I'm not big on pills, but apparently this is legit, as are all other claims, if I were to take this i'd still keep up with my routine however would just like to know if anyone has ever tried it? If so, were there any results or a change in your penis?
Hi everyone, I just want to know why my libido lowered, I used to masturbate 4-5 times a day sometimes. This past 4 months I had to overcome the following situations:
1-the death of my uncle
2-my dad almost dies because of an internal bleeding in his stomach caused by an ulcer, he had an...
I picked up a monkey spanker after reading the SRT thread.
I use it after length work outs and sometimes girth workouts as well.
Is it best to go slowly through the shaft? or what method do you find the best use of for warm down/healing with device. I feel like it's an effective tool, but...
I have been pumping 5 out of 7 days for week with a Penomet.
1. Is there a good water pumping 101 thread.
- I ask this because after encountering a few difficulties I have learned a few things from tid bits in many other threads. I am looking for consolidated point of knowledge.
2. My last...
this offer is for either someone who is looking for a quality product for air pumping (newbie or just switching brand names) or current users of vacutech cylinder air pumps.
I'm selling my Vacutech Thickwall Elliptical Air Pump Cylinder seen in the pictures below. This deal includes the...
Hey guys
I've been reading around on mos covertly for the past few weeks, ordered a Bathmate x40 through goodlookingloser ( I wish I hadn't but that was before I found mos.) But I finally received my Bathmate today, took a couple 5 minute sets on it today to get used to it and understand it. I...
Since I feel like DLD has the most experience and "years" on us n00bs .. i was wondering if anyone knows where i can see some before or after or CURRENT pics of DLD's "member"?
I'm really curious to see the 10 inch thing he's been talking about.
DLD: u have any pics to show? for encouragement...
Have been considering adding a supplement to my work out. I hear it helps speed up gains. Sorry if it's a silly question but, if I were to gain let's say 0.5 of an inch and then stopped taking the pill, would I lose those gains? What with the pill having played a part.
You guys should use this site. It is OSSIM. Haha. Helps you track your gains thoughly, with graphs and pie charts. And the best part. . . .it's absolutely free.
Back a few months ago I was thinking about using Vitamin C as a Penis Enlargement supplement. It is said to increase collagen production and I thought it could lead to better tunica gains.
I was taking about one tablespoon Vitamin C every morning and also tried dissolving some in the Bathmate...
Proposed Effect(s):* also falls under the category of stimulant, alkaloid and methylxanthine * increases endurance performance, spares glycogen, increases lipid oxidation, enhances neuromuscular function, and attenuates plasma potassium levels during exercise
The following is a scientific...
Hey everyone.
I have an extreme problem. I am currently 243 pounds at 5,8 feet tall 21 years old.
My BPenis EnlargementL is 7.9 and my EL 4.9
So assuming at a normal weight (160ish ide have a .5-1 inch fatpad no matter what)
So it seems im missing about 2+ Inches of penis
I understand this...
Hey DLD any updates for the ads? could you possibly let us in on the design? is it a silicon tube, or does it use gravity like an ADH, or is it like a condom you roll on creates it own vacuum and then you attach to your leg brace. thanks DLD!
Hey guys! I am writing this thread to get some advices for my problem. I've been having my X40 for around a week now and since this is my first pump- it's still taking me time till I master it. In the beginning I had no idea on how to pump and was worried that there was water coming out when I...
Hi all,
Some background info:
24 years old, had delayed puberty at 17 with very little penile and testicular growth. Visited an endocrinologist a few years back, did me no good since it was for one, embarrassing but also he wasn't too worried or helpful, as I can easily get an erection and...
I'm going to start with my SRT rainy day dumbbell workout.
Get 2x 20# dumbbells. No bench needed tho for later if you get one it will help.
Get a jumprope. A heavier leather one would be a better workout but for begginning on a rainy day any ropeyou can successfully jump with is better than...
Hey guys, I know there is Performer5 and other great pills to increase ejaculate volume on the market, but I am looking at stacking a few supplements that can be found at local food/nutrition stores. My goal is not to mainly increase sperm count, or sperm health, just overall increase the amount...
My attempt at being clever in my title aside, I'm pretty much at square one but have more of a wealth of knowledge then when I started the first time.
So first, I have a Bathmate X-40 and have had a good bit of issues, mostly related to the seal. So if I was looking to upgrade, what are some...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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