A problem of measuring.

Okay, so it's been a fairly long time since i measured, and i am interesting in measuring girth as it seems as though i am looking much bigger girthwise.

The problem?

I don't want to wrap the tape around and see no difference. It's been about 1 and a half months since i last measured and it feels like i have put too much effort in to show no results...

What would you guys do?

dopefish said:
Okay, so it's been a fairly long time since i measured, and i am interesting in measuring girth as it seems as though i am looking much bigger girthwise.

The problem?

I don't want to wrap the tape around and see no difference. It's been about 1 and a half months since i last measured and it feels like i have put too much effort in to show no results...

What would you guys do?

Wait another month and a half
Ive had times when I felt bigger and then I got out my trusty measuring tape and found that I was still the same after a month.

Id say go another two weeks of hardcore girth training just to be safe then measure.
Well instead of waiting for a response here, i went ahead and measured,

0 gains. Nil. Zip. Nada.

Although I also measured constricted, and it would seem as though i can achieve a larger constricted girth than I could since the last time I measured.

It's no big deal though. I now have reason to work even harder at it and go more intense with exercises...
