
  1. A

    Brutal honesty

    Hello all! Newbie here but I'll be brutally honest here: I first heard of natural penis enlargement over a decade ago on the MTV show Loveline (yeah the radio show was briefly on MTV) and a guy calls in asking about it and claims his roommate had stretched his penis to make it grow. A little...
  2. S

    How was your first time?

    What was your first time like? My first time was very embarrasing. Started making out then just slipped a condom on and slid it in. Ahhhh god lol. It was Sooo awkward. No foreplay no nothing, just 5 mins of really bad sex. We never spoke after haha. I was 17 (now 19) Is it true a lot of...
  3. L

    Viagra for size?

    Read somewhere here that it would be good for size to be able to have a boner 24/7. Now, I read online that you can get a 3-4 hours boner with Viagra. What if I combine this with manual work? Do the workout beford bed and then take a pill to stay hard for at least a few hours of healing?
  4. jekyllnhyde360

    question for DLD about erect stretches?

    Hey DLD, i just started using erect stretches becaus i just think that it would be cool to see if i can get some erect length from these, but lately i've been having trouble stretching . i have 2 issues , one is that when i stretch erect i always loose the blood trapped in the glans quickly so...
  5. B

    Wife Cheated - Need gains fast

    Hey Guys, Heres my story: I just caught my wife screwing my best friend about a weeks ago. I caught her by reading her txt messages and emails. I think my friend was about 7 inches and know that my wife loved it from her messages to him..... All she would say is how much she wanted it. We are...
  6. M

    An article that made me laugh

    Worth reading :) Just shows how many ppl think that Penis Enlargement is BS, so sad :( LINK WAS BROKEN.
  7. M

    After cheating.

    Hi. Long story short my girl kissed another guy on the 24th of October. She told me on the 25th but couldnt say why it happened. She had no reasoning. Since then i've been putting it out of my mind. When i rang her up the night before last I said I just want to talk about it one last time to...
  8. DLD

    SRT SRT: The Fastest Way to a Massive Penis and a Perfect Body

    SRT Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory HUGE SPECIAL ON EQUIPMENT Why do some gain and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that hold more logic...
  9. T

    Didn't See it Coming

    Whoa there are like no threads here so since my (boyfriend) n I just officially split up and I met him on my most favorite forum of all time and no longer post there, I will indulge myself with updating this forum with some information on my experience with relationships and being transgendered...
  10. keepingitbig

    A girl that I thought was a woman turns out to be transgendered...

    I didn't read her profile and thought he was a she. But we talked on the phone. What do I do about this? I didn't want to say anything bad and I'm not gay. Should I block the phone number, or what? Confused.
  11. E

    State of Shock

    In another thread I said I was going to wait 6 months to measure my progress. The curiosity was too much. I am stunned. And pleased with my progress so far. :) Start: last week of April 2011 FL: 2.9" BPFSL: 4.5" NBPenis EnlargementL:4" BPenis EnlargementL: 4.5" Girth: ? (neglected to measure)...
  12. R

    My gf won't give me head. Advise?

    Guys I feel pathetic. My gf won't give me head. She has given head to alot of guys before and she had never dated any of them wasn't dating any of them and never did date any of them. And she maybe didn't even kno some of them very well. They would just hit her up when they wanted something...
  13. L

    Anxiety causing weak EQ

    How do I get rid of this. Thanks in advance.
  14. C

    inserting the scrotum in wearing the size genetics extender???

    has anyone tried inserting the scrotum/testicles in wearing the extender?? In general, you just put your penis on the base then attach the head piece. How bout you also insert the scrotum (if it fits) on the base before you attach the head piece? Will it give more a stretch?
  15. S

    Need advice. Ms. Body vs. Ms. Personality

    Hey Guys, I need some advice in the female department. I'm trying to decide what direction to take between two different females. Both have traits which cancel the other one out and I'm trying my best not to emotionally hurt the one who's seriously into me. It basically breaks down like...
  16. H

    Be New to MOS? Introduce you're self here!

    Welcome to Matters of Size- The world's best penis enlargement program on the Internet! But we're much more than this. Penis Enlargement, or penis enlargement, also increases sexual stamina so you can last longer in bed, and erection and orgasm quality, so you're getting maximum pleasure out...
  17. C

    Need Help - Tantric Technique?

    Hi, I just need help from someone who maybe knows about tantric stuff or maybe extreme edging? I really need help about this but would like anyone who thinks they know about it to PM me please? Really important, just have a question, thanks in advance.
  18. N

    New here, with some serious problems -_-

    I have recently started dating this hot girl, and we love hanging with each other. Plus we both have quite the high sex drive for each other. *cue the large but* I barely last all that long. best amount of time was 3 minutes...i think. However, things get worse from there. because recently i...
  19. S

    Might be getting a divorce!

    I know this sounds crazy since I've only been married for 8 months, but the wife is Hungarian and we've been going in this downward spiral for half the time we've been married for! I only started dating her about 15 months ago, so I may have rushed into things with her. We just don't share that...
  20. W

    Dating for introverts

    HI guys I wanted to know what are some good ways to meet the opposite sex for they guys like me who are introverts or who just have a 'starting problem' with women. Experts..please give your views on this.