inundating our society as well as aquatic creatures such as fish and frogs, with the result that it is getting hard to find any male fish, easy to find frogs with both sex organs or no male ones, and human boys have smaller penises and girls, breasts at age one and earlier menstruation.
In a sense we choose smaller penises for boys, and vaginas for boys, and earlier development for girls, by doing nothing. Then Penis Enlargement coaching becomes a missionary position, or at least an honorable vocation.