New 20k PE device

Yes. That is the cheaper model to start. How effective it is is still unknown. Most clinics will tell you that those radial shockwave treatment devices are not recommended because the claims are too miraculous without clinical results to back them up. Most of the true machines costs $10k and up. Stripped parts are $5k to $9k.
So you are supposed to do Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) and between sets this thing? Something like that ? Is this how it works ?
If you plan on using this device, the device's instruction is to use the until only for 15 minutes. That means you can use it at the start of the 5x5x3 to optimize the tissue breakdown.
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So we now know that shockwave therapy for ED helps with PE. Is this a fact?
So we now know that shockwave therapy for ED helps with PE. Is this a fact?
Yes, and no. Yes, clinically is has been reported that 15% of the patients that do continual treatments gave positive results. The rest 85% were sporadic treatment takers, thinking only two or three treatments were enough. Home treatments devices only have 2% success rate. Clinical machines have greater successes due to the proper power adjustment and delivery mechanism for "focus" and not "radial" application method. Focus application has up 60%, but very expensive. Radial is at 2%, and very cheap.
I remember that motor. That used to be in one my my massaging chairs. Great implement method. Just be careful as the vibration may cause thin plexiglass wall to have micro fractures over time.

Unfortunately, breaking collagen bonds either requires direct force or ultrasonic vibration, minimum at 40Mhz (ultrasonic application is between 35 to 50 MHz). Most effective range is around 44 MHz. I can understand the application of the motor at 3,500 RPM to provide mechanical bases frequency to meet the shockwave application device specs. But the bad news is, it take 40MHz at minimum, and by translation that to RPM, that's 2.4 billions RPM is required.

However, that is one intense vibrator.
It’s 40Hz not 40MHz. So 2400 rpm would be 40Hz
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It’s 40Hz not 40MHz. So 2400 rpm would be 40Hz
Just like of throw things out there for reading pleasure:

This is the lower end on the MHz to perform scanning without breaking down the collagen bonding, aka ultrasonic scanning for pregnancy.

However, if you're talking about collagen hydrolizing (gentle breakdown and reforming), you need to add both heat at around 138F and steady frequency between 0.3MHz to 10MHz for a dermal routin for about 30 minutes with direct contact with skin:

Otherwise, quick burst of collagen breakdown in a few minutes at 40MHz or 44MHz, indirect contact, with gap and media up to 2cm. This is where the focus and not radial shockwave therapy comes in.

If you're using a home-base extracoporeal radial, even focused, shockwave therapy devices, it can range very low anywhere between 5Hz to as 60Hz, with direct skin contact. This means absolutely no media (such as water and solid plexiglass) in between the skin and the transducing device. Yes, this has been discussed in length in the urological publications for nearly 10 years now. The debates has always been "low frequency and home base affordable" devices can do as good as "proven clinical high specs devices". The results? There were definitely medical results for the lower end spectrums. Here's an example of the publication in 2018:

I've been following these publications since the trial run going back as far as 2002, when they switched from ultrasonic through subcutaneous fat liquifaction (body slimming using ultrasonic devices) to isolated erectile dysfunction trial runs. I'm still connected to the symposia and the members that are deliberating on their findings.

But, do take the marketing ploys with a bucket of very harsh salts. Some sudden discoveries and publications will pull scam artists out of the woodworks to market devices of various promises to desperate people. This is why I become the voice of reason for the brotherhood. I'm not afraid to be a test subject and perform mods for the fun of it, but there are limits on what I want to waste money on. Just to show you what I mean about them running with a finding at low frequency:

This is so called low frequency at 30Hz, but most manufacturer doesn't indicate the collagen bond must be directly influenced/applied after heating at 100C/212F. The application temperature is 138F based on facial tissue treatments discovered in the past 2 decades. So, to apply this, you need your water to be at 138F, that's practically scolding for your penis, and the device must be in contact with your penis even at 40Hz.
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I crack up every time I read the commentary from the text message (2024-04-20 Day 2). Can't believe the pressure going into the 60inHg (extreme pressure in the red). Yikes.

Last known record of the session is May 20th (2024-05-20 Session 44 of 180). Comparatively between Session 1 to Session 44, there's a noticeable prominent curvature of 12 degrees, or even at 18 degrees, to the left. This is where LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory routines come into play while lengthening both laterally (sideways) and longitudinal (length wise). Not sure what will happen if the pumping keeps going until Session 180 without corrective measure for the early stages of Peyronie's.
Perfect explanation on vibration therapy (not shockwave therapy):

I can break the language down even further for the layman if needed.
I crack up every time I read the commentary from the text message (2024-04-20 Day 2). Can't believe the pressure going into the 60inHg (extreme pressure in the red). Yikes.

