I had a belting session late this afternoon and its been my first in approx 2 years.
Was feeling horny haha and decided to grab my old pump and dust it down. No one was home so I could have the privacy.
My pump is basic, with no gauge on it but has good suction and tube ... has served me...
Well Im getting close to my goal. Have been doing Penis Enlargement for about 3,5 months now..and Im atm at 17,3cm bpel and Im about 13,5cm girth.
My goal is somewhere between 18-19cm bpel and 14-15cm girth (girth is less important for now).
(1 inch = 2.5 cm for the US people)
I started...
In most phalloplasties the basal ligaments are severed and you'll need to stretch the penis vigorously over the course of 6 weeks or so to prevent the ligaments from reattaching and to cement the results. In thickening they do fat transfers or graft your own skin or Alloderm (a collagen matrix...
Well I measured today for the first time in like a year. I really have not been to active in real Penis Enlargement, I might pump before a date, or edge for erection strenght and staying power, but I lost .5in in lenght and .25 in in girth due to inactivity. Though it is bigger now then when I...
Wow i have been doing p.e for just over a month and when i started i was 8.65 bpel and 8 nbel. I decided it was about time to check my measurements and i have gained over half a inch! 8.5 nbel and 9 bpel i have neverr heard of anyone getting results so quickly but i am 16 so naturaly my...
I made this thread to help motivate me, keep track of my gains, and record everything I've done in Penis Enlargement.
My Penis Enlargement History Two years ago (2006), I tried "Expand" capsules for 2 months. My erections seemed a little harder on them, but I didn't see any other effects...
Well, I decided to measure my dick this past weekend just to "see" if Penis Enlargement really did work... even just a tad. To my convenience, I gained about .5" in about the 4 weeks that I was jelqing and doing minimal stretching. I may have gained a about .2 or so in girth, but now I'm glad to...
I've decided to record my observations for this ring of power.
I just got it today and have had it on for 4 hours. Assuming I put it together properly...:)
I'm currently on my 4th week of Penis Enlargement and started out at 6 BPenis EnlargementL x 4.75 girth.
Last week I measured due to my...
So one month into my mini routine and I have made no gains. Possibly i slight gain in girth around my head, but I'm not sure.
However, I do have much softer erections now and it takes about 30 seconds to get soft again whereas I used to randomly get hard and it would stay for real long. So it...
*Update 2019: After some Revelations and 18 to 20 months decon I came back and am gaining at a very acceptable rate. Around 0.1 cm weekly.*
Ok guys I've finally decided to start a log after all...
I have an erection that points straight out, parallel to the ground. I would assume I have a loose suspensory ligament. This makes it seem like I need to hang weights in a different angle.
Rather than the topside growing longer, I would like the bottom side of the shaft to get longer.
would it be possible that by cutting the lig holding the penis, you will shortchange your long term potential?
I would think the more "rope" you had the more it could divide and be stretched before it maxed out.
It seems like cutting a chunk out of this would help in the short term but not if...
Does Penis Enlargement increase chances of getting Peyronies? As u know a well respected ex-Penis Enlargementr has been diagnosed so I have been reading up on it and all I can find is theories that scar tissue/injuries are believed to be the possible cause of it. Each tissue deformation we do...
106 days to go before measuring
Hi everyone
I introduced myself in the newbie forum and here is where I will be noting my routines.
Starting Stats:
BPenis EnlargementL 6 1/16"
NBPenis EnlargementL 5"
EG 4"
I won't be measuring again until Xmas day so here goes.
Warm up in bath
DLD newbie...
Hello, so I started jelqing in Oct. 06, and pe'd until Jan., at which point I got a T-vein, and stopped. I had maybe gained a 1/4", after that I stopped entirely, my gains disappeared not too long afterwards. So I got the itch to try pe, and started again June 01/07, after 2 months, I went...
Female Member
Forum Donator
Thund3rs Pl@ce
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: New Mexico, USA
Bigger worked from home so he had lots of time to dedicate to Penis Enlargement and was able to gain a huge amount by any ones standards. And no, Bigger did not post pictures, he...
Actually Stretching the Ligs: The DLD Unabridged Stretch!
In most of our length gains we make we give credit to "ligament gains" opposed to the "tunica gains" The difference between the two is the Ligament (the ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone) is easily stretched by simply...
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