I have already bought 2 heatings pad and now the second one is not as warm it was when I bought it.
I have actually used my radiator to warm up my penis lol, it's a great way to warm up the penis. Radiator makes the penis real loose and nice, and it's timesaving cause it's always warm.
Ive been wondering about this lately. I never injected it in my dick like kingsnake. Just sub q in my abs for bodybuilding/joint healing purposes. But I started it right as I started pe and I made pretty great gains considering my routine. All I did was wear size genetics about 3 hrs a day and I...
Hey fellas. The snake man checking in. Decided to join mistake and petersouth in creating a daily Penis Enlargement training log for my chemical protocol. Heres my current weekly routine. Still looking into what type of ADS i want to use in between sessions.
Current stats before Protocal...
Hi, I'm MikeShlort, and I have a small penis. But I won't always. Here's why I think some guys just aren't gaining.
It's simple: Masturbating! And edging.
My penis is lazy, and weak. When I masturbate and ejaculate, it shrinks, becomes tight, harder to stretch, doesn't stretch as far, has...
Okay guys bio time!!! 1/2 inch in 2 months so far. Mind, belief, Intense... that's all it takes and Im firm believer on it.
First post and not going to be the last.
I found this site years ago i mean like 6 plus years ago.. i did Penis Enlargement back than maybe for 2 to 3 months and saw...
it doesnt seem to work for me. I put it on flaccid (size 2) and its hard to put on and then the penis still shrivels and with the suit on. I pictured it staying stretched out the way it would with uncle jims strapped method.
Been consistent in my p.e. for the past month or two, maybe three, made and inch gain on my erect length and a half inch gain on my girth! This shit works! I was wondering how else to supplement training, I jelq/stretch/girth work for about 45-1hr along with my pump, which I hit for about 10-15...
As a new member I want to say a big thanks to dld for starting this site. Since finding it I have a new enthusiasm for pe . Didn't think it was really possible but am being converted more with each bit of information I find on this wonderful site . I have read some very inspirational posts and...
I think the Penis Enlargement community has fallen into a great error, as regards looking to average penis size as the ruler and marker. We forget that average is only one of many means of measuring centeral tendancies. Average is MEAN, but there is also MODE, and MEDIAN, hence to say something...
this thread is for those that have gained over or close to 2" in erect length, how long did it take you? I saw a similar thread at thunders and it has provided a lot of motivation.
I've read what's on the forum here about the VitallusPlus and it seems like a promising idea. On the surface it seems to be priced semi-reasonably (on the expensive end for those of us in the states but about on par with other German products), but like other German Penis Enlargement products...
We know that Pe gives gains,ok,in this 4-5 years in Pe i understood many things about it,but i suddenly realize that rest have something with it and I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE what is happening down there.I am also fan of that all days stretching for 7 days a week and yes,sounds beautiful,but i now...
Hi All,
I've received the vitallus plus german made all night penis pump and decided to make a log on this alternative method forum.
The pump itself can be found at:
You basically order the set with custom tailored cylinder and protective...
I have been very busy putting together the new infrastructure for Matters of Size and it's affiliates including all participating members in the AB/MOS/SG/Bathmate/ and any new partners who take in this wonderful gift we will bestow on Febuary 1.
I know I have not been around as my immediate...
Hello Penis Enlargement Brosephs!
Haven't been too active on this forum but I want to thank all the vets for making Penis Enlargement info so accessible so that others may benefit.
First a little background. I had the first girl I ever loved cheat on me with my best friend and then tell me...
So I've been in the know about Penis Enlargement for about two years now. Initially, I tried the beginner routine for three months consistently (five days a week) to no avail. I then took about a month off and attempted to start up again, but this time increasing the stress of my workout. Three...
I've known about Penis Enlargement for a while and stupidly never stuck with it. As new research has continued to come out and I've read though numerous peoples progress on here it has inspired me to get back into it and stick with it.
I'm 2 weeks into it now. Just been using my extender. I'm...
Thought it would be more appropriate to post my progress in this forum.
I had been doing the basic manual exercises after every few hours of wearing the SG extender but I have slacked off a bit and am only doing them once or twice a day at the moment.
I been wearing the extender as much as...
VLC Complete Package:
CLICK HERE TO ORDER VLC Package with Discount
SizeGenetics Extender: 61% off the SizeGenetics
An SG Clip that works for the VLC-X to the MOS Offer page at TLC Tugger.
Anyone who bought the VLC or VLC-X in August through...
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