Well guess what? Here's a guy who actually has a small penis!
FL: 3.0' - 3.5'
FG: 3.0' - 3.5'
NBEL: 4.8', BPEL - 5.0'
EG: 5.0
Hated the size of my penis most of my life, it's affected my confidence in all area's of my life. Time to do something about it.
I'm going to be using the...
Hey guys question I've had for a while, I've seen quite a few videos where guys can move their dick quite a bit. Almost through 180 degrees range of motion while erect, (all the way up and down) I assume this is by kegeling, but I've never managed to get mine to move as much (prolly 15 -30...
Got into this improvement stuff at first not for size but for fixing a slight curve and staying harder a few years back. I thought any size gained would be unnoticeable and any thing more than half an inch gained was bull, mostly due to any research i did lead to most saying it was dangerous. To...
Hi, I've been pumping on/off for a few years. In the past, I would get thick/puffy and really liked it. Now, I get hard and do not get puffy/thicker. The veins start feeling hard so I quit. What's up with that and how do i get back to puffy? That's where I saw gains.
I've been pretty consistent for a month or so, I'm following DLD's first routine and I have already seen minmal but noticeable gains in both length and girth.
I'm in good shape and workout most of the days, lifting,doing cardio and diet is as clean as possible, however I need to have some things...
When I'm "in a hurry" (woke up late, had a lot of errands to do before work, life happens etc) I'll do a quick 5 minute heat warmup and do 2 rounds of Newbie Routine stretches for 45 seconds each or 3 rounds at 30 seconds each.
When I have time though I've developed what I think is a pretty...
I am starting PE exercises.
So far I have been doing 100 Jelqs a day with a stretching session shortly after. Doing 100 V- Stretches (flaccid penis of course)
I have noticed flacid penis gains, and a little bit of thickness gains. I have been doing it for a month.
My problem is I...
Hey guys I need your help, sorry for my English I'm from Denmark 26 years old.
I have had problems getting an erection in the last 2 days. It takes me 5-10 minuts to get a soft semi-erection.
This problem started after doing some edging watching adult entertainment, I went too far and was at...
Hi all, long time mos member, don't post too frequently, I havnt done length training in about 7-8 years, just been jelquing and last 2years bathmate aswell, I'm fine with girth for now, I mainly do my "sessions" last few years just for general Erection quality, but have consistently added girth...
I posted about my injury a couple of days ago. Just got back from the doctor and turns out everything is alright. No blood constriction. I told him about the cockring and pretty much said the same thing that I should stop using it. Honestly I got too dependent on it. It got to a point where I...
So, I will start a video progress log site in the near future after I return to hanging and I am debating on which domain name to choose for it. I appreciate the feedback.
Since we can't do actual poll threads here, just let me know with your replies which domain you like better in your...
It's VERY important to remember a few things before you consider starting any male enhancement program.
If you're suffering from serious depression or anxiety, it would be in your best interests to take care of this issue first! Male enhancement exercises are NOT a substitute for good mental...
I am currently doing the newbie routine and ending the workouts with 30min edge sessions. I tried performing SSJ's during my edging and the expansion was great. Continuous bloodflow with the girth exercises seems to help alot. I will be performing SSJ's with all my edging sessions.
Hi all,
I need some help, I think I might have hard flaccid because my penis and balls get hard as they don't relax when I am laying down, walking around or do normal things. Of course I do have varicocele that cause the turling penis and balls, but I want to make a double check whether if I do...
Hey, guys I was reading about how regular masturbation is healthy, but of course you don't want to over do it. Here is a comment I found on pegym forum by a member named kingpole. Do you guys really think regular masturbation can prevent ED if done right?
I think if your not a...
Okay, from my understanding the penis needs only 24 hours to recover before it's next training session. The tissue in the penis needs to be stretched and expanded consistently for growth. If I am not wrong fatigue plays a big part for maximum growth. And, intensity and proper form play a big...
Im in a tricky situation right now. Ive been doing a stretching a jelqing routine for about a few weeks and gained .25" by working everyday without rest. I upped stretches by doing two sets of them. I noticed i had shrunk some, but after i would ejaculate i would go back to normal size...
Night and morning erections are involuntary. Nighttime erections happen in the REM Deep Sleep Phase: Rapid Eye Movements; Which is the phase of rapid eye movements under the eyelids that happen during deep sleep and when the brain is very active while we sleep.
This REM phase occurs...
To be fair I was almost ready to quit but I have decided to take my measurements and I was happily surprised when I discovered that BPFSL in 1 month changed from 6.5" to 6.75". Or I would say on 1 cm. I remember very well that back to previous measures I was stretching my dick really hard. I...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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