Academic and scientific studies
A study published in the September 1996 Journal of Urology concluded that average erect length was 12.9 cm (5.08 in)
(Measured by staff).
A study published in the December 2000 International Journal of Impotence Research found that average erect penis length was...
To jump on a subject about DHT Gel that Supra and others have brought forth. What about this below? It's a hard read, but informative...
Background: Percutaneous administration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) has been successful in promoting phallic growth in infants and children with...
Hey Guys,
I am a little bit freaked out today. I just started Penis Enlargementing and have been Penis Enlargementing for 4 days now (3 straight, 1 off and then yesterday). Typically my sessions take close to two hours BUT this is because i take a long time to jelq because i keep trying to...
Hello ALL,
I just finished my first EVER Penis Enlargement session:O :) :cool: :blush: :P ;) . It was a great experience, in the sense that it was so simple. It took me literally years to just get to that stage, why i don't know but its pointless now. I have a couple of questions that i would...
I admit I have known about P.E. for at least 3 years. At age 14 I was not happy with my size and when I was 19 ( I am 21 now) I searched and searched for possible penis enlargement techiques. The problem is that there is sooo much bullshit out there I just don't know what to believe many sites...
any yall know the effects of smoking on Penis Enlargement. chronic and cigarettes? occasional cigarette. cant say bout the chronic rofl
to yall oldheads chronic is marijuana
after reading all the pots on here lately as well as older threads and peoples opinions. i think there is a strong correlation to exceptional gains and this 4 hour mark. for example enlargement through prolonged erection for 4 hours, also BIB said that he thinks he could have made all the gains...
Ive read somewhere and quite a few people on the internet say that Penis Enlargement can cause impotence!!! with the stretching, hanging, clamping and Jelqing, saying it is messing all of the tubes or watever (insides of the penis) up!!?
Is this true, can Penis Enlargement do this?
i dont...
hey guys does anyone know about any long term effects of Penis Enlargement. Many places on the net put gains down to scar tissue and blood leaks and say that in the long run it could cause impotence. Just wondered what anyone else knew.
Im looking for strictly length, and think that the "length before girth" makes sense, and its harder to stretch something that is wide etc. so im paranoid that jelqs will give me girth but i know they are beneficial for your penis overall. But right now i feel like i should just be doing manual...
credits go out to =
contains about 55 pages
have fun reading
content :
Health & Nutrition
High Octane Sexual Fuel Diet
Supercharging Supplements
The Penis of Steel Formula
Charging Up Your...
I have tried several different cockring to have rock hard erections (you know, those erection when you feel your head is about to explode) with no success at all. They just dont seem strong enough. I'm looking for something that could achieve a clamping effect, something that would put ALOT of...
I have read a ton of studies on Priapism (prolonged erections) I started to think about self imposed erections for a long amount of time. Perhaps taking viagra and keeping stimulation going for a few hours. Maybe even a clamp to hold the erection longer would be in order. There just seems to...
I have just recently started learning about herbs and vitamins and was curious if they could help me sexually. I picked up a book and there are loads of natural herbs to help with libido, impotence, stamina, etc. I picked up some cordyceps which are said to be a natural form of viagara by...
Anyone had sex with a cock ring on while taking Viagra? Am thinking about it tomorrow night but I feel like my cock might explode :O !!! Is this safe and are there any sensations that I should take as a warning sign that Im doing too much??
What is E.D. (Erectile Dysfunction)?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Most men experience this at some point in their lives, usually by age 40, and are not psychologically affected...
So I did it.
I have been Penis Enlargement'ing on and off for about three years now all with waiting to find a decent Doc to perform both enlargement procedures.
Here are my stats just before the operation.
5'10 165 Althletic build
Age 22
Do not smoke, eat healthy
BPenis EnlargementL...
Omega-3 for Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Have we been fishing in all the wrong places for the magic bullet for depression and bipolar disorder? Have scientists been turning a blind eye to a well-known elixir that works well for other diseases and conditions? Ever since psychiatry threw Freud...
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