It worries me that major medical clinics, such as Mayo, where thousands go for advice are subjected to such a 1-sided propaganda like this article. What pisses me off the most is how they use this propaganda to line their own pockets and subtly push men into surgery. Very sad. Here is a quote...
unfortunately i am affected by premature ejaculation, and sometimes depending how aroused i am can blow in the first 20 seconds of intercourse. i dont know if i have ever lasted longer than 5 minutes. i've been reading up on it everywhere, but every article is contradicting the next. I happened...
If you could all help me out here.. if you have or have seen "Magic Pills" for penis enlargement gains, look on the label. Post for me the ingredients listed and there dosage if possible. I'd like to take a look at what is being used in supplements to see what the majority of products are using...
I started doing stretching excercies about 9 months ago (from info not related to this site) and made gains probably too quickly. To keep this short I stopped doing the excercies about 6 mos ago when I hooked up with this chick and noticed my dick didnt get hard like before. After I would...
Now theres many of you that may know about this but this is for the ones who may have trouble lasting as long as you want.Ive done the exercises and i can tell it works you must follow thru...
I've been involved in Penis Enlargement for a while now ever since the cheekycherry days and what I have learned from vets and DLD himself is that the basic idea to penis enlargement is to expand the penis and fill with blood. Like DLD's balloon theory, (expand the tissues and fill the penis...
hey guys, I am thinking about purchasing a penis pump but was wondering if anyone on here uses one and what they think of it and if they have gained anything and how much. The one I am going to buy is a nice quality pump with a psi/gauge. I was wondering if it enlarges both length and girth or...
In response to the MOS saga and the Jen situation:
Nothing has changed for MOS members. Many people have made "constructive" criticisms of my claims among others. Many legitimately curious people have asked for clarifications and explanations that were implicit and in the realm of...
I just wanted to know if the people who didn't like to kegel much achieved the same gains as the ones who did? If you could list your gains and how frequently you do kegels then we can get a good view on this.
Please be honest so we get accurate readings.
I done Penis Enlargement for about 3...
THE Penis Enlargement Survey RESULTS:
The Penis Enlargement Survey was a survey created on The survey was advertised on the free forums of Thund3rs Pl@ce and MOS. It was opened in April, and was closed down in July – opened for nearly three months.
957 men took The...
I hope this is in the appropriate section. I am going to share my phalloplasty surgery (penis surgery) experience and give everyone my honest assessment.
Before surgery I was what you would call a grower. My flaccid length varied from 1 inch to 5 inches depending on my mood, temperature...
Anyone else heard of this? I read about it in local paper and did a search on it and it seems like the FDA is looking into it. The pill companies are investigating it and soon to put something about it in their info pack when you purchase it. I read where Cialis is putting this info on asap...
I've been accused of many things in my time here as a contributor to MOS, from being a scam artist of some kind to a would-be cult leader and a self-deluded maniac with mental disabilities. Most of these accusations are thinly veiled personal attacks meant to distract and maybe "run me off"...
Ok Kong...
I will address our recent debate or disagreement on polls here, as to not to hijack someone else's post on an entirely different subject.
First, lets get this straight,
I only disagreed with Graves ONE statement that "Also, most polls suggest that women by far prefer un-cut penises."...
Don't know if any of you remember me though. :)
Life has been weird. Met this great girl in December, and we clicked instantly.. we first kissed on New Year, and about two weeks later I finally lost my virginity at the age of 26. Hooray! We had a great sex life, but both of our exes were...
Has anyone used or had any experience with Dr. Sheldon Burman in Chicago? He runs the Male Sexual Dysfunction Clinic, treats impotence, and does enlargement surgery.
hi guys , checkin back in into the discussion :
Well 2 Weeks ago , I had this full duplex scan , as mentioned above. "doppler sonographie" is its correct name.
What I thought it would be was : I get hard then they scan my dick and meausure blood-inflow and blood outflow.
In reality it was ...
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