Belated hello

That your expansion seems to be how to be expressive or giving you the best way forward. Expressive means how much you can see of the entire penis
So, nothing to worry about unless it balloons more I take it?

I've also given myself a blood blister the size of the tip of my pinkie from trying bundled stretches to warm up. Its got a white area in the middle. No pain, just doesn't look nice and seeing my girl tomorrow. Not sure it'll go down by then. Bacitracin, hydrocortisone or MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY to help heal I'm guessing?
Sorry about the late reply. Got a bit of an account issue.

What is quite common, my targets?
Rather than the target, it's better to ask, "Where are you at the moment?" 3inHg to 3.5inHg is the common pressure of an internal erection. Going anywhere beyond that is already your target. But, you have to ask yourself, are you feeling comfortable without any pain going up past 5inHg? If you feel pain even at 4inHg, stay at 4inHg until your penis gotten used to the pressure. If you can go up to 5inHg comfortably, that is your new safe lower pressure limit. From there, it's about knowing when to go up comfortably. Know how much higher you can climb safely and comfortably. If you hit the pressure that makes your entire penis feels like it's expanding to the point of a dull pain sensation, that is your upper limit. Don't stay there too long. Drop 0.5inHg to 1inHg below that.

I am not sure at all whether i am achieving this, but difficult to measure after a pump as I'm not 100% erect?
That is correct. You must remain erected in the cylinder as much as you can. Don't let up on the erection. This is where the true expansion comes in.

Ok, but not getting expansion with seemingly high intensity on both? But yet, equally potentially harming a vein as it might be bulging too much.
Not getting the expansion at high vacuum pressure is the worst way to get yourself blisters, thrombosis, and penile failure. This is why you must have strong erection inside the cylinder. With strong erection, you are occupying all the volume required for a solid erection. Any extra blood going in will push your erection expansion further. Vein does not bulge beyond their capacity if you approach it safely. To approach it safely, 100% erection is required. This is your alarm system. When your internal chambers are over reaching its capacity to expand, it sends SOS message through the nerves telling you to stop. For those pumping with only 70% or 80% flaccid state all the time at high pressure, dangers lay await as your penis cannot tell where the expansion starts and where danger threshold begins.

Ok, so the Slow Squash Jelq should just be targeting the glans?
SSJ targets everything, from the base to the glans. When the OK grips being held at the base, it expands everything. If they are at the base and at the glans, it focuses in between. If you jelq from the base to the glans, the glans gets most of the expansion due to rising terminal pressure.

Ok, definitely not achieving this....I couldn't do that without essentially edging for an hour and i domt have time to be doing thay. I'm a bit confused here as I have great EQ, so I don't know how you guys would be achieving this.
Time, dedication, sacrifice, tears, and willingness to go the distance. I don't watch TV, so I listen to publication journals and books in all studies while I do my PE. I eat while doing PE. I work while doing PE. I play with my wife while doing PE. See the sacrifice of personal space and time?

Starting to feel a touch deflated at the moment as I am trying the routine, but seemingly not getting the expansion I need. So not sure where to go with it. I'm already going between 4Hg and 5Hg and taking the Slow Squash Jelq to a level where sometimes I get spots, sometimes I'm quite close to that point (like I see them during the session but they don't stay). What am I getting wrong? Or maybe I'm not, I'm just not noticing the expansion I have created?
At 4inHg, how do you feel? What about at 5inHg? What happens when you go from 0inHg, slow down at 4inHg, and go straight to 5inHg? What do you feel along the entire length of the shaft?

So, nothing to worry about unless it balloons more I take it?

I've also given myself a blood blister the size of the tip of my pinkie from trying bundled stretches to warm up. Its got a white area in the middle. No pain, just doesn't look nice and seeing my girl tomorrow. Not sure it'll go down by then. Bacitracin, Hydrocortisone or mosred to help heal I'm guessing?
Blood blister is an indicator you went up way too fast, too high, and staying there for too long. 5 minutes max. The balloon vein that you see is yoru penile body indicating that more blood than usual occupying that area. You're not fully preconditioned yet to climb too high. It goes back to the above questions, "What do you feel?" in terms of fully erected expansion in the cylinder while under the different vacuum pressure.
Sorry about the late reply. Got a bit of an account issue.

