
  1. T

    How to wrap with the length master?

    Ive searched videos on it before, and Ive done what Im instructed and I wrap it like I should with pre tape layer than layer it with tape or a wrap. when I do the BTC stretch its fine, but once I get to the straight out stretches (this is the newbie routine btw) when I pull my dick head is in so...
  2. S

    Girthwork problems

    Hi guys, the length exercises are paying off, I'm happy, my flaccid hang is great, but I feel like I'm getting nowhere on girth, not even getting much expansion. Any tips for manuals? I feel like I can't even do the SSJ correctly :(
  3. R

    Edge after workouts? Too sensitive

    So...for almost a year now I've been doing PE. I've noticed edging is super difficult for me immediately after my workouts. I can't go very long at all...or if I can I'm constantly at a start stop pace. Within the past 3 months I've really been trying to increase my stamina to an hour with...
  4. B

    Newbie finally boarding the train..... next stop, Longville!

    Hey brothers, new poster here, been lurking for a quite a while off and on but only recently picked this site back up. Reason being I am finally starting my journey to Longville. I will give you my story, then what I am doing and what my goals are. Background I am early 40s and in good...
  5. B

    Glans getting murdered recently!

    Hey guys, I've been using my PF for over a year now, my glans have gotten pretty conditioned. I could where it all through the night without the protector cap with no pain or any issues. But recently my glans have gotten really sensitive. When I wear the protector cap I'm getting blisters...
  6. 1

    Big problem with soft glans and dorsal vein

    Ever since I could remember my glans was soft when I was erect, as well as me loosing a erection pretty quick when not stimulated. None the less I never thought of it as unusual, but some time ago I discovered how things should be. After that I located the dorsal vein as cause, it might be, and...
  7. eugine8plz

    Anyone own or have tried a uvipe vacuum hanger?

    I was looking up different models of hangers and came across the uvipe hanger. It seems to be a new company so I'm wondering if anyone has one and can share their thoughts on it. Can't find any reviews anywhere else on it.
  8. J

    Erection issues after bathmate use

    I know I over did it. I have a bathmate xtreme x30. I would leave it on 30 minutes at a time without taking it off. I would maintain the pressure as tight as I could the whole 30 minutes. I wouldn't cause pain just slight discomfort. I used it for 3 or 4 months like this. About a...
  9. U

    matter of grip

    i always had some hard(hehe) time doing manual stretches . i am uncut and that might be the problem cus of a skin. When i do it i always get my boi under the glans which is good i think,but i get problems when i try to do that. 1. if i get a bot of a blood in the head ,when i pull -head hurts...
  10. G

    �naked people movies� star __________ gets blow job by non �naked people movies� star

    Anybody know where the rest of these pictures are or who the chick in it is? And btw been lurking and learning before joining and gained .3 in girth in about 30 days from rolling pin excersise(dangerous i know) , combined with cock ring sometimes. Went from 5.3 to 5.6....feels a lil...
  11. habban

    Does NOT retracting foreskin gives me better results?

    Hello! Maybe i should conclude that after a lot lof months, trying to gain length by retract my foreskin while i grip, with no solid gains, that this method is no good? This is so strange. I have changed my grip technique since over 4-6months. Right before i started to grip like this i...
  12. M

    why oh why

    Lol so all of a sudden when I'm in my sets of stretching during my second more of the third I get a pain in my whole shaft like this never happend till the past week and I havent changed any thing so what's the deal yo. And to top it off my glans are getting smaller or idk what but now its...
  13. John_Wayne

    Circumcision and Schlong Growth Potential

    Hey Everyone, Lately, I've been thinking about how circumcision may act as a barrier to growth. In full disclosure, I was circumcised shortly after my birth. My parents told me that it was done for hygiene. When I do my PE stretches I feel the normal intensity within the tunica and...
  14. mahoney1234

    Good exercise for hardness.

    Been away for a while hope everyone's doing well. I don't know if anyone posted something like this before if so, salute to you. My body subconciously kegels all day long and I realized my pc muscle doesn't get a burn anymore so I wanted to up the intensity. Get a pair of tight fitting...
  15. smitty2590

    Question on what to do first?

    Hi guys i currently am doing a modified version of the jp90 beginner routine mixes with some of DLD stretches and techniques. With that being said I have already started to see gains after my first month enough to make me extremely happy actually I had to measure about 10 times to make sure it...
  16. M

    I'm still a teen and I was wondering what I can do to make my penis as big as possibl

    I'm still a teen who's looking for a bigger penis before my receptors turn off as to where I won't be able to grow anymore
  17. T

    Vein pop under glans?

    Guys need your Help, yesterdays stretch and jelq session left me with a big blue popped out vein just under my glans, i'm tripping out. Its a bit sore and freaks me out. Just started dld's newbie routine, Been stretching for about 6 months. Any ideas? Thx ahead for any response
  18. T

    Circumcision depression and PMMA

    Hi brothers, haven't posted in a while but I'm slowly getting back into PE with the BM and phallosan. I was circumcised at birth and long story short I'm against circumcision for many reasons. I really see no benefit besides cleanliness and that's not a big enough reason for me. I see...
  19. A

    Sore glans remedies?

    My intuition tells me only really rest is the answer but thought I'd ask anyway, has anyone found anything to help with sore glans? Maybe a cream of some description? I do manual stretching everyday & wear a vacads & now the inside of my wife feels like she's lined with sandpaper lol, any help...
  20. habban

    Bad blood circulation suddenly?

    Hello! This has once occured before & it is happening again. My hands, feets and penis is cold. My penis turtles because of this. I'm trying to figure out a solution and reason. The only time my hands, feets and penis is at normal temperature is when i'm sleeping. As soon as i wake up and...
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