Hello fellow MOS members. I have decided, after many private messages about my routines, to share everything I did and everything I know about how I was able to add 4.35" in length and almost 2.2" in erect girth in about 2.2 years(10.5 months of chem pe). I will start by giving you a background...
Ok so maybe I'm a bit slow, but I'm still not sure if I get this kegel thing. I figure I cannot be the only one, so I thought I would make a post about it. My plan is to try tonight doing something (it's so GD cold in my basement lol) and getting an erection, then once I do I'm going to take a...
Ive got a question. When i stretch i feel like theres alot of pressure in my glans and the harder i stretch the more the pressure builds up. It is a little uncomfortable and i dont want to hurt myself but i feel like this keeps me from getting a good stretch in. When i stretch i pull back the...
I have been studying the effects of PGE-1 for some time along with a few of my own research projects concerning natural growth and erections throughout puberty. I will provide an article in due-time.
In this log I will be performing a research project on PGE-1 combined with daily Jelqing...
If they stretch too hard or leave an extender device on for to long. How often should the penis be relieved from tension from an extender every thirty minutes or every hour to avoid damaging your penis.
Ok yesterday and today while doing straight down stretches I pulled for bout couple seconds, lost my grip and tried to pull it again and it felt like I just ripped off one blood vessels on the right side of my penis ! I felt a crazy pinch on the inside. This happened twice, once yesterday once...
Hey guys,
So I started Penis Enlargement a year or so ago, but after a month I had to stop for various reasons. I've started again now, and I believe this is actually a learning process as much as it is a physical process. I say that because I have developed some beliefs and routines that I did...
Hello all -
I started my Penis Enlargement about a year ago with basic jelqing and just found this site about a month ago. I purchased my first "tool" about a month ago as well. So far the Bathmate has been awesome!! I'll be ordering the Size Genetics system this week as well.
I feel I'm...
I have seen posts about a "steel cord" as a huge limiting factor for a lot of people, as well as dorsal thickening, and with the research i have done is seems to be something called Buck's Fascia.
I am curious who among the more experienced guys has this, and how they have dealt with it.
Thought I would make a log for foreskin pumping, not much out there in regards to results long-term pumping. I have personally been pumping everyday for consecutive hours of high pressure/low pressure pumping, mostly low pressure. I use a Noogleberry nipple pump, works quite well, but have since...
Hey all,
i'm about to recieve the Hydromax X40! When i first started reading about it it was real "pumped", but now that i read allot of threads here in the forum im kinda hessitant to even begin using this thing.
I see stuff like: red dots, discoloring and even a massive blister :O
I'm pretty...
I tried searching the forum on this and read some mixed signs of this. If I were to stop Penis Enlargement right now, slowly doing less stretching over a month period, could one loose all of his gains? I see in DLD's SRT theory page, that he had lost some gains, was that due to not cementing...
Hi guys I'm new to MOS so thought I'd put up a threat logging my journey into the world of penis enlargement.
My main reason for wanting to start Penis Enlargement is being a very self conscious person and I see myself having a small penis, I think this stems back from being a child. When I was...
Hey there,
I've introduced myself in the newbies forum a while back, but I'll make a quick recap.
I learned about Penis Enlargement years ago and started a dedicated routine back in early 2009. I managed to go from:
3/13/09 - BPenis EnlargementL - 7.2" NBEL - 6.7" EG - 5.0"
To currently...
Hi, I'm Mike Shlort.
I started Penis Enlargement on September 26th, 2011. My starting stats were around 6.6"NBPx5.4"EG. I did DLDs newbie routine that consisted of BTC, SD, SO, and SU manual stretches, 25-50 A-Stretch's with Kegeling (DLD Blasters), 300-600 Jelqs and a testicle massage and...
Well I finally got everything I needed and got started. Here is the list of materials.
Bottle of PGE1 100mcg/ml x 10ml
Syringes 1" 30G
48 ct box of Sudafed (for bringing down erections if needed)
Doc Johnson adjustable leather cock ring with metal snaps Bathmate (later if all is well).
Took a...
Hi all,
I've restarted my Penis Enlargement journey in March after a long break of a couple of years. I started back in 2006 and did it for about 6 months then stopped. Met my ex and had a long, nice relationship for about 4 years. I did try to restart in 2010 but just did a few months and then...
I've been doing something similar to Beginners Routine Phase 1 but in my opinion more intense for about 15 days and I have not seen any particular results yet I will be continuing with this but I need to see results as I stretch for like an hour everyday and jelq sometimes and I'm stuck at 4"7...
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