Rather than the target, it's better to ask, "Where are you at the moment?" 3inHg to 3.5inHg is the common pressure of an internal erection. Going anywhere beyond that is already your target. But, you have to ask yourself, are you feeling comfortable without any pain going up past 5inHg? If you feel pain even at 4inHg, stay at 4inHg until your penis gotten used to the pressure. If you can go up to 5inHg comfortably, that is your new safe lower pressure limit. From there, it's about knowing when to go up comfortably. Know how much higher you can climb safely and comfortably. If you hit the pressure that makes your entire penis feels like it's expanding to the point of a dull pain sensation, that is your upper limit. Don't stay there too long. Drop 0.5inHg to 1inHg below that.

That is correct. You must remain erected in the cylinder as much as you can. Don't let up on the erection. This is where the true expansion comes in.

Not getting the expansion at high vacuum pressure is the worst way to get yourself blisters, thrombosis, and penile failure. This is why you must have strong erection inside the cylinder. With strong erection, you are occupying all the volume required for a solid erection. Any extra blood going in will push your erection expansion further. Vein does not bulge beyond their capacity if you approach it safely. To approach it safely, 100% erection is required. This is your alarm system. When your internal chambers are over reaching its capacity to expand, it sends SOS message through the nerves telling you to stop. For those pumping with only 70% or 80% flaccid state all the time at high pressure, dangers lay await as your penis cannot tell where the expansion starts and where danger threshold begins.

Slow Squash Jelq targets everything, from the base to the glans. When the OK grips being held at the base, it expands everything. If they are at the base and at the glans, it focuses in between. If you jelq from the base to the glans, the glans gets most of the expansion due to rising terminal pressure.

Time, dedication, sacrifice, tears, and willingness to go the distance. I don't watch TV, so I listen to publication journals and books in all studies while I do my PE. I eat while doing PE. I work while doing PE. I play with my wife while doing PE. See the sacrifice of personal space and time?

At 4inHg, how do you feel? What about at 5inHg? What happens when you go from 0inHg, slow down at 4inHg, and go straight to 5inHg? What do you feel along the entire length of the shaft?

Blood blister is an indicator you went up way too fast, too high, and staying there for too long. 5 minutes max. The balloon vein that you see is yoru penile body indicating that more blood than usual occupying that area. You're not fully preconditioned yet to climb too high. It goes back to the above questions, "What do you feel?" in terms of fully erected expansion in the cylinder while under the different vacuum pressure.
Ok, appreciate you are replying to a lot of people but sometimes your answers don't bear any correlation to what I've been asking...

I am going into the tube 100% erect, always, I've notnsaid otherwise. I'm talking about my expansion after when using a cockring.

The blister was due to attempting a bundled stretch nothing to do with pumping. (The vein I pictured was pumping and a different conversation)

I've talked at length about how I dont think the SSJ is targeting the lower shaft. You then tell me its only meant to target the upper portion anyway, and now you're again saying it targets the whole shaft. I'm getting very confused.

I'm going 4Hg creeping up to 5Hg, there's no pain. I wouldn't do any exercise that caused pain. It feels like I'm getting good suction, but the end result is not expansion like you are describing, hence the frustration.

Re your comment about constantly doing PE, I can't dedicate that much of my life to it... I can stretch in the morning and wear a sleeve while I work, and I can do Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) in the evening, and I am trying to understand the state I need to be in in the cockring, but as yet I am not getting the answer I need. If you are telling me I need to remain somewhere between erect, and pump expanded (that I'm not even getting), simply putting a cockring on and starting to study will not achieve that... I would need to sit there playing with my dick for an hour to keep it that hard. This is where I have further confusion.
Ok, appreciate you are replying to a lot of people but sometimes your answers don't bear any correlation to what I've been asking...
Got it. The posts nested under pumping questions, expansion related and 5x5x3 routines, so I have to reference under pumping instead of lengthening through LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. Do identify what happened from specific routine and I'll ensure the answers match the conditions.

I am going into the tube 100% erect, always, I've notnsaid otherwise. I'm talking about my expansion after when using a cockring.

