Hey guys! been worried about my size since an ex indirecticaly told me i was small because she could not get an orgasm through out sex. Although i had girls come before and i was her first i did belive all the fault was on my dick. Anyways,decided to get a phallosan and i've been wearing it for...
I'm looking gain in both erect length and flaccid length, the only thing is that I can find tons of different exercises to help gain erect length but not too many to help with flaccid length. Can anyone shine some light on me?! Thanks brothers!
Hello guys! I stumbled across this thing called the septum and was talking with a guy on PEGym that strongly believe this "Septum/Cord" or whatever you call it is a limiting factor you can't go beyond.
He has been doing PEGym since 1999 however.
This is a piece of what he wrote to me yesterday...
I start off with a stretch righr 25 kegeks
Rotary circles center left rigjt than stretch left 25 kegels
I repeat the cranks and stretches to the center down and up one time
Than 3 sets of 30 sec reps each way for btc
Than i fucken kill my dick with a straifht down 3 30 sex eaxh way
I monster...
length gains
I was wondering, many men exercising trying to get their "ideal" penis..some gain fast and others are late blooming, why is the ligament so tough, it just holding up the penis not an arm,, so why many are pulling but only getting little centimeters???? And in girth it's the same , why are gains...
After years of reading about pumpers recommending lower pressures for longer intervals I decided to commit a month of this technique. I've never tried low pressures, 3-5 hgs, because I could never feel tension, but if I learned that if I stay at 4-5 hgs for 15-30 minutes straight, I'm getting...
For many years I have been experiencing soft glans during erections and I wonder if there is a PE exercise that may help improve it. The shaft is rather ridged but the glans are fairly soft even with strong nocturnal erections. During my pumping routine the size of my glans is considerably...
Hello! I saw in a video on youtube where DLD attended and talked about PE. I think he said something about that he was just leaving his appartment under few circumstances and was focusing solely on Penis enlargement and this was possible the reason of his massive gains. I find this very...
I just seen the "Legends of PE" thread, two things 1. Does anyone have the most recent pictures of Red? I remember years back seeing his girth and all I could say was wtf?!? It was a sight to be seen and it truly inspired me to focus on girth. 2. Surely there are legends, but anyone who...
Hello all, I've been researching how to get a bigger penis for the purpose of my ego.
My stats are currently
7.0" length
5.5" girth
My goals are
9.0" length
6.5" girth
If those are completely unrealistic, the lowest I'd want is
8.0-8.5" length
6.0" girth
I want to learn what to do to reach...
If you had to pick only one form of PE for length, and that was the only exercise you would do for a couple of years, what would it be?
Please explain why you picked what you picked.
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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