I do intense girth work and for a few months have had pretty nice gains now I finished a workout and the usual things follow: my girth goes down and my cock gets really hard the loss of girth lasts for about a week or do then the girth comes back bigger than before now it's been 2 weeks and my...
Hey guys,
Im only a 5 weeks in but soon that will be 3 months then 6 months then 12 months.
Ive started with DLD's newbie routine. Just to get my dick adapting to the new stimulus.
I do it 6 days a week rest day Sunday. My dick seems to cope quite well red dots heal no discolouration.
Yogurt does that i just ate it and found myself getting horny and my dick getting a shrink ...
So If i am to say that milk has L-argine ... and if milk gets expired it turns into yogurt and then so does the L-argine in the milk ... is the...
Kinda worried here been doing erect jelqs for a month now my erections felt bigger and I thought I was getting gains but for some reason I went to measure and actually lost .25 inch in girth and length . I dont understand could this. B because I need to give my penis some rest or does because...
Well, learn something everyday! I had no idea that the SG could be worn under your pants outside and for some reason thought it was a really big bulky device. However I do need to ask those that use it, are you really able to use this at school or work and feel confident enough that it's not...
Penis EnlargementNIS YOGA
Our body is in a constant state of fluctuation between anabolism and catabolism. On the surface this balance if you will, should be counter-productive. It is however not so when you realize that this balance is necessary in order for the body to change when forces act...
Hey guys,
So I started Penis Enlargement a year or so ago, but after a month I had to stop for various reasons. I've started again now, and I believe this is actually a learning process as much as it is a physical process. I say that because I have developed some beliefs and routines that I did...
Was reading a thread aimed at Supra from 2004 and it got me thinking.
If you can use Uncle Jims Wrap method to stretch your flaccid penis then surely you can do the same for your ball hang by wrapping just above the scrorum, almost the same effect as those african women who stretch their necks :p
What are the ways to optimise bulge?
Specifically what trousers are best for this purpose?
I have a 6 inch flaccid on a good day and would like to show this off at all times while avoiding the impression that I am showing off LOL, obviously I'll need to make this a consistent thing and get to a...
Ok fellas. Finally got the essay ready. Keep in mind that what Im saying in this essay is not gospel. This essay is based on my strong opinion from all of my Penis Enlargement experience and research though out the years. Feel free to base your opinion but only in a friendly manner...
...or, bought my penis its Christmas present... SG!
the mos link off dlds sig led to a special page with a $165 price. thats awesome.
plus it said something about a bonus velcro x-stdap. well see. ill make the velcro mod if needed.
I added the 2 yr warrenty on parts for $40.
First report, first month
I got a Bathmate X-40 and started on 10/08/12. I also own the Joel Kaplan electric pump. I got started because it seemed my erections were becoming less strong, and I was already small to begin with. I figured, what have I to lose?
I got a MoS paid membership so...
say i start using a pump and doing the jelq routines for about 6 months and notice some results. what happens if i stop using it and doing the jelqs? once i start do i pretty much have to do it forever or my dick will shrink? im sure this gets asked alot but me and my 4" girth would appreciate...
OK, first I have to say the shipping was amazing! They really came through on the preorders with speed. I woke up to mine this morning and I was able to test it out just recently. First of all, it is muck stronger, suction-wise, they say 30% but it it quite a lot, determining it would be...
I just got my Hydromax X40. here is a short video showing what is in the box, how it is shipped and some of the new features.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lHlk9JboIcA" frameborder="0"...
I just got my Hydromax X40. here is a short video showing what is in the box, how it is shipped and some of the new features.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lHlk9JboIcA" frameborder="0"...
Hey fellas. The snake man checking in. Decided to join mistake and petersouth in creating a daily Penis Enlargement training log for my chemical protocol. Heres my current weekly routine. Still looking into what type of ADS i want to use in between sessions.
Current stats before Protocal...
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