First of all let me apologize in front if someone already posted this type of exercise.
I have no intentions of "stealing" anyones "credits" for specific exercise and i dont want to take any credits anyway im just another human beeing trying to help other human beeings.That beeing said i will...
I did a 2 days on and 1 day of routine, and similar to the dld newbie routine, but not as intense. I did this for maybe 2 months before I stopped.
I have heard that after resting the ligs get alot stronger and it becomes much harder to gain. But I dont know for sure if its working that way.
I had a belting session late this afternoon and its been my first in approx 2 years.
Was feeling horny haha and decided to grab my old pump and dust it down. No one was home so I could have the privacy.
My pump is basic, with no gauge on it but has good suction and tube ... has served me...
What are the flaws in splitting a routine (stretch in morning and jelq at night)?
I usually do it all at once but i see some benefits and flaws in splitting routines.
One of my theories is that if you split a routine, the gains are slower. Just like working out, you shouldn't have a 5 hour rest...
Hello everyone, I've seen a new type of product that is some kind of belt (penisplus), I already have sizegenetics but the thing is that with a belt I can wear it all day long while doing whatever...
anyhow, it seems like a really simple product but it costs 200$!!
I was wondering if anyone has...
going to be doing 10 months in jail made almost an inch in gains and dont want to lose it would stretchin with out a warm up help keep my gains need advice on not losing gains while locked down would edgeing and kegels help
What's Average?
by Paul Aitken
Article courtesy of AltPenis
Admit it. You've done it. Most likely in your adolescence when you first noticed it was getting bigger, or maybe later when you noticed everyone else's was big and yours wasn't. At some point almost every guy measures himself if only...
If you could have any wish concerning the size of your penis, what would you wish for? I am a big guy and I always felt like something close to 9 x 6 would be perfect. Obviously I went way beyond this but I had too:) What would you wish for if you could have anything?
Hi all,
I didn't know anyone else was doing this stuff. I had been reading about how none of this works and to be happy with what you've got and then a comment my ex said to me sort of triggered something in my brain.
The ex, "You're penis looks big, but it isn't as big as it looks."
Well, I...
Ran into a problem yesterday. I was with a girl and drank only a few beers and some wine... Not much. We started doing stuff and no matter what she'd do, (Oral, tugging, etc) couldn't get me hard.
I'm 19 and have noticed some problems as of late in getting an erection when I started Penis...
German Stallion has been kind enough to share with us this incredible breakthrough in pulling out the maximum flaccid stretch. Here is G.S.' and my description:
"When you start to pull, the penis reacts. It pulls back at you. It turtles and tightens up to protect itself. If, IF, you go slow...
So I've been trying to understand whats been going on with my Penis Enlargement career and why I haven't been very successful and I've come up with an idea as to why I've gained barely any erect length. I should also note that my bpfsl has gone up considerably and at one point was almost a full...
So I've been trying to understand whats been going on with my Penis Enlargement career and why I haven't been very successful and I've come up with an idea as to why I've gained barely any erect length. I should also note that my bpfsl has gone up considerably and at one point was almost a full...
I figured it'd be helpful if we can a thread that listed good and bad signs so we know when are and aren't on the right track. I'm not a great one to start listing things because my success has been limited.
heavy feeling flaccid
rock hard and frequent erections
even disturibution of...
Well I'll start off by saying I am basically new to the site, I haven't posted much at all. I found this via Thund3rs Pl@ce, which is the forum i am most familiar with but I am kind of getting sick of a lot of the BS there, even though a few members really seem to be amazing people.
Moving on,
I'm really tired of manual stretching. So tired that I haven't been getting it done. I found out that my Max-Vac is shipping out this week. I'm excited about that.
I'm going to be posting here my MV routine and progress once it arrives. I may also order a Bib in a few months and use both...
*Update 2019: After some Revelations and 18 to 20 months decon I came back and am gaining at a very acceptable rate. Around 0.1 cm weekly.*
Ok guys I've finally decided to start a log after all...
I haven't been at this very long, so if this is dumb or covered somewhere else, please redirect me.
I've been at this for about a month and have already noticed some things:
I'm uncircumsized and due to pe, have noticed a rapid increase in my flaccid and erect foreskin, by anywhere from 1/4"+...
It does exactly what it says on the tin .... ask reds thread LMAO
The meaning and thought behind this is very simple.
So ... why post this thread. Its YOUR CHANCE to ASK ME a question directly about Penis Enlargement. I will do my BEST to answer it honestly and with the best of my knowledge and...
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