The blister was due to attempting a bundled stretch nothing to do with pumping. (The vein I pictured was pumping and a different conversation)

I've talked at length about how I dont think the Slow Squash Jelq is targeting the lower shaft. You then tell me its only meant to target the upper portion anyway, and now you're again saying it targets the whole shaft. I'm getting very confused.
SSJ does indeed target any portion of the penile shaft, with one limit. To recap, it depends on how the grips are being used and placed, and based on grip strength. The only option that cannot be expanded is the very base of the penis, as that location is the primary location. Where the blood restrictive starts for the SSJ. It works the entire shaft, minus the portion where the grip initiated. Based on your index finger width, it may be 0.25in to 0.35in. However, base gain is quite fast in comparison to the rest of the shaft through the larger pumping cylinder. Hope this clears up this point.

I'm going 4Hg creeping up to 5Hg, there's no pain. I wouldn't do any exercise that caused pain. It feels like I'm getting good suction, but the end result is not expansion like you are describing, hence the frustration.
Got it. If there is no dull discomfort from 4inHg to 5inHg, that means your lower pressure is already at 5inHg, and your moderate pressure may have shifted from 5inHg to 6inHg. Remaining at 5inHg for comforts will not benefit you as it's the staring point. Slowly creep up to 6inHg and reobserve the expansion. You must feel that dull achy sensation during pumping to optimize your expansion. Do keep us updated on your moderate pressure zone for both yours and our records.

Re your comment about constantly doing PE, I can't dedicate that much of my life to it... I can stretch in the morning and wear a sleeve while I work, and I can do 5x5x3 in the evening, and I am trying to understand the state I need to be in in the cockring, but as yet I am not getting the answer I need. If you are telling me I need to remain somewhere between erect, and pump expanded (that I'm not even getting), simply putting a cockring on and starting to study will not achieve that... I would need to sit there playing with my dick for an hour to keep it that hard. This is where I have further confusion.
Let's provide proper clarity.

You are doing stretching in the morning and not pumping. Noted. After stretching, wear a sleeve or wrap to continually maintain elongation. There is no erection or cock ring wearing during this period. You are focusing everything on elongating throughout the day.

At night, you shift to 5x5x3 for expansion to focus on girth. Noted. After pumping, use the cock ring for as long as you can before bed time. This will maximize the gap potential for cellular regeneration for girth growth. During this post pumping routines, as you wear your cock ring, get a full erection at first. This is just to force blood into your expanded penis to reach the newly expanded state, provide blood with oxygen rich and cellular rebuilding components, and allow the cells to fill in the gaps for the next X hours of wearing. Once you have your blood filled up into the penis, you don't have to remain erected. At this point in time, your blood volume that filled the penis is actually at a level between your old erection state and the newly pump expansion state. You just want that blood volume to keep the newly expanded state in the penis as long as you can and not the erection itself. If can remain erected and force more blood into the penis through kegels, even better, but not needed. Every 5 to 10 minutes, recycle new blood by squeezing the old blood out, and get another full volume of blood back into the penis with and erection. This is to prevent blood clotting.

Hope the summary clears up the needs. From here on out, we'll stay with this routine.
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Got it. The posts nested under pumping questions, expansion related and 5x5x3 routines, so I have to reference under pumping instead of lengthening through LM. Do identify what happened from specific routine and I'll ensure the answers match the conditions.


Slow Squash Jelq does indeed target any portion of the penile shaft, with one limit. To recap, it depends on how the grips are being used and placed, and based on grip strength. The only option that cannot be expanded is the very base of the penis, as that location is the primary location. Where the blood restrictive starts for the Slow Squash Jelq. It works the entire shaft, minus the portion where the grip initiated. Based on your index finger width, it may be 0.25in to 0.35in. However, base gain is quite fast in comparison to the rest of the shaft through the larger pumping cylinder. Hope this clears up this point.

Got it. If there is no dull discomfort from 4inHg to 5inHg, that means your lower pressure is already at 5inHg, and your moderate pressure may have shifted from 5inHg to 6inHg. Remaining at 5inHg for comforts will not benefit you as it's the staring point. Slowly creep up to 6inHg and reobserve the expansion. You must feel that dull achy sensation during pumping to optimize your expansion. Do keep us updated on your moderate pressure zone for both yours and our records.

