
  1. V

    Results of 5 weeks of Clamping Everyday with minimal Rest

    Hey Everyone As many of you know, 5 weeks ago, I decided to try for one month, to Clamp everyday, AM and PM, and take rests minimally. The routine: I averaged 65 minutes in the clamp, meaning some days more, some days less, but usually had 2-3 clamp sets in the morning, and 5-6 sets at...
  2. goldmember

    4-hour self-induced erection

    Guys, Just the other day, I tried the 4-hour erection technique found in the thread "enlargement through frequent erections", kinda trying to simulate priapism. I used no drugs or OTC's to induce this erection, just adult entertainment. Aside from being mind-numbing (4 hours in front of adult entertainment), it seemed...
  3. K

    If Jesus would return?

    What do you think would happen if Christ returned to today's society? I think if someone claiming he was the Christ returned, he would be quickly mocked and jailed.
  4. K

    Religious and Political labels

    I am sick and tired of right-wing conservatives saying they somehow have a better understanding of Christianity, of the Judeo-Christian ethic, of values. We're talking about values? You show me where in the New Testament Jesus ever talked about the value of having taxes and taking money from...
  5. P

    Gripping issues

    Seems like after taking a layoff from Penis Enlargement for a little while (read: undisciplined and lazy) I've started back at it again. It seems like I can't get a good grip to save my life. I use gloves and pull back what skin I can to get a good grip, but from so many angles the penis just...
  6. D

    All Natural HD/HIT Weight Lifting

    What do you guys think of the theory? Check out for more info. Pretty much it says that 1 set per bodypart til failure every 7-10 days is all that is needed. He even had a book called Muscles in Minutes. Quite fishy, quite scammy-looking to me, but the science of it all...
  7. P

    Profesionalac,routine & progress

    I am one of few Girth Attack Soldiers,and this is my routine (though its very flexible and i still like to experiment a lot). I started to mess with Penis Enlargement in January 2003,but truly involved from july 2004.At first i was doing only jelqs for a period of approx. 6 months,and i gained...
  8. F

    Do you believe in god? the gods discussion thread

    I am a very real person. I dont believe in horoscopes, bad or good luck, or fate. But when it comes to religion I become even more skeptical. But I do beliveve in a supreme being whether it be God or whatever. The older I become and the more that we learn as a human race, I am finding all...
  9. WaxN

    A is A

    The principle "A is A" is one of the laws of logic, The Law of Identity. It basically states that a thing is - apart from our perception of it, regardless of our perception of it - it just is. All of my life I have tried to learn, to understand, to grasp reality. I could never understand the...
  10. S

    The internet and its role in NPE

    The internet seems to be the best place for information on NPenis Enlargement but can also be the worst place to go. With "miracle enlargement pill" ads and thousands of pay Penis Enlargement sites that copy off of each other, it's no wonder there is so much skepticism about if Penis...