
  1. W

    Best Hanger???

    What do you recommend for hanging? I do manual stretching, but it tires the forearms, so I prefer to mostly hang. I have a Bib, but I cannot use it anymore. It causes stretch marks. I'm looking for a hanger that pulls the penis the way manual stretching does. I believe the attachment needs...
  2. T

    Since i can't get the Max-Vac2

    As much as I would like the Max-Vac2 as it looks like its one of the best, looking fairly simple to use and etc. Even though I like it comes with the Hand pump with he pressure gauge. I want to get some opinions on ADS, ANS/ combo hangers What I have come across I know its not a hanger but...
  3. R

    Redzulu penis enlargement progress diary thread

    I had a belting session late this afternoon and its been my first in approx 2 years. Was feeling horny haha and decided to grab my old pump and dust it down. No one was home so I could have the privacy. My pump is basic, with no gauge on it but has good suction and tube ... has served me...
  4. H

    Great silicone ADS and cheap; see URL Check this url for a great silicone ADS that is made of thicker silicone than others. Rolls up easily and holds firmly. Holds up to 2 lbs. I connected mine to a thigh strap I have. The price is $30, no shipping and I got mine in 3...
  5. S

    Ready To Start New Static Stretcher Routine!

    I got all three static stretchers and, boy oh fucking boy, do the makers of this product want you to spend ten total hours figuring out how to put them together and wear them properly. I'll be extraordinarily pissed if these things don't work. Comments on New Routine and Questions (Please...
  6. C

    i want to buy extender but i don't have credit card and...

    i don't have a credit card and i don't want to know my parents and sisters and brothers that i'm Penis Enlargementing do you think there's still a way to buy it... i don't have money problems but i'm ashamed and don't really want others to know it. please need advice... And also, if i purchase...
  7. I

    Awesome healing cream recipe..

    Hi All, I've been experimenting with different things over the last good few months. Thought I'd share a cream recipe that I have been using after Penis Enlargement that gives good and fast healing. I'm using a Vitamin A/E body lotion in a dispenser into which I have also squeezed a tube of...
  8. C

    fuck Thund3rs Pl@ce

    Thund3rs Pl@ce is shit first they suspend my account for writing slang which is fair enough and now they have banned me completely for no reason!! all i was doing was putting up videos of extreme hanging and stuff wankers prob was also the comment in my post saying that i wasnt a newbie after the...
  9. S

    ADS Devices: Whats the difference?

    Ive recently developed an interest in purchasing an ADS device. I looked at about 20 different devices and heres what Im gathering: 1) They all look exactly the same 2) They all promise different sizes in a certain amount of time one ADS device that did catch my eye was the ADS made by...
  10. L

    Difference between MV extender and Vac extender from

    Hi Guys, I am planning to buy a new extender because the current extender that I am using is too uncomfortable. I have noticed that the MV extender from MyNewSize and the Vac extender from are really similar. Is there any difference between the two? Thanks!
  11. P

    most comfortable extender?

    i've been a lurker for a while now. tried the newbie routine, my own routine, and just couldn't stick with it. between school, work, working out 5x a week, and my gf i basically am too exhausted to spend 30mins-hour stretching my cock. it's a shame i know. i'm an average 6x5, never had any...
  12. longstretch

    Progress thread Stretch For the Stars...Land in the Cul de Sac!!!

    *Update 2019: After some Revelations and 18 to 20 months decon I came back and am gaining at a very acceptable rate. Around 0.1 cm weekly.* Ok guys I've finally decided to start a log after all...
  13. S

    vacuum hanger?

    This seems the least painful and most efficient way to hang nowdays? I was wondering how much a vacuum hanger costs and how one could be homemade? Something along the lines of the picture below im guessing?
  14. stillwantmore

    Using Max Vac Extender as ADS Strapped Setup

    I started this a few days ago and posted: This is first day of "Proof Of Concept" testing. The elastic band in the picture is a latex "slingshot replacement band" which I found in the sporting goods area of Wal Mart. I'm wearing a sock around my foot for comfort. The dog collar (an adjustable...
  15. S

    converting from vac-hang to bib

    Felt like posting something so here we go.... I've been hanging for a while now with a vac-hanger and have loved it. I have started to get less grip with my hanger because I have been increasing hanging time, angles, and weight. I started to have a hard time getting sleeves so I decided to get...
  16. S

    Help choosing a hanger

    I'm fairly new to this Penis Enlargement, been hand stretching for a couple of months, admittedly on and off, not much success yet. I'm thinking of trying hanging and I'm only vaguely aware of all the available devices. Could someone offer me some advice on these and where I can obtain them.
  17. S

    Anti turtle sleeve system

    Can anyone explain to me how tHis system works? Pictures would be much appreciated. thanks
  18. D

    Autoextender vs Static Stretcher

    Ive decided to hold back on my autoextender purchase. The whole autoextender, with tunica stretcher is 166$ I can get the Static Stretcher all 3(light,medium, heavy duty) for 249$ Just wondering if thats a better investment. I like the ADS wrap for the Light Static Stretcher, looks like it could...
  19. K

    ads with hanging

    Any suggestions what should i get as ads to wear after hanging sessions? what i was looking so far were the red autoads, vac extender and other extenders. I'm wondering would it be too much to have intense hanging sessions and wear extender all day, or it's rather meant to be worn alone or...
  20. B

    v-stretch extender

    a while ago i rememebr seeing an extender that had your penis extended but in a v-stretch. does any1 know the name of this stretcher or have a link to it
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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