Okay y'all, here's a catch all thread of thoughts questions and concerns, and what not! First, I've been a little off with my measurements, using a soft ruler VS a hard one; the former showing my BPEL is a bit less. Naturally I thought I was losing ground, until I used a hard ruler and was able...
Since my hysterectomy thread got derailed with jokes....
My wife is facing a hysterectomy very soon. They've been running tests and scans and hopefully there's no cancer or we're really screwed. They need to remove her cervix and uterus from what we're being told. Fortunately the upper 1/3 of...
Does anyone have a PE partner that you do PE with? Just thinking that a lot of people benefit from having a workout partner in the gym, so what about a brother to keep you accountable?
Saw a Julio Gomez video and noticed something very interesting. I’d like to see what you all think about it. You would need to see a part of the adult entertainment to see what I mean. But if you’re willing to take a look, maybe we can figure this dude out. His penis is insanely incredibly massive. And I think...
So my erections have been so poor lately. My routine is basically just 15-20 min of bathmate so nothing to intense. Ive been pumping for about 4 months so my penis is use to it.
This is really freaking annoying cause if i stopped pumping all together my cock would stay skinny.
At this point im...
Haven't been here in a while. Between the hernia surgery recovery and a lot of personal issues I haven't done PE since August. The last time I tried using the BM was 3 months after surgery and may have been too soon. Still have some discomfort 7 months after surgery but from some "test pulls" I...
Anyone else get this? When you're erect your CC's are totally firm, but CS and head inflation is minimal.
I've seen this discussed elsewhere but no real reason or solution. One possible mechanism is potential damage done to valves that control bloodflow in and out of the penis.
So I have this...
Hello brothers, I was just wondering whether it can be possible. Anyone has experience with this Shockwave/Sparkwave? Here is the link:
I did my first PE session on 2.7.2017 so it was just fitting to start working out again on 2.7.2018. Did my best to get a girth measurement to go along with the good length one I got. I barely got a 5.25" on 1, struggled to get another barely 5 25", and a bunch of 5" when I knew I wasn't 100%...
anyone heard about this product ?
when i ordered the vigrx . they called me and told me to take this also.
i have man boobs or probably gyno so is this good for me ????
can someone hlep with man boobs or gyno ??? im looking for a transformation fat to fit
hi all i am 23 y.o and i believe now that my sexual life has finnished , i feel ashamed for my self my penis and my duration when i am having sex with a girl
First of all i have a small d*ck , erected is 13-14 cm in length ( 5-5.5 inches ) and girth is near head 9 cm (3.5 inch ) near body is 8...
I have a little problem and need your help, if you have been talking about it already just post links to it in your replies.
About three weeks ago I've been doing my length routine and probably I was too aggressive, few hours after I finished the routine I've noticed a bright spot on my...
It's only been a few days since surgery so I'm in no way ready to start up again. It's actually going to be at least a month before I start, maybe 2, as I might look to the guidelines of when it's safe to start doing core strength exercises again (6-8 weeks).
It's already been 2 months since I...
Hey guys so I wanted to make a post regarding this oil as I was actually surprised by its affects. This is something everyone should be using in my opinion. I found the recipe on the old post which can easily be found if you search or even google search "Erosets vein oil". After 3 days of using...
Maybe a couple of you have noticed I haven't been around for a while. I kinda post-whored when active (I'm good at that) but then I disappeared. Well first there was life getting in my way.... not being able to PE in peace and privacy before work and then 6 weeks of hell at work where I was too...
I feel responsible to write some of my experiences here since long ago I found this site and it gained me a lot. I need to give back.
At about the age of 58 I started hanging. Not much to start, maybe a pound or so. I didn't check any changes for a while, but in a couple months I had gained...
My journey in PE began in January of 2015, I was having issues with EQ, I found first some other forums, I will not mention no names, I purchased a pump there shortly after, and I started doing some Jelqing, there shortly after I joined MOS, I for a while thought it was just snake oil and didnt...
7 inches
bath mate
length master
The first case of a man killed by penis enlargement surgery has been reported in Sweden.
A healthy 30-year-old had wanted to increase both the girth and length of his genitals using a process where fat is transferred from his stomach.
Plastic surgeons first carried out the elongation, which...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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