So we are all working very hard to make our penis bigger but a lot of men may not understand just how important it is to make it stronger in the same process. Much focus goes into enlarging the penis while some may neglect the...
hi guys, my name is Marvin and I´m from Nicaragua, I have a short Fat dick(6x6). I´ve been jelking for the past 2 years(on and off) and my dick just cant get larger, I must admit I just dont have the privacy time to do anything more than normal jelks for 30 minutes.. I read somewhere that if you...
Hey fellas. The snake man checking in. Decided to join mistake and petersouth in creating a daily Penis Enlargement training log for my chemical protocol. Heres my current weekly routine. Still looking into what type of ADS i want to use in between sessions.
Current stats before Protocal...
I am using the SG for 3 months now , average 8 hours a day.
I have no gains, but could it be that the fat pad is to blame.? You can see in the pic, that the left site were the SG pushes into the fat pad is liek 2 inches longer than the right side.
ITs crazy i have bpfsl 17 cm , but nbpfsl...
Hi DLD, this question is mostly for you because you're the expert, you have been there done that. Is it dangerous for me to jelq when my erection is at 100%, because when ever I start to jelq I get an erection and when ever I stop it subsides but when I start again the same thing. If not, what...
Hey y'all,
I just wanna start this post out by saying that everyone on this forum is freaking awesome, and I thank everyone who has contributed to the forum, with answering questions, developing techniques, and motivating others to drive forward to their ultimate goals!
That being said, Penis...
Its been a while in the making but I seem to have made some small break through . Started taking pe seriously earlier this year when work was quiet and had a good daily routine going . Unfortunately I got a horrible case of jock that took about 6 weeks to clear up ! Major fucking set back! By...
To start off at a base point to get my dick past the hell week I am starting with DLD newbie routine.
I did three sets of all stretches each being thirty seconds.
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right...
I'm looking for girth, so would daily jelqing for about 15-20 minutes that isn't too intense be better or should i got with heavy jelqing 30 minutes or more every other day? I'm really not looking for much length since i bottom out on my girlfriend
Ok so I have been gaining in my Penis Enlargement but one problem that I want to solve once and for all is turtling. I have a prominent foreskin and the best way to explain it is that my penis loves to retract back into it like a caterpillar in a cocoon lol. It always does it and even after good...
Today is April 29th 2012... I have been doing P E off and on for 4 years now but in the past 2 months have recently started to really buckle down and literally have gained 1 inch in erect length and 1/4 inch in erect length over this period of time!!!! My workout equipment consists of a X-40...
Sup guys,
If my BPenis EnlargementL is 6.75, how far should i stretch out to in the extender? I am currently stretching at about 6 inches comfortably. I did manage to stretch to close to 7 inches the other day and it hurt like hell. Mainly on my nut sack, but my penis could handle the pressure...
I originally posted this on TP, but I wanted to share it here. I've also made an improvement.
Having used an extender for more than 5 years, I would like to share with you how I currently use it. These are techniques that I've found work best for me through trial and error. I wouldn't suggest...
1. Do you used extender before or after Bathmate and jelqing?
2. When I do a lot of manual stretching, why do I lose EQ?
3. Is it better to finish off my workout with a warm down or cool down? After my workout, I have been take my penis out of the batmate (warm water) and immediately putting...
We know that Pe gives gains,ok,in this 4-5 years in Pe i understood many things about it,but i suddenly realize that rest have something with it and I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE what is happening down there.I am also fan of that all days stretching for 7 days a week and yes,sounds beautiful,but i now...
Thought I'd do my story after lurking so long. I'm 26, 5'4'' and 155 lbs. My stats started in 03 at around 5.5EL and 4.5 EG. I first found pe at a site called I payed for it and started immediately. It started on small half hour workouts with warm ups and downs along with plenty...
Hey guys I've not had my SG long so was wondering, should you feel a stretch all the time you are in the extender? im in the SG now and I have NO discomfort and im def stretching past my EL but I can't feel any light burn down my shaft basically I can't even feel anything? Is this how it should...
Your Penis Anatomy And How Stretching Works To Gain Length:
Your penis is an incredible organ. It's tissue structures are complex and very adaptable. They have to be for the penis to do what it does! These same chracteristics make it possible for the penis to be enlarged with the use of...
Hello guys!
I just ordered the SizeGenetics and I have a few questions.
I'm gonna buy the VLC Tugger aswell, do you know how I take measurements and what measurements do I need?
My penis is 8.3-5 Bone pressed erect length, will I need more rods? and If I do need more, where do I order it?
Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory
Why do some gain and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that hold more logic...
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