Let's provide proper clarity.

You are doing stretching in the morning and not pumping. Noted. After stretching, wear a sleeve or wrap to continually maintain elongation. There is no erection or cock ring wearing during this period. You are focusing everything on elongating throughout the day.

At night, you shift to 5x5x3 for expansion to focus on girth. Noted. After pumping, use the cock ring for as long as you can before bed time. This will maximize the gap potential for cellular regeneration for girth growth. During this post pumping routines, as you wear your cock ring, get a full erection at first. This is just to force blood into your expanded penis to reach the newly expanded state, provide blood with oxygen rich and cellular rebuilding components, and allow the cells to fill in the gaps for the next X hours of wearing. Once you have your blood filled up into the penis, you don't have to remain erected. At this point in time, your blood volume that filled the penis is actually at a level between your old erection state and the newly pump expansion state. You just want that blood volume to keep the newly expanded state in the penis as long as you can and not the erection itself. If can remain erected and force more blood into the penis through kegels, even better, but not needed. Every 5 to 10 minutes, recycle new blood by squeezing the old blood out, and get another full volume of blood back into the penis with and erection. This is to prevent blood clotting.

Hope the summary clears up the needs. From here on out, we'll stay with this routine.
Excellent guidance 🙏🏽
Got it. The posts nested under pumping questions, expansion related and 5x5x3 routines, so I have to reference under pumping instead of lengthening through LM. Do identify what happened from specific routine and I'll ensure the answers match the conditions.
Ok, no problem.
Slow Squash Jelq does indeed target any portion of the penile shaft, with one limit. To recap, it depends on how the grips are being used and placed, and based on grip strength. The only option that cannot be expanded is the very base of the penis, as that location is the primary location. Where the blood restrictive starts for the Slow Squash Jelq. It works the entire shaft, minus the portion where the grip initiated. Based on your index finger width, it may be 0.25in to 0.35in. However, base gain is quite fast in comparison to the rest of the shaft through the larger pumping cylinder. Hope this clears up this point.
Yes, so it is this difference with the grip I was worried about. If I have plam down (facing pubic bone), my grip is further up the shaft than if I do an overhand grip. But, overhand grip makes it a lot more difficult. Hopefully as you say this shouldn't be an issue.
Got it. If there is no dull discomfort from 4inHg to 5inHg, that means your lower pressure is already at 5inHg, and your moderate pressure may have shifted from 5inHg to 6inHg. Remaining at 5inHg for comforts will not benefit you as it's the staring point. Slowly creep up to 6inHg and reobserve the expansion. You must feel that dull achy sensation during pumping to optimize your expansion. Do keep us updated on your moderate pressure zone for both yours and our records.
I'll try and take more notice of the sensation, I have crpt up to 6Hg very occasionally to se how it feels, but it felt quite high pressure. 4Hg feels pretty comfortable I think, soi think perhaps I need to work up to more time at 5Hg, and then start with small periods rising to 6Hg after that.

Some of this I'm sure is conditioning as you say, but I am worried I'm not seeing this expansion just yet. My post flaccid the day after a workout is good though, and if I do too much it then is the opposite.

Ive now just done sone sessions with mosred post blood blister which has helped and also increased the flaccid.
Let's provide proper clarity.

