I have some discoloration on my shaft due to pumping,I have it almost a year stopped pumping but it don't go away,
I like to restart pumping what do you suggest?
Has anyone ever tried this ring? Is it worth the price? Any opinions would be much appreciated. I currently use the black silicone rings you can find in any sex shop and the smaller ones work well but I'm looking for something more heavy duty.
Also can someone answer my question on where to...
Hey guys I am wondering if any of you have used, or have any insight on ABSilicone products? http://www.absilicone.com/
I am thinking of ordering their anti-turtle sleeve and was wondering if it is a good product that will do what it is supposed to do (stop "turtling" after exercises) ?
I am...
Hello :)
I'm very new here, so I thought I'd pop on and introduce myself before letting loose with the inevitable torrent of questions that I will have as I continue my journey. In all honesty, I haven't been in a very good place emotionally for quite awhile. About 3 years ago, I decided...
So I tried this excellent herbal/natural supplement last Saturday for a crazy all night session - worked very very well, rock solid erections, increased staying power and nice constant engorged flaccid. So good it was, it lasted a good 3 days and its just wore off now.
Naturally, when you see it...
I uses to take pre-workout supplements like Craze, Jack3d and Hemo-Rage about half a year ago before I even knew about Penis Enlargement. I noticed smaller flaccid hangs after I used them. I haven't used them since 2012 and started Penis Enlargement really hardcore in February 2013. Now I'm back...
Forum post.
I'm posting as I'd like some advice regarding an issue that I have been having recently.
I started my new routine on 27/05 and since then I have been seemingly plagued by injuries, despite not going to 'full intensity'.
I am an experienced Penis Enlargement'er - 2 1/2 years...
I've just read on wikipedia that Vitamin C increases collagen production by upto a factor of 8!
I will go to the Drug-store tomorrow and buy a pack of raw ascorbic acid and take some before and after my routine. Besides the other health benefits I really think taking megadoses of vitamin C...
We have been uploading many videos to our Matters of Size youtube channels.
Make sure you check it out and spread them around!
---------> http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEnxRFPGhiaQ_EVILQDq7A <---------
Hey guys, I wanted to order dmso, kingsnake recommends supplement warehouse, however, I googled it and kept reading about how people had been fraudulently overcharged, are there any other websites that sell this stuff cheap. And what are your experiences with supplement warehouse, good, bad...
Hey Wassup MOS, DLD,...
Just wanna say, I've wandered around this site for about 4 years now, on and off.
I'm definitely a speculator, not sure if this will work for me.
Throughout the Years, I've tried the "newbie routine" for a couple weeks before and I just usually stop, then I come back...
Looking for the cheapest legit site to buy them from online. I plan on using it for girth work because sometimes I just can't maintain an erection, especially in the shower.
okay, so im starting a new progress thread as the old one sort of stagnated, i wasnt motivated enough and also didnt have enough time due to family issues. i also made little/ no gains and was getting a bit discouraged, but i think this was because i hadnt found exercises i actually like so...
I've been thinking lately if there were was a way to safely hang a 1 or 2-3 kilo weight off your penis all day from when you wake up till bedtime would you see any good length gains? Around 12 hours
In theory it seems it would work combined with a manual stretching and jelqing routine and at...
This will be the official thread that will contain all information concerning the new Matters of Size Supplemental System that will be released this month. All news will be posted here and all questions will also be answered.
As of today the names have been decided on and the exact formula...
Hey all, hope this is the right section
I joined this site about 5 years ago. I had a daily routine of stretching, jelqing and kegeling. I was Penis Enlargementing for about a month (saw a nice .75 length increase :) Shortly after, I couldnt get a boner at all. Since then, i have stopped fully...
So I ordered two bottles of paba now brand. I assume y'all get the bulk form from pure bulk but I messed up. I want to just empty the capsules into my DMSO very carefully. Is this a bad idea? Should I just buy the bulk and wait? I don't want to waste my money so I want to use it. I doubt the...
Hey guys. So a little over a year ago, I was using my Bathmate as usual, released suction, and what I saw was far from normal. It looked as though a thin string had been wrapped around an area at the top 1/3 of my penis, and the water retention was everywhere but there. I took a break for a...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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