Last known record of the session is May 20th (2024-05-20 Session 44 of 180). Comparatively between Session 1 to Session 44, there's a noticeable prominent curvature of 12 degrees, or even at 18 degrees, to the left. This is where LM and SRT routines come into play while lengthening both laterally (sideways) and longitudinal (length wise). Not sure what will happen if the pumping keeps going until Session 180 without corrective measure for the early stages of Peyronie's.
60 in.Hg vaccum pressure, that is penis destruction vaccum pressure. 😵😥

You get much nicer and more beautiful growth with SRT and LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging.

Length is not everything. You want a beautiful penis as well. At least this is my viewpoint on everything.
@oldandlively do they use water in this system (to pump the penis with), if not this may be the reason for the uneven growth.
@oldandlively do they use water in this system (to pump the penis with), if not this may be the reason for the uneven growth.
High pressure pump with high cycling cannot use water or it will suffocate the pumping diaphragms. There were multiple tests on the manual high speed pumps, with water traps, and those motors still suffered due to intrusive water. The reason why the Phalback can go so hard and fast is because of air-only approach.

The uneven growth is not just because of air only system. It's because the tissues are being pull so hard and fast without manual corrections as we use dynamic and static twist through the bundling. @DLD incorporated the manual methods with the Power Assist, after his experimentation with pure arm strength power, and later to incorporate the full LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging method to increase the dynamic ranges of correction control. Pumps without inserts to correct the tissue growths will only cause more poor out-of-control growth. Traction devices are hot commodities to correct errors, but the amount of time to sink into them is pure insane.

I used them all. So far, only the LengthMaster comes out on top to promote elongation growth, while maintain equalized the growth path based on the amount of corrective control being put into the routines. It promoted the greatest control for your needs so far. Ask brother @squirt_inducer_man if he noticed the curvature reduction from the LengthMaster usages. I compared his photos he posted and notices a high angle correction during his journey. His original banana shape became less banana and more like a lightly curved cucumber. Using a either a traction or stretcher device, or even wrapped with a corrective curving tool (coated shoehorn for comforts), the curvature can be corrected easily.
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High pressure pump with high cycling cannot use water or it will suffocate the pumping diaphragms. There were multiple tests on the manual high speed pumps, with water traps, and those motors still suffered due to intrusive water. The reason why the Phalback can go so hard and fast is because of air-only approach.

The uneven growth is not just because of air only system. It's because the tissues are being pull so hard and fast without manual corrections as we use dynamic and static twist through the bundling. @DLD incorporated the manual methods with the Power Assist, after his experimentation with pure arm strength power, and later to incorporate the full LengthMaster method to increase the dynamic ranges of correction control. Pumps without inserts to correct the tissue growths will only cause more poor out-of-control growth. Traction devices are hot commodities to correct errors, but the amount of time to sink into them is pure insane.

I used them all. So far, only the LengthMaster comes out on top to promote elongation growth, while maintain equalized the growth path based on the amount of corrective control being put into the routines. It promoted the greatest control for your needs so far. Ask brother @squirt_inducer_man if he noticed the curvature reduction from the LengthMaster usages. I compared his photos he posted and notices a high angle correction during his journey. His original banana shape became less banana and more like a lightly curved cucumber. Using a either a traction or stretcher device, or even wrapped with a corrective curving tool (coated shoehorn for comforts), the curvature can be corrected easily.
I would recommend this guy that use this overengineered device to stop using it, and join instead.

He's penis would grow more beautifully with LengthMaster 3 and MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System (pumping with water, SRT).

No dick shaming here (would never do that), but he really needs to think about what he is doing in an objective way.

Penis enlargement is a permanent thing, and what I have seen the growth is not evenly distributed throughout his penis.

I hope he sees this tread.
Here’s a guy that’s currently using it.
Please can someone, make this guy aware of this thread (the guy that use this device).
I believe he don't know about all options.
Please can someone, make this guy aware of this thread (the guy that use this device).
I believe he don't know about all options.
I'll watch out
Added an automated pump that I can preset the pressure, interval times, and overall workout time. Now I can sit back and let it do most of the work for me


    79.2 MB
Cool 😎
Added an automated pump that I can preset the pressure, interval times, and overall workout time. Now I can sit back and let it do most of the work for me
How did you get that cupping pump to go 15s (I have the same one, but it maxes out at 9.5s)?
Be careful not to fall for lies companies promise. Check them out 💯
Hey DLD can i get some help idk how to wrap my 🍆 for the lengthmaster that shit hurt my glands. And should i wrap after
Hey DLD can i get some help idk how to wrap my 🍆 for the lengthmaster that shit hurt my glands. And should i wrap after
Video tutorials are here:

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