
  1. MoreThanLuck

    Wife admits she's a size queen

    So the wife and I were talking about the subcatagories of pleasure to define an accurate means by which we can determine the requirements of meeting satisfaction. So when we got down to the nitty gritty, she admitted that bigger dicks are more aesthetically pleasing to her as well as physically...
  2. R

    Which hormone (HGH or TEST) is more inportant for PE if you had to choose and why?

    Hallo Gainers, Question is in the title, Which do you choose and why. Maybe it is a sili question but I am curious about your opinions. Salute ;)
  3. jekyllnhyde360

    how im portant is EQ, when it comes to girth gains?

    Pretty straight foreward question. my eq sux, just wondering if it may be hindering my gains.
  4. P

    Urgent Need help, wtf

    I did six hours straight with the phallosan Here's the discoloration Look at frenulum doesn't look right and there was a large yet small bulge at the bottom of it what is that? Here's another large bulge at the bottom of the shaft on the right side Is this serious, what do you...
  5. P

    for night

    No. 1 guys as i said the ace wrap is ok when wrapped flaccid but when i get erection at night the wrap strats bunching behind the glans and the base wwrap comes forward so when the erection subsides i dont have it elongated...the wrap slowly comes forward and over my glans and slides..... so...
  6. E

    Phimosis cured but foreskin still tight

    Hello everyone, Last January I managed to cure my Phimosis thanks to one Canesten pill and the Phimocure rings. I can now successfully retract my foreskin, but unfortunatly it is still tight and it does restrict the flow of blood to the shaft (maybe the picture can illustrate what the issue...
  7. stillwantmore

    Latest All Day Chemist Viagra Order, Unboxing (Pictures)

    Hey everyone, just sharing some pics of my latest order from ADC. My go to for meds for several years now. They sell nothing but legit medications made by the "big names" in generic drug manufacturing such as Cipla. As I shared in a reply on another thread, this order was a great buying...
  8. master_mind

    P.E. for the lazy guys like me. My real experience not like hammer exercise.

    I am a very lazy guy when coming to p.e. In the beginning was very enthusiastic but due to uncut I got screwed up. Wrapping is a very big issue and time consuming. Wrap time 5 minutes and then wear extender for 20 to 30 minutes and remove. Damm so time consuming and pain. Bathmate again...
  9. K

    The Snakeman's Question and Answer thread on how to game and handle women

    Hey fellas. As many of you know. I've gotten a ton of pussy in my day and even sometimes get to take pics of me laying the snake across a great deal of my conquest's faces. I like to call this feat getting SNAKED. Since then I've gotten countless PMS from fellow members of the brotherhood...
  10. A

    Anyone ever got a penis tattoo?

    think I am going to get a tribal or something. The more ink i get on my body I think, hey I'd like a penis tattoo lol. I might even do it myself because I don't know if I want another guy doing it to me. Some people get Prince Albert peircing and this is way less serious. Let me know what you...
  11. T

    What is the perfect size for women?

    I know some say its just average which is perfect cause its comfy but im sure it wont give a "oh my fucken shit" experience. But for those who say 8x6 is the ideal wouldnt that be a little too much for most girls?
  12. H

    Is it ideal to pump daily or 1 day on 1 day off?

    I've come to realize that I get very massive expansion from my girth workout if I take a break for 1 day. But when I pump daily, I still get a massive expansion but it cannot be compared to when I take a break for 1 day. If I'm pumping daily, after a session, right under my glans expand to 6...
  13. S

    Girls don't know what they're talking about

    Since I've restarted my PE journey, I have talked to a few girls on the net about size and come pretty squarely to the conclusion that girls don't know what they're talking about regarding size. Yesterday I talked to TWO girls who said they had been with guys 10 inches and bigger. Now, I...
  14. U

    Finally gained my first inch! My dick can now almost pass for big.

    I finally hit that glorious 7 inches in length that I was striving for. I've also gotten thicker at nearly 5.75 without pumping. My gf makes comments all the time now about how big I am and how she wants a dildo made of my cock. We have awesome sex all the time. We started making videos and we...
  15. K

    Herc Gator Bite

    Hello Gents, I just became the owner of a Hercules (last week) after the first week I've maxed out the girth at the base - I'm taking a big break because after last nights session I have dark red/purple marks "gator bites" from what I can tell here on the forum. It was pretty painful! I...
  16. H

    Will coffee help me reduce my appetite for food?

    I've started dieting after reading enough information on this forum. I want to be taking coffee in the morning after my breakfast and I also intend skipping lunch some times if coffee can reduce my appetite. My question is, does coffee reduce my food craving?
  17. T

    premature ejacualtion advice or mentor?

    Hey guys, I'm new to the site and looking for some help with curing premature ejaculation. I've got it bad, I usually last about 30 sec - 1 min. I'm trying different stuff to fix it, but does anyone have tips on dealing with it in the meantime? Or would anyone who has the same problem be willing...
  18. D

    Hgh cocktail

    I have a recipe for your hgh to go up to 300% more. The ingredients: 1 tomato (medium sized) 40 grams of broad beans (can be replaced with fresh grean beans, fava beans or better yet, L dopa supplements 40 grams of white or red cabbage Mix all raw ingredients in a blender until they turn...
  19. A

    My Penis Failed Me Today!!!

    Hey all. So I posted a while back saying I was getting addicted to �naked people movies�. But my oenis has been fine since. In fact today at work I was pretty hard all day looking at �naked people movies�. One of my clients has a crush on me. So today I thought I would take it to the next level. Now I had sex about a week ago...
  20. Lightning

    Happy Birthday DLD!

    Happy Birthday my brother!
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