You are doing stretching in the morning and not pumping. Noted. After stretching, wear a sleeve or wrap to continually maintain elongation. There is no erection or cock ring wearing during this period. You are focusing everything on elongating throughout the day.
I was not 100% clear here, I have not yet started this, but it's the aim, and seems achievable. I think I have got most of my answers re pumping and so it would be good to start understanding more about stretching, LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, bundled stretches.
At night, you shift to 5x5x3 for expansion to focus on girth. Noted. After pumping, use the cock ring for as long as you can before bed time. This will maximize the gap potential for cellular regeneration for girth growth. During this post pumping routines, as you wear your cock ring, get a full erection at first. This is just to force blood into your expanded penis to reach the newly expanded state, provide blood with oxygen rich and cellular rebuilding components, and allow the cells to fill in the gaps for the next X hours of wearing. Once you have your blood filled up into the penis, you don't have to remain erected. At this point in time, your blood volume that filled the penis is actually at a level between your old erection state and the newly pump expansion state. You just want that blood volume to keep the newly expanded state in the penis as long as you can and not the erection itself. If can remain erected and force more blood into the penis through kegels, even better, but not needed. Every 5 to 10 minutes, recycle new blood by squeezing the old blood out, and get another full volume of blood back into the penis with and erection. This is to prevent blood clotting.
So, I find I just end up at a "puffy flaccid" very quickly once in the cockring. Not an engorged soft erection (if that makes sense, I.e. I assume you are meaning erection size, but not actually hard?). This is my concern here. Just realised I am using the Durorings, not the Silirings, maybe I will switch.
Hope the summary clears up the needs. From here on out, we'll stay with this routine.
At this point, should I start a thread on the progress log?

Thanks for your understanding 🙏

This is the vein bulge I am worried about... it has been worse last week, but been more careful since

Then this is simple expression
What does that mean?
Expansion. I had one of these for months when I was stretching with LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. It finally subsided when I switched to girth work. I think I had it for almost 1 year or more. Nothing to worry about.
I'll try and take more notice of the sensation, I have crpt up to 6Hg very occasionally to se how it feels, but it felt quite high pressure. 4Hg feels pretty comfortable I think, soi think perhaps I need to work up to more time at 5Hg, and then start with small periods rising to 6Hg after that.
Good. Make sure to ease up. Don't rush. Comfortable is one thing, but you have to move up to progressive expand. Can't stay comfortable for too long. If you feel a good dull expansion at 5inHg, spend more time at 5inHg. 2 minutes at 4inHg to initiate expansion, 2 minutes at 5inHg to hyper expansion, and back down to 4inHg to continue the expansion.

As you creep to 6inHg, make sure there is no pain. As you creep earlier, do the same creeping for 20 to 30 seconds and back down to 5inHg. Creep up and back down from. The 2nd pumping set, or even at the 3rd pumping set.

Some of this I'm sure is conditioning as you say, but I am worried I'm not seeing this expansion just yet. My post flaccid the day after a workout is good though, and if I do too much it then is the opposite.
This is an indication that you are actually expanding and gaining. Improved flaccid state is very good indicator that you tissues are being conditioned for optimal growth ahead. Keep up with the PE routine discipline and ensure to go up in pressure to loosen up the tissues.

I was not 100% clear here, I have not yet started this, but it's the aim, and seems achievable. I think I have got most of my answers re pumping and so it would be good to start understanding more about stretching, LM3, bundled stretches.
When you are ready for LM3 info, let us know. Don't rush into one thing without exhausting your inquiries on the other first. Allow time to digest and then move forward.

So, I find I just end up at a "puffy flaccid" very quickly once in the cockring. Not an engorged soft erection (if that makes sense, I.e. I assume you are meaning erection size, but not actually hard?). This is my concern here. Just realised I am using the Durorings, not the Silirings, maybe I will switch.
Puffy flaccid is fluid retention. SSJ or reverse C-jelq also helps. Until your penis can reach peak conditioning, achieve that engorged soft erection as you put it is still a month or two ahead. For now, use the cock ring for the post pumping 60 minutes restrictive routine for healing support. Take the cock ring off after that. If you have to, perform one more set of SSJ or reverse jelq to remove all puffy fluid retention.

At this point, should I start a thread on the progress log?
Yes! You are about to go into your growth phases. Don't neglect your recording. Provide detail info of your current and objective stats, the routines you've done, where your pump pressure levels at, and we can use the data to perform analytical approaches. Look at a few brothers' examples to gauge your comfort level for reporting. The more details, the better. Why? If something goes wrong, we can see the patterns immediately.

