Congratulations to pogzee for being the top quality poster in the May contest.
Winners so far this year were
January: Perestroyka
February: Shortdick
March: BornInFigi
April: acromegaly
May: pogzee
OK Brothers for this months posting contest, here is what we are looking for:
• Members that...
It seems all my PE has turned my dick into a fat cylinder shape instead of having an oval shaped circumference. There should be more untapped gains in pure width of the CC... What is the best way to target the sides of your dick and gain width? I'm probably not going to do reds crushers because...
I tried a search didn't get much of an answer.
Im wondering for most hardcore clampers what your routine is like? Specificly people who base their PE around clamping. I'm getting really girth focused again after talking with my wife and wanting a break from pumping . Im hoping to find a less...
Whatup peeps, so I started pe a couple of months ago & purchased a bib hanger which I've used religiously 7 days a week for 3 sets of 25mins hanging up too 15lb with no gains thus far which is a little dissapointing but anyway so I decided to change things up a bit to prevent me getting too...
bib hanger
dld blasters
fast results
length gains
mental health
I've never owned clamps so I'm not too familiar with their build but, can you use a clamp as both a clamp and a tool to jelq with? Lube everything up, put the clamp on and start jelqing with it. Not sure if that makes sense, but that would sound like a hell of a girth session if it works out vs...
You can pull pretty hard on the TLC tugger metal hook. But if you twist, the hook will rip out of the white squishy part of the cone.
I want to be able to pull the TLC tugger hook at more angles that straight and have those handles that the lengthmaster has.
Can the TLC tugger be attached to...
so I have started doing only clamping for girth, doing every other day and doing 3 sets of 8 minutes. any clamping vets out there who have advice for me if this sounds good/bad ?
any comment appreciated
Another random curiosity. I've noticed there are some guys in adult entertainment who look like their dicks are literally just strong as hell. You can see the muscle that's insanely beefed up. I'm figuring that if you work out your PC muscle enough and the right way, you would be able to get that muscle to...
Is there a clamp out there that is gonna fit the penis well. I've bought a cable clamp and had no luck. Either too small or too big.
Also am considering clamping while doing SSJs. I don't want it too tight to prevent injury. Or is the safest form of clamping to just put it on without SSJs...
I want this thread to be where all the ADS\ADC ideas are.
154 grams golf weight, used as ADS with Cable Clamp to hold it:
Black Golf Club Warm Up Swing Donut Weight Ring Diver Weighted Practice Trainer-in Golf Clubs from Sports & Entertainment on | Alibaba Group
*I have good...
So the wife and I went Christmas shopping tonight. I'm 48 and she is 38. We have 2 children and are not planning anymore. She brings up that she thinks I should get a vasectomy. Now let me say needles such as shots, tattoos (have several) do not bother me. But when I have a mental image to sharp...
I've started my journey to my goal, but I still have some burning questions in my pocket to ask.
Questions list:
1) Debating on buying the MoS DVD. Is it worth it? (buying for the exercises like Kegels, SSJ's, etc.)
2) I'm going to add in a technique DLD told me about for glans enhancing...
hey.. guys..
I would like to share my ANS (All-Night-Stretcher) or Anti-turtle device. I prefer to look at this method as an Anti-turtle instead of ANS.
I am afraid to use high tension GearKeepers. For this reason, 12 oz retraction force is more than enough to avoid turtling during my daily 8...
for those who are very interssted about making girth gains , i would like to discuss what you know about gaining girth and the mechaniucs behind it . Personally im gonna start clamping pumping just gave me horrible eq instantly. PLease input what you know or begin a discussion that all of us...
So, let's try to get this forum revived! I know there are more guys lately interested in clamping. There SHOULD be more guys than ever with the popularity and size of MOS forums nowadays! You can either post your clamping questions in this thread, bump old threads, or start new threads. I'll...
Hey guys, I have also noticed here lately, this sub forum is pretty slow. I don't get why. We all know girth is more important than length. Clamping is in fact the most effective type of girth method you can use. Paired with any other girth exercise, you have a tour de force. A girth routine...
Hey guys.
I need some suggestions on a good manual length exercise which I am going to do in school.
What would be the best exercise for this situation?
Before the Length Master was released, DLD mention something about us being able to trade in our Power Assists for Length Masters (at a reduced price) upon their release? Just wondering if that is currently possible?
Cockrings: unexpected benefits revisited. Looking back on a year.
Hey fellow MOS brothers.
Figi here. I penned a thread about a year ago, found here: , that...
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