I wanted to put this post up as I have been doing pe for AWHILE and saw gains lost gains and am now gaining like crazy. I've tried so many different routines and exercises and have reached a point where I feel I can help a LOT of guys out. Here it is...They key to gaining length is loosening the...
Ok Gents. If you have a great idea that may work for a successful Length surgery, then mention it here. Now the person who has the best idea may have a chance to get his method patented and submitted to several top PE surgeons. Also feel free to help tweak each others ideas in order to help make...
Disco Dave
penis surgery
reverse kegel
Hey guys.
I need some suggestions on a good manual length exercise which I am going to do in school.
What would be the best exercise for this situation?
ssjs are great and i have seen great chances of reaching the 7 NBPEL but today had a dissapointment my dick got smaller or something haha anyway hope i get that size asap 7 inches is nothing, and i will gain, just a fucking downer i have today i hate BPEL is the way to prove im gettig closer but...
Hey everyone, long time no post. Finally gotten to the point of potentially buying the SG extender. However I'm guessing it's not really easy, if not recommended at all, to pee while it's on.
So one, can those that have worn it confirm or deny about peeing with it on. And if you can't, are...
The first is when you are fully erect and place the ok grip just below head and the other ok grip on the base. You are pulling down especially with the base grip. It primarily is for girth.
The second is a stretch where the ok grip is below the head and the other arm goes underneath the penis...
Whassup ya'll here is my progress thread
I wanna gain exactly 1 inch in length and 1 inch in girth in 7 months time
To be honest girth can be less but im going to exagerate right now
I know i can gain 1 inch in length in 7 months, this should not be too much of a challenge but in the girth...
Has anyone experienced that they didnt achieve gains after some time then did something else and all of a sudden gained if so please tell and if you know of liks to threaqds please link i need to do my investigation.
What I want to know is, would I be able to pump some seriuous blood with those when I master them, you know the veins and enormous pump? I've never payed huge attention to them so let's say I'm a newbie in that...
Hello everybody
im really happy that i find this site, becouse this make me belive thats PE is really works :)
before i was doing some exercises like stretching ,kegel and jelqing but didint do that for longer periods then month ,becouse i wasnt sure that this thing is working.
im doing now...
Just interested in hearing about the overachievers here. Anyone had a bad experience because of gains they made, length or girth wise.
I only ask because I am gaining girth steadily and have this urge to just go forever. I am in my end all be all of relationships and I do routinely ask about...
i've been using sizegenetics for five weeks and some jelqs against the bend but it doesnt seem to get my bend out
my bend is from the middle to the end bend down and i want it to go up slightly, some kegels more jelqs or other jelqs ?
Hey guys,
Let's hear it, how many of you on here have increased their length by one full inch, how long did it take and what was your routine(s) that got you here? I hope we can fire up some motivation for the newbies.
For me it took exactly 1 year to gain my first inch and it was a major...
Can't really make up my mind about length or girth, but I have thought heavily about both.
- The stretching section of the Newbie Routine
- Followed by three sets of manual expressive stretching, thirty second sets
- DLD Blasters (how many of these should I do and how many...
This is something I'm very curious: what would be the worst thing that could happen to your dick, while doing PE?
Broken dick while doing X? Pissing blood after using y to do z?
I'm glad that the only- and I hope it remain like this- thing that occurred to me was a testicle squeeze while...
Hi Guys,
I had this topic on my mind since I started PE and somehow got to be obbsesed with it at one point. Progress Indicators, It is possible that the gaining proccess leaves clues that tell us if we're gaining or wasting our time with our routine, well... after almost 2 years of consistant...
Currently, I am 18 and I am 6.75 inches BPEL and 5.5 inches MEG.
I have been doing PE on and off for a while now. Initially, I gained .25 inches in length and girth from the bathmate, but was not able to bring it up to college with me (long story).
So, for the past week I have been doing...
Can anybody tell me approximately how much time will be necessary to gain 0.6 inch in girth? Look, I know it depends from person to.person, but anyway share your girth gains in ratio GAINS - TIME if you want of course. Thanks in advance brothers. :)
Hi Guys,
Here are a few pictures I took on this journey to build a bigger penis, I started at 5" NBPx5.1"MSG and gained up to 5.5"NBPx5.4"MSG in 4 months with the newbie routine and after that bought a JES Extender and use it for 10 months for 4-6 hours/day with 20-30mins of dry Jelquing and...
i have practiced both exercises in the past and i have been jelquin for a while i practiced the DLD blasters but i didnt see positive changes i practiced them for about 6 months maybe 7 months cant remember exactly.Should i add the DLD blasters +JELQUINS what do u guys suggest?
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