Hi so IM really desperet in getting a bigger Dick not only for my girlfriend but for my self and for my self confidence because whenever i look at my Dick i just feel really bad ... and i guess u could call me a grower IM around 6-9 cm flaccid depends on IF i let it hang naked or IF its cold and...
The Wide Boy! All new pump from Hydromax!
Only $179.00!
Due to the consistent nature of hydraulic pressure created by the Bathmate range of pumps, the users penis will increase in girth a lot quicker than it will in length. This is because the surface...
The Wide Boy! All new pump from Hydromax!
Only $179.00!
Due to the consistent nature of hydraulic pressure created by the Bathmate range of pumps, the users penis will increase in girth a lot quicker than it will in length. This is because the surface...
The Wide Boy! All new pump from Hydromax!
Only $179.00!
Due to the consistent nature of hydraulic pressure created by the Bathmate range of pumps, the users penis will increase in girth a lot quicker than it will in length. This is because the surface...
I've done the newbie routine on and off for around 2 years now but gains have been small especially in my skinny shaft.
At this point, I know what I am aiming for and that is purely girth (+width of course) and I am now fully committed.
However, due to poorness (and being a certain...
Starting Stats
BPFSL 6 1/2"
BPEL 6 1/4"
Size Genetics Traction Extender
Bathmate Extreme X30
Cialis 10 mg Daily
Test E 200mg/wk
10+ hours daily in the SG extender, Rotate from upward to downward hourly.
Each hour will have at least 10 minutes of erect...
Hey yall I found out about PE when I was in middleschool (6 years ago) and haven't taken it seriously until early this year. I have owned a bathmate extreme x30 for about 3 years just as a tool to use for fun. Ive used it inconsistantly throughout the three years but in October i stumbled upon...
These 2 1/2 years has been a struggle atlas for my dick. I think there were some different factors playing into it. I took steroids 1-2 years before the injury and diagnosis and i had low low testosterone after this point which cased me to have lower libido. Thats what got me searching on the...
hey all I am getting back into the hang of things and decided to start a progress thread, I will try to post daily. I am currenly hanging weight, using my home made length master and pumping with my bathmate x30.
Hi guys
I want to get a Bathmate, more specifically the xx40, but I constantly get conflicting information on whether the gains are permanent or not.
To the people that have a Bathmate;
-Have you made permanent girth gains?
-How significant were they?
-Have you made permanent length gains...
Hey guys, I was thinking about ordering the bathmate and was wondering how long does take to ship? I currently live at my parents house and would be worried if my family found it on the porch.
And, could the bathmate speed gains?
Hey guys I've been looking into the product. For those that have it how are your results? Can it be worn while having to bend down and complete work task? Or should it be used during the night while I sleep?
So there is this one guy on YouTube named elbow (or so I think) and he does a 6 week review on the bathmate x30 I believe and by the end of the 6 weeks he gained like 2" in length and 1.5" in girth (or so I recall, I haven't watched the videos in awhile). I recommend watching the series if you...
Hi all,
been a while since my last post. I've been using my bathmate fairly regularly and I use my method outlined in my other posts. I use an ace wrap around the base of the shaft to minimize testicle discomfort. Recently I've incorporated a cock ring to secure the ace wrap. It is a loose...
Has anybody used a silicone sleeve to protect against edema? I used a sleeve that covered my entire shaft and the coronal ridge of my glans to pump today. I had zero edema and I measured my expansion and it didnt seem to effect the expansion at all. Curious if others think this is a good...
So I originally modded my Bathmate with a 2.75 inch cutout section of a smaller air pump I used to own to stop my testicles from slipping in. It worked amazingly well since it was the perfect diameter. The other day I decided to cut that modded section down to only 1.25 inches thick. During my...
Hey guys, i was wondering how long it typically takes you to advance the lengths in Bathmate. Right now I’m a shade under 8”bpel but i can pump to 8.5 in the tube. How long before i see this gain in bpel?
I have been using it for quite awhile on and off. And believe i have seen some gains. I...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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