Well I think I should have started this a while ago, but better now than never I suppose.
I started really doing a dedicated Penis Enlargement routine in November of 2004. I started with manual stretching and stretched by pulling the head. Didn't exactly catch that I should pull from behind...
Hi im on the verge of making the captains wrench, but I cant seen to find the materials. Can anyone help me 2 find the nylon strap, grippers, or the cable clamps. I live in toronto, and ive tried canadian tire and walmart, with no luck. If anyone knows where I could get this stuff around here id...
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This next link takes you to my posts within the captains wrench post, telling you how to make your own poor mans capt wrench...has pictures as-well.
New Turkey neck buster hanging experiment. I am hanging 15 lbs here. With my steelmaster ball weight and my leather ball stretcher. A total of 4.5 inches of ball stretching pluss the added weight from the metal one. I am alwys trying new thing's to get rid of turkey neck.
*The following thread is dedicated to DLD. I owe this man. It wasn't long ago that I counted myself among the skeptics. I thought Penis Enlargement was a crock. That is, until one day when browsing an old Penis Enlargement forum I came across a post by a guy with a really big dick and an even...
Well I dont have a SET routine anymore.
I do 1 on 1 off / 3 on 4 off / 2 on 1 off or whatever.
I always make sure I do 2/3 sessions a week minimum.
I only do Stretching exercises, plus one width exercise.
I do VERY strong intense stretches using rolling pins and high angles of attack on my...