Hi Everyone,
I am using Bathmate for 1.5 yrs now and jelqing and stretching for 6 mths, so far I only got girth gains with very little length gain and I am not happy about this, been trying so hard for gains but end up nth.
My dick erect size if 5.5 inch, i want a 7 inch dick, current girth is...
heey guys
iv seen a couple of guys on this forum saying that they divide their routine into two sessions
like they will be doing length work in the morning and girth at night
iv been doing PE for 6 weeks and the way i do it is in a single session (usually at night)
i was just wondering does it...
The Superman05xx Phallosan Forte Review
rating scale: 1-10 (1 being bad and 10 being perfect)
Size of device: 10, the phallosan forte consists primarily of a bell which goes over the glans and a tension belt. With this device it is easy to be fully clothed while wearing the device without...
The SRT Size Blaster
This is the all new exercise is the end all girth and length practice that will pack on inches of girth and length through it’s powerful one way compression. The main goal in SRT and gaining size is to not only stretch the size we currently have but to access inches...
Hello everyone, commented on the Introduce yourself thread but I have a lot of question and wanted to introduce myself more.
I'm 18, tried a few different things but never stayed to consistent due to pushing myself to fast and not conditioning myself first.
I need a cloth tape measure to figure...
cock ring
no results
im a little confused guys, do you have to wear an extender to keep you from turtling after a workout to see gains? or can you make gains from just manual exercises like stretching and jelqing? I have an andropenis extender and it is so uncomfortable and I have to take it off after 10 mins cause...
you could probably guess that I want length gains haha just wanted to know if I need to jelq if im only interested in length? instead of jelqing I can put more effort and time into stretching. any advice would be much appreciated thanks guys
I am starting a progress log to see how im progressing and for feed back. im roughly gonna attempt to go for 90 days or longer (if that's what it takes to gain an inch) my routine is as follows.
AM. Manual stretches
straight down 6 x 30 sec
BTC left 6 x 30 sec
BTC right 6 x 30 sec
straight to...
AM: Manual stretches: left,right,up,down, BTC left and right...you know the drill,30 second holds 3 times each stretch. then put on a tension wrap and when I take it off every hour or so and do one set of every stretch, wear tension wrap till the night time. PM: Manual stretches again, and...
Ok I'll try and keep this brief this is what I believe...........
Newbie gains are mainly stretching of the ligaments that surround the penis not the penis itself the length gains you make are not making your actual penis longer your just exposing more inner penis and deforming the surrounding...
I just read the Tim Ferriss books "The Four Hour Body" and "The Four Hour Chef". In them he talks about the Pareto Principle or 80/20 principle.
In case you haven't come across this before this is a principle that says 80% of your results in any endeavour come from 20% of your efforts. His...
The blister from the Bathmate is old. It's on the bottom side of the shaft and it's like a hole covered with brown puffy dead skin. Will this ever go away or is it permanent?
With the SG I was feeling a stingy pain for a couple days while wearing the SG at the base after several weeks. I didn't...
Hey all
How many of y'all work a manual labor job and still practice pe on a regular basis.
I have worked a few manual labor jobs in the past including landscaping and moving but at the time I was never really consistent with my pe routine.
Since September, I have finally been going consistent...
hey guys and I'm not sure if any gals around :P I've been bit of a hit an miss guy when it comes to Pe, starting an stopping , but now it's time to get serious and really try to have a solid year of working on it. my goal atm is 9.5 length (I'd be happy with 9 too) and ideally minimum shaft...
This is my first time doing pe.my measurements are 7.5 x 5 and I would like to be 10x6.i would like your guys opinions on to get me there the quickest.
I thought I should take my Penis Enlargement to the next level.
I bought a jes-extender a few years ago and my starting size was about 5.3inches and now 6.2 a good day.
I have been using it from time to time.
My girlfriend left me for a while ago and this affected my self esteem since I think...
I recently came across some threads about this cord dick phenomenon...and I think I might have it, but I'm not sure. I don't remember having it when I first started Penis Enlargement, but maybe it was because I didn't notice it yet due to my other parts not long enough to stretch my penis to the...
Hello people :)
So, this will be a miniblog for things I learn around the site and to discuss and note my routine as it changes. I did try Penis Enlargement about 3 years ago (but lost my way because I was silly enough not to remember to do sessions) and that unintentional complacency is gonna...
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