A study about womens penis size, body shape and height preferences

Women have NO idea about dimensions. When they see a penis and then try to tell the size, they ALWAYS put at least a couple of inches more.

In my opinion a new type of study should be done the following way: Ask each woman to show with they hands the size of a penis that she would find ideal. Make her put the 2 hands on a table and just measure that distance. Then do the same with girth. Make her fold her hand like a tube and show the size of girth that she would prefer. Then measure the diameter of that circumference.

Thats it. If they are asked about inches or centimeters they will give you an inaccurate, unrealistic wrong size.
Yeah with their hands they can estimate how much they think they can fit in their own vaginas without being hurt. A distance between 2 hands tells more than a number. Something tells me though that the distance they will show with their hands would be bigger than the average penis.

I remember reading a survey in which women were shown multiple size dildos in blue color and chose the one they would prefer. That is also pretty accurate making them chose an existing size instead of guessing a number.
Woman want an inch less than we desire! Real talk!
Women are very strange creatures, they're highly competitive amongst their peer-group but lack that internal knowledge/confidence in the belief that what they have is worthy. They require the validation of other women to make sure their man has a high enough value. Penis size definitely plays a role, but it's not the defining characteristic...but it is for us and our confidence springs from it.
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Women are very strange creatures, they're highly competitive amongst their peer-group but lack that internal knowledge/confidence in the knowledge that what they have is worthy. They require the validation of other women to make sure their man has a high enough value. Penis size definitely plays a role, but it's not the defining characteristic...but it is for us and our confidence springs from it.

I got 99 problems......?