I like clamping. It really makes my cock feel like it has been stretched in every direction possible, but I have a problem. I am overweight, so it makes finding that right spot hard, and also gives me problems like the clamp sliding forward and the padding moving around. I also recently got an injury because of this. No, I didn't overclamp. The edge of one of the clamp parts cut my skin. These things aren't made with penises in mind...yet :D ...and, let's just say, it hurt.

I decided I was going to make a clamp that is more comfortable, using my regular, Wal-mart purchased cable clamp. I purchased a tube of aquarium sealant from the pet department of "Penis Enlargement-mart" and set about creating a clamp that had nice, soft silicone edges.

I opened the clamp wide and began to apply the sealant along the jaw parts of the device. I was careful not to get any of the silicone in any moving parts or on the ratchety teeth part of the clamp. That woud prevent it from opening and closing. I basically put it on the parts that clamp down on the shaft and constrict it, making sure any possible sharp edges were coated. When that was done, I smoothed it out with a butter knife, kind of like spreading icing, until it looked about right, and then I set it on some tp to cure. I put it on toilet paper because it would be easy to remove after the curing. Just moisten and rub away.

It takes 48 hours for the silicon to cure, so I have to wait and see if it works good. I will let you all know how it does after I give it a try in two days.

Also, if you want to try this yourself, be sure to use aquarium sealant. It is non-toxic and pretty easy to shape. Other sealants may have harmful chemicals in it.
Way to be resourceful!

I hope it works out for you Kong. I've recently retired my clamp for a spell because I just don't like doing it - the comfort factor, the feel of it, etc. If I could find a way to do it comfortably I would most certainly be down. Let us know man. Good luck.
You could also wrap it in electrical tape. I did that with my hose clamp that I use for ADC. Works well, no padding required.
Yeah I was considering using silicone sealant on my jubilee clip for ADCing, has anyone tried this, it would just be a lot easier than using bandages as cushioning. Keep us posted how you find it with your cable clamp Kong. Cheers
The main thing is to keep it simple. Get a small sheet of thin, 1/16 inch, gasket material. Sold at most hardware stores for pretty cheap. Cut two
1 1/2 inch squares, and then using smooth finished electical tape tightly wrap them around the obvious parts of the cable clamp. This smooths out all of the sharp and rough edges of the clamp, and basically will last for as long as you probably will ever use the clamp. This is what I did with my clamp and it has never bothered or irritated during a clamping session.
BAH comfort is overrated. No pain, no gain. ;)

On a serious note, the only time I get any pain is when taking it off and it's really not that bad.

It's a shame it seems to be so difficult for some of you, hope you guys can sort something out.
Wha? You're still alive Thucydides? You should post more often, I always liked your posts.
I don't think the sealant was completely cured, but it was usable, so I gave it a try. The sealant gave it a nice, spongy feel while still providing the clamping effect. It felt a little off and I had to adjust it before I found the right position...also I could not clamp it as tight, as the sealant make it a little smaller in diameter. With soft, spongy edges instead of hard, sharp plastic edges, I was able to do more intense exercises while clamped...erect stretches, bends, etc. I would recommend this. It worked pretty good, although the other guys' suggestions with tape and such would probably be easier and less messy. Still, I really liked the sponginess. It was very comfortable.
Thucydides said:
BAH comfort is overrated. No pain, no gain. ;)

On a serious note, the only time I get any pain is when taking it off and it's really not that bad.

It's a shame it seems to be so difficult for some of you, hope you guys can sort something out.

I agree.
All through clamping trials I NEVER used ANY padding, just clamp against skin.
It hurt when I took it off, but so what.....its like with anything in life, theirs rough and smooth. It shocks me at the small number of guys being put of from doing clamping cos of the fear it will hurt or be too uncomfortable lol what about me :cool: I tested this shit out useing no wrap, you DO NOT need wrap....pain is in the mind, learn to BLANK IT OUT.
You like me, you really like me ;)

The thing is, it only seems like I have interesting stuff to say because I've made so few posts. If I posted more the truth would rapidly become apparent :)

I agree with Red 100%, don't be put off by fear. Try it out for yourself.
I just put a small piece of cloth around the base of my shaft then clamp it eases the pain a lil bit then again strenght is only how well you hide the pain!