what are the kinds of food that get the fat pad fatter.I think hidrocarbs,all kinds of chocolate,sugary foods,Sodas,even milk,im pretty sure there are a ton of foods that increase the infamous fat pad...
i think most men consume that food but which quantities are suggested to keep things at...
So me and my girlfriend just started having sex at the beginning of August and whenever we would have sex I would last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, and with head I could last about 45 minutes. But as of about 3 weeks ago I literally haven't been able to hold it in!!! I cum within...
Yesterday i couldnt have access to a computer i use, so i had to use a desktop computer,i was seated on that chair i had the LM on already n i stretched down using the legs,n the stretching was so intense n amazing,that i had to control it whit my legs.
is basically stretching down hitting a...
I start off with a stretch righr 25 kegeks
Rotary circles center left rigjt than stretch left 25 kegels
I repeat the cranks and stretches to the center down and up one time
Than 3 sets of 30 sec reps each way for btc
Than i fucken kill my dick with a straifht down 3 30 sex eaxh way
I monster...
length gains
Whta can be considered a minor injury in PE, today i was having my session n i felt a burning sensation i think the ligament,or the suspensory ligs.Not sure
The pain is not actually a pain but a sensation id say,hope is not something serious,because i want to continue i need no days off at all...
Hello boys, I have issue with my erection, it aint soft, but it ain't rock hard either, no matter how much kegels I do, and how much I'm consistent with them, is there any universal solution for this problem, or I'm the only one who has this kind of problem, when I'm not squeezing my pc muscle...
Hello! I have recently started to notice that my "CS" area gets more and more filled, adding girth to my shaft. This is great yes and i'm glad i have found a promising way to develop it.
But what i haven't found is a great way to manually increase width. When my penis is 100% erect and i keegel...
erect stretchings i enjoy doing them a lot but was wondering how long can i do them for,would be great to do them for a really long period of time.
can you guys name another bunch of exercises we can do while theres not a private place where we can exercise.
e.g.Erect stretchings 5 mins a...
Hello! I saw in a video on youtube where DLD attended and talked about PE. I think he said something about that he was just leaving his appartment under few circumstances and was focusing solely on Penis enlargement and this was possible the reason of his massive gains. I find this very...
Loosing a little motivation to use my LM because I bundle so hard it causes actual pain. Is it better off lowering the intensity a bit or redoubling my efforts and accept the pain and break down this tunica?
So I'm 7.25 BPSL I am 5.5 NBPL and 6.25 BPEL. I do the beginner routine and use the SG about 3-4 hours a day. My fat pad is about 1inch. What can I do to close the gap between my BPSL and BPEL. It like my penis well stretch really far and then when I have an erection without any stretching...
Im 25 shes 24. QSo the long story short is we've traded living together at our parents house. For the past year ive been at her parents house. I feel awkward living there because even though we are the same nationality , i was born here and don't speak the language. She is always working. I...
massive cock
Yesterday during stretching part of workout, idea came up to perform Mandingo stretch, you know grip with overhand grip, twist and pulling up, my idea was to during Mandingo, grip at the base with the other hand, and twist the penis to counter direction of the mandingo and pull it down...IT WAS...
Found this searching through ebay. I might give them a try. My cap is already pretty stretched out. I'll have to ask for the dimensions first though. Looks kinda thick and it ships from Poland. I wouldn't doubt it was the PF company doing different ways of selling product. LOL
Penis Enlargement...
Are there any methods outside of priapism that are certain to be successful but are dangerous to try?
Just curious. I've heard of unusual methods like injections and dht and all that so I just want to know what is out there on the unnatural dangerous side of things.
I've been doing intense BM sessions for the past week and a half, and I started noticing that between sessions I would get parts where the skin was dry and flaking off and it would be pink after. It looks sensitive, but it isn't, I keep doing more sessions hoping it will chill out as my body...
Why did I do what I did? To see what kind of forum this is. I fully expected to be banned by bad mouthing certain products.If I was banned I would realize that this forum was affiliated with products or selling horseshit. To this forum's credit I was not banned and I know DLD read my threads...
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