Thanks for your understanding 🙏
We are always here for you. Build, grow, and become the next guiding leader of the brotherhood.
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This is an indication that you are actually expanding and gaining. Improved flaccid state is very good indicator that you tissues are being conditioned for optimal growth ahead. Keep up with the PE routine discipline and ensure to go up in pressure to loosen up the tissues.
Ok good... does that mean that if my flaccid is smaller and fatigued, that is a bad sign? Or just that I did a little too much and should ease off?
When you are ready for LM3 info, let us know. Don't rush into one thing without exhausting your inquiries on the other first. Allow time to digest and then move forward.
I do want to get started on length too, I feel like it will help loosening up the tunica etc to aid in girth. I also read working on girth only can very slightly reduce length, is that right?

I guess i can start with manual stretching before learning how to even get into the LM3... that whole process seems a lot. I assume all the wrapping is necessary, noone does LM without pre wrapping I take it?

Perhaps a good place to start would be to understand the bundled stretches, as these are recommeded as a warm up to girth work, correct? I got the blood blister by attempting these, I think the twist was higher up the shaft and pinched a bit, does it matter where the twist is, feels more natural closer to the base?
Puffy flaccid is fluid retention. SSJ or reverse C-jelq also helps. Until your penis can reach peak conditioning, achieve that engorged soft erection as you put it is still a month or two ahead. For now, use the cock ring for the post pumping 60 minutes restrictive routine for healing support. Take the cock ring off after that. If you have to, perform one more set of SSJ or reverse jelq to remove all puffy fluid retention.
Sorry, I explained this badly. Im not describing edema. Im just saying that with a cockring on after pumping, its more like i end up with a large flaccid, than the engorged soft erection.
Yes! You are about to go into your growth phases. Don't neglect your recording. Provide detail info of your current and objective stats, the routines you've done, where your pump pressure levels at, and we can use the data to perform analytical approaches. Look at a few brothers' examples to gauge your comfort level for reporting. The more details, the better. Why? If something goes wrong, we can see the patterns immediately.
I've heard some of you have spreadsheets? I tried to start one, but wasn't sure exactly what detail to include. I have taken starting stats, measured in cm and converted to inches.
We are always here for you. Build, grow, and become the next guiding leader of the brotherhood.
Ok good... does that mean that if my flaccid is smaller and fatigued, that is a bad sign? Or just that I did a little too much and should ease off?
Yes and no. Yes, you've reached fatigue. Your body is trying to preserve itself by shrinking it to the smallest state possible. We called this "turtling". It's not a bad sign. This is where to prevent it from happening. Wrapping, all day stretcher, tension devices, do whatever it takes. We elongate/expand it through forceful method so the penis will continue to heal in the elongated/expanded state. No, don't ease off. Keep pushing forward and wrap/maintain the elongated/expanded form.

I do want to get started on length too, I feel like it will help loosening up the tunica etc to aid in girth. I also read working on girth only can very slightly reduce length, is that right?
Some like to focus one at at time, dedicating all time and efforts to maximize the process. Quite a few brothers pursue both. I'm one of them. Yes, stressing the tunica helps to expand and lengthen. I like to take advantage of the tissues while they are primed. It's all about time. When you have the time, tackle both fronts at the same time. If not, one at a time.

I guess i can start with manual stretching before learning how to even get into the LM3... that whole process seems a lot. I assume all the wrapping is necessary, noone does LM without pre wrapping I take it?
Manual stretching is a good start. The routines are available for reference. The lengthening process takes quite a bit of time. I finished my 30 minutes worth of routine for LM in the morning while answering questions. Total true time is around 45 minutes. It takes time to wrap and rewrap, and a bit of time to get the blood to flow. If you plan on doing both girth and length, be ready to toss 2 hours into the routines.

Perhaps a good place to start would be to understand the bundled stretches, as these are recommeded as a warm up to girth work, correct?
It will take a bit of time for your penis to get preconditioned. Too hard on the bundled stretches and too intensely will make your penis blister. Ease up first, and go easy. Allow the skin to catch up with the intensity. Once your skin becomes more conditioned, that's why you go further on the intensity. This is why there's a 30-day minimum for newbie routines. A minimum of 30 days to get your penis conditioned. It took me 60 days to get mind to prime conditioning, and even then, I didn't go crazy.

