Hi everyone, i don't know if this is the right subforum to post this, but i just measured last night, and to my surprise i saw that just hit 7.5" without even touching the pubic skin with the ruler.
So with my actual stats, 7.5 NBPEL x 5.6 Midshaft girth, can anyone address me to some pornstars...
Hooked up with an old side piece over the weekends. She's a closet "size freak"- pretends to be a good girl but is a complete slut. My growth hasn't been exponential. I would say 1.5" in length at this point and larger girth (didn't take measurements).1.5" doesn't seem like a lot but erect it...
penis enlargement pills
Hello brotherhood. Hope everyone is kicking it. And enjoying life.
As my life is right now crazy fucking busy and all sorts of things are happening (and im enjoying it to the fullest) time for bring active in the brotherhood is hard to find.
however. Today i had a sick day and figured i...
Hi guys,
I need some help as I am not sure what to do. I have been stretching my scrotal and my penis 2 times in every day. Today when I try to stretch my scrotal and my penis, I can see some of the skin get dry up and it got cuts.
I have attached the picture for you to see.
Do you know how...
So, I was wondering if your ability or inability to gain muscle in the gym is an indication of PE success?
If you are working out hard, eating right, proper supplementation and gaining muscle, I would think your body has the environment for PE success (given the proper PE routine). However, if...
What's up guys, I have a couple questions about beginning PE.
About me: Active, Fit, and Healthy. Sitting at 6-6.5 inches in length and 5.5 inches in girth, definitely not small but far from big. I'm not particularly insecure about my junk, haven't had any complaints from both one-night-stands...
How much credence is given to BIB? He has stated claims of 4-6". In one interview he claims 6" , at a later he claims 4.5". Personally he sounds like a charlton.
So has anyone gained these types of gains using the BIB?
Hello! Does anyone have a bunch of or a picture of a penis with and without fluid retention? I need this explained with pictures.
I would like to know and see the difference. I don't know how it looks like.
Could it be possible to have fluid retention on the penis without even knowing/noticing...
My erection is shorter ever since I started my recent length routine. It feels fatigued. I do kegels and stuff but I can't go on a break or a less intense routine
What's up brothers,
I like many others who own the SG can not get 6-8 hrs, for me it is pretty much impossible. I was reading about Pavlov's conditioning and immediately thought about my dick. I'd rather not get into what it's about but I figured if you can condition a brain why not condition...
Can it be done? The wraps, silicone anti turtle tube etc can a grower become a shower permanently?c or is it just what you're born with. Also do you showers turtle?
I just wonder.. How tight do you apply the measuring tape around your penis when you measure & how much girth gains have you made when measuring like this?
It's just something i would like to know for my investigation.
So my c rings are on the way(finally). I've decided I'm going to wear one all day long, tight one after workouts. I have heard of people doing them all night, and that seems like a great idea for maximum growth in minimum time. I've also heard that you could potentially lose your penis this way...
Yep, I swore that this moment would not come. That is, the time to make this post. It's not Armageddon, mind you. But something I thought, "No damn way, that will never occur".
Bottom line, hanging and other PE seriously since May, and no length growth. However, a lot of girth growth. Wait...
I am wondering is there a chance of getting 0.5 inches (minimum) by basic stretching 'till mid june?
I'm completely aware that I need consistency and intensity and I'm willing to put all possible effort to achieve this, my target size is 7.0 inches nbpel with 5.5 - 6.0 inches in circumference...
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), involves delivering a focused beam of acoustic waves to a target area where they interact with tissues and induce a small amount of stress and trauma. That may seem counterintuitive, but this effect triggers a cascade of events that ultimately culminate...
So I've been reading around for awhile and I've been noticing a reoccurrence that people that have been masturbating frequently Havnt gained as much as people that masturbate say once a week. Does masturbation really kill gains?
Havent really been a part of this community in a while and I was wondering if the Ring of Power is still being talked about? If so can someone give me a real life story and maybe where I can buy one or how I can make one myself? Thanks!
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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