I wont lie I think all this chemical stuff is absolutely crazy! Injecting stuff in your penis is absolutely crazy! I have been reading for a couple hours and I'm completely lost! I need a chemical pe for dummies crash course!
As of right now I'm not going to inject the stuff that causes an...
I am starting to question myself if tunica gains are possible, or possible to the extent advertised by extender manufacturers.
Don't get me wrong, I've gained an inch using an extender with reasonable effort. But every time I stop using it even for a week those gains start to diminish, which is...
I'll try to be as short as possible.
Just like many other stories I've read here I got a "problem" with my new GF.
Her old BF had a 9" dick and by our conversations I have enough reasons to believe she is a size queen and about her notion of size. I think that 99% of other man would feel...
I Believe we can , based on reasearch the least it cost individuals a year ( more or less ) ago to make a functional homemade extender was 10-11 dollars and at max 25-30.
Can a big group of persons and DLD get together and create one of these...
Ok, so I've been seeing this girl for a while, and she's been hinting at wanting to have sex. I'm 22, she's 21. We're both virgins and I have some concerns. She is a shorter, petite girl, about 5"6. Normally I prefer a girl with a little more meat on the bones. I can wrap my hand and have my...
I read some things online and they said things like jelqing or any type of penis enlargement can cause burst blood vessels and impotence scary stuff for a 24 year old.
Well guys I had a great week with DLD, I am back home now and the trip was so amazing..needless to say one of the most exiting weeks of my life. DLD and Jazz (Lightening) are some of the coolest people I have ever met and glad to call them friends. We got a ton of stuff done for MOS and the...
I can't help but deny the fact that for every area in my life Im succesful at (women, busines, girls, bodybuilding) I have some sort of log. Because I want to succeed at growing a big dick, Ive decided to start one here aswell and hopefully get some pointers along the way.
Basically I started...
Hey guys, I have hair growing all the way up my shaft to the head of my penis. I suspect its from a overly tight circumsicism and from Penis Enlargement.
It's extremely annoying when trying to Penis Enlargement and it's not particular pleasant during sex. I used to have a daily shave but it...
Hey fellas. The snake man checking in. Decided to join mistake and petersouth in creating a daily Penis Enlargement training log for my chemical protocol. Heres my current weekly routine. Still looking into what type of ADS i want to use in between sessions.
Current stats before Protocal...
Things that i have learned so far from my 6 month Penis Enlargement experience that i want to share: 1) Dream the impossible dream .Only With Action comes change. :)...
Hi guys just joined, for those that are curious bout the bible I can say that I purchased it before a while back and it kind of seems legit compared to 'miracle pills'. However I lost it somehow and have just re-purchased it with much apprehension as 40 quid is steep for a con.
The contents...
Just a little postive re-enforcement discussion. Post a description of one of your first genuine responses from a girl after you made gains. Here's one of mine:
A got together with a girl and as she was giving me blow job, she kept pulling it out of her mouth and just looking at it with a funny...
fat pad
We are planning a move to a solid state server, this will make us completely bullet proof to outside, trolling sources. We will be getting the highest RAM upgrade so that the forums will be running even faster and back ups will happen every 12 hours. In addition to this we will be upgrading to...
Hey guys, iv been wanting to test Penis Enlargement for a couple months now. I first heard about the idea years ago but always brushed it off as sounding like a scam... After roaming the site a couple times, it looks like there's actually people making there dick bigger! Although I absolutely...
I am 18 years old and my penis is around 4.3" Length and 5cm wide and about 5.1" gridth....This is embarrassing...I don't know how can I enlarge this, if I ever can... I was told there is no way to do so...I am just not sure.
Hi, I'm Mike Shlort.
I started Penis Enlargement on September 26th, 2011. My starting stats were around 6.6"NBPx5.4"EG. I did DLDs newbie routine that consisted of BTC, SD, SO, and SU manual stretches, 25-50 A-Stretch's with Kegeling (DLD Blasters), 300-600 Jelqs and a testicle massage and...
Has anyone heard of PGE-1 for gaining penis size, what do the routines look like? It looks interesting but I wanted to know what other people had to say about it. I posted this on Penis Enlargement gym but no one responded.
Hello! I've been into Penis Enlargement for well over 12 years. I own pretty much every piece of equipment available and have tried lots of different routines. My gains have been near zero, maybe .5" MAX. Each time I get motivated I stick with the routine for 4 to 6 months until I get...
Just want to hear from people their experience with telling wife/partner about doing pe . My wife freaked out when she found my andro and since then we haven't really spoken about it . I still do all my work in secret which makes it hard to keep consistent . Would love to hear anyone else's...
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