I got the blood blister by attempting these, I think the twist was higher up the shaft and pinched a bit, does it matter where the twist is, feels more natural closer to the base?
Most of the blistering happens around the area of holding/gripping and the terminal area of pressure, which is your glans. So, say you grab hold around the base of the glans, the terminal end of pressure is your glans, while the area being grabbed is protected from abrassive movements. So, blistering occurs either above or below the area of grabbing. Hopefully that make sense. You just have to go easy for the time being.

Sorry, I explained this badly. Im not describing edema. Im just saying that with a cockring on after pumping, its more like i end up with a large flaccid, than the engorged soft erection.
Got it. If you are uncertain, take a snapshot and show us. Remember, you are among the brothers, and of course, your account is based on anonymity.

I've heard some of you have spreadsheets? I tried to start one, but wasn't sure exactly what detail to include. I have taken starting stats, measured in cm and converted to inches.
Yes, the spreadsheet is free to obtain. I created them based on my old logging methods and updated the designs over the years. My clients also use mine as well. The only thing that's lacking is the growth chart, which I stored in another spreadsheet for data analysis. I need to integrate that into my existing spreadsheet as well. So many things to do and my mind slips. We'll have it posted for the brother to download soon. Our brother @squirt_inducer_man brought it up earlier and I'm in favor of it. I'll remake the spreadsheet for usages, unless you want what I have now.
Yes and no. Yes, you've reached fatigue. Your body is trying to preserve itself by shrinking it to the smallest state possible. We called this "turtling". It's not a bad sign. This is where to prevent it from happening. Wrapping, all day stretcher, tension devices, do whatever it takes. We elongate/expand it through forceful method so the penis will continue to heal in the elongated/expanded state. No, don't ease off. Keep pushing forward and wrap/maintain the elongated/expanded form.
Yeah, I understand turtling from my previous attempts many years back, and is why I totally understand why SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory makes sense, and how the mosred would also help this. This was more like quite a thin flaccid but not turtled (I guess as I had only been doing girth work instead of length?). Anyway, it didn't last long, just curious if that's a sign I've gone too heavy on the training, compared to the fat flaccid I've had the rest of the time.
Some like to focus one at at time, dedicating all time and efforts to maximize the process. Quite a few brothers pursue both. I'm one of them. Yes, stressing the tunica helps to expand and lengthen. I like to take advantage of the tissues while they are primed. It's all about time. When you have the time, tackle both fronts at the same time. If not, one at a time.
Ok 👍🏾
Manual stretching is a good start. The routines are available for reference. The lengthening process takes quite a bit of time. I finished my 30 minutes worth of routine for LM in the morning while answering questions. Total true time is around 45 minutes. It takes time to wrap and rewrap, and a bit of time to get the blood to flow. If you plan on doing both girth and length, be ready to toss 2 hours into the routines.

It will take a bit of time for your penis to get preconditioned. Too hard on the bundled stretches and too intensely will make your penis blister. Ease up first, and go easy. Allow the skin to catch up with the intensity. Once your skin becomes more conditioned, that's why you go further on the intensity. This is why there's a 30-day minimum for newbie routines. A minimum of 30 days to get your penis conditioned. It took me 60 days to get mind to prime conditioning, and even then, I didn't go crazy.
Are you saying 30 days normal stretching before attempting bundles?

Most of the blistering happens around the area of holding/gripping and the terminal area of pressure, which is your glans. So, say you grab hold around the base of the glans, the terminal end of pressure is your glans, while the area being grabbed is protected from abrassive movements. So, blistering occurs either above or below the area of grabbing. Hopefully that make sense. You just have to go easy for the time being.
It seemed more like it pinched in the twist, but it could have been my hand. This is why I wondered if it matters where the twist is, I will just take more care.

