I would just like to know everyone's opinion on whether there is a limit to gains? Could someone gain 5 inches in length or 3 inches in girth after 10 or 20 years of PE?
Nothing too crazy but I'm going to try out this new routine where I'll just be taking things that already work and try to make them better. I have been doing a lot of work with "pulses" instead of holding stretches, I think the intensity is way more powerful and it definitely shortens the...
Long time, no see MOS. As ya'll know I'm always coming and going from this forum. I try to stop by every month or so just to make sure the wheel is still spinning. It kinda makes me sad to see the activity on MOS die off since the glory days. I don't know... maybe it hasn't and I'm just...
I've been messing around with erect stretching, I like it and it gets a good burn but have any of you cut out flaccid stretching altogether and only do erect stretches? If so has there been any gains and what type of routine or workouts do you do?
So my lm use to be great it use to work well it never hurt me
I strapped it on great
A few months later it hurts so bad i cant finish routine or be intense
It slips up snd cuts me and my head
I couldnt finish my last two days cause it was cutting me
I already have 1 big cut across my shaft from...
I've been looking for a medium cable clamp in the uk or another brand, but i cant find any. there was a similar one (carharrt brand) but the sizing was different and didnt fit. does anyone know where i can get a cable clamp in the uk, or an alternative i can use for clamping?
How much expansion do you typically go for per session?
i usually try to hit atleast .5 to 3/4'' if im lucky i get an inch expansion, but usually after 3/4 i start to get fluid build up.
i had just started clamping and went to do a squeeze and a nickel sized blood drop came out of the glans, then another smaller one.
i tried squeezing the glans and another drop came out and that was it.
i could still stay hard but the spongiosum completely emptied.
Not sure why?
hopefully its...
what do you think is better
bundled stretch then pump then clamp and jelq in one session
or pump in the morning clamp in the afternoon and manuals before bed ?
Hey people,
So, I've had the PF for a while now and I'm liking it a lot but in the early days when I was still getting used to it I ripped two of the medium sleeves as I was applying it incorrectly (too much force) but after watching a video I've since learned the correct method. I prefer the...
Stretching the inner penis out seems to be a lot more effective than mid shaft stretching because really pulls the inner penis out,but i have this idea that takes a lot more to get lenght gains whit this exercise...Im not really sure how it works,i believe the base of the penis gets girthier,n...
When you first starting out on P.E Gaines come fast,,, if that true then should we really go all out instead of taking it easy??? Because after the couple of months it will be hard to gain.
The reason I ask is because erect I'm 7 1/4 and I'm trying to gain at least a inch in 2-3 months while...
8 inch
Okay guys I need some help with this stretch. I don’t know the name of it and I’m not going to be so presumptuous or pretentious to think I’ve developed a new one. Given the nature of what I’m about to describe I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that it may be a bundled stretch “of sorts”...
Hey guys im curretly working on getting the most bang for my buck while training. I have a somwhat limited amount of time to train. My main question is would 10min of clamping be more effective then 10 min of jelqing
My routine has been
wake up
shower a few jelqs to warm up
Bathmate 10...
Bought an air pump about ten days ago because I'm curious, but not ready to spend big money just yet. Bought it from a legit online store after reading over one hundred reviews, most of which spoke of similar results - after pumping, dick was a good bit thicker for at least an hour. Some said...
I want to find out from you guys if I can lose my dick due to lack of blood circulation mainly from using the SG. I wear the SG at max tension using the noose strap for 40 minutes. When it gets to the 30th minute, I lose blood circulation and sensation of my glans but I still leave the SG on for...
Does anyone know if it is possible to gain girth just from clamping? I have been trying this out for a while and have gained 1/4 inch in erect girth but i'm not sure yet if it is just temporary or permanent. I would love to know everyone's thoughts on the matter.
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