Also, I found that bundles seemed to be giving me erections, is that common? Seems to not be helpful! Although i did see a video sokewhere of someone doing erext bundles I think?
Got it. If you are uncertain, take a snapshot and show us. Remember, you are among the brothers, and of course, your account is based on anonymity.
Ok, will do next time 👍🏾
Yes, the spreadsheet is free to obtain. I created them based on my old logging methods and updated the designs over the years. My clients also use mine as well. The only thing that's lacking is the growth chart, which I stored in another spreadsheet for data analysis. I need to integrate that into my existing spreadsheet as well. So many things to do and my mind slips. We'll have it posted for the brother to download soon. Our brother @squirt_inducer_man brought it up earlier and I'm in favor of it. I'll remake the spreadsheet for usages, unless you want what I have now.
I think any basic one would be helpful to start logging asap, so if you have one available. I can create graphs etc myself if need be.
Yeah, I understand turtling from my previous attempts many years back, and is why I totally understand why SRT makes sense, and how the mosred would also help this. This was more like quite a thin flaccid but not turtled (I guess as I had only been doing girth work instead of length?). Anyway, it didn't last long, just curious if that's a sign I've gone too heavy on the training, compared to the fat flaccid I've had the rest of the time.
Yes, this is a normal state of fatigue. MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY is a great heat application to reduce stressing tissues. I jump right into red light therapy after each pumping or lengthening session. The thin flaccid is just your penis trying to do its best to preserve any possible trauma by reducting to bare minimum functional state. It's practically saying your body shuts down, cranking up the temperature, and push your blood pressure way off the chart to combat a cold or flu. Your penis is doing the same thing after suffering a lengthening or expansion trauma. This is why heat through wrapping is well received by the penis.

Are you saying 30 days normal stretching before attempting bundles?
You can do 30 days with bundling but at low intensity. It's to help the skin to adapt to the new friction and abrasive routine.

It seemed more like it pinched in the twist, but it could have been my hand. This is why I wondered if it matters where the twist is, I will just take more care.
When there's a pinch, it could be the bending angle during the bundling. We tend to favor a certain angle and dominant hand and go a bit too hard at it. This is why LM3 is used to prevent odd angling, but we can also cause too much favored tension due to the dominancy of our hand and arm strength.

Also, I found that bundles seemed to be giving me erections, is that common?
Yes, very. Funny how to you say that. When you bundled up the routines, you're working on all aspects of the soft tissues, creating rigidity to the tissues. It's like building a house with good foundation and walls. When you do that, you also stimulate the growth to the nerves and blood vessels responsible for quicker responses for erection. This has been proven over and over again by urologists who specialized in PE.

Seems to not be helpful! Although i did see a video sokewhere of someone doing erext bundles I think?
We have many vides doing bundling, starting with DLD's videos. I believe we also have other brothers providing their own version of the bundling to provide ideas. So, you're not wrong to see "someone doing" their video with bundling. Don't just stick with one. Try each type to see what works.

I think any basic one would be helpful to start logging asap, so if you have one available. I can create graphs etc myself if need be.
Looks like Excel file is not allowed because of macro and security reasons. Try this link to access a template and download for yourself. Dump it back into your Google Drive to have access on the go:
Yes, this is a normal state of fatigue. MOS Red is a great heat application to reduce stressing tissues. I jump right into red light therapy after each pumping or lengthening session. The thin flaccid is just your penis trying to do its best to preserve any possible trauma by reducting to bare minimum functional state. It's practically saying your body shuts down, cranking up the temperature, and push your blood pressure way off the chart to combat a cold or flu. Your penis is doing the same thing after suffering a lengthening or expansion trauma. This is why heat through wrapping is well received by the penis.

You can do 30 days with bundling but at low intensity. It's to help the skin to adapt to the new friction and abrasive routine.

When there's a pinch, it could be the bending angle during the bundling. We tend to favor a certain angle and dominant hand and go a bit too hard at it. This is why LM3 is used to prevent odd angling, but we can also cause too much favored tension due to the dominancy of our hand and arm strength.

Yes, very. Funny how to you say that. When you bundled up the routines, you're working on all aspects of the soft tissues, creating rigidity to the tissues. It's like building a house with good foundation and walls. When you do that, you also stimulate the growth to the nerves and blood vessels responsible for quicker responses for erection. This has been proven over and over again by urologists who specialized in PE.

We have many vides doing bundling, starting with DLD's videos. I believe we also have other brothers providing their own version of the bundling to provide ideas. So, you're not wrong to see "someone doing" their video with bundling. Don't just stick with one. Try each type to see what works.

Looks like Excel file is not allowed because of macro and security reasons. Try this link to access a template and download for yourself. Dump it back into your Google Drive to have access on the go:
Love this template giving very specific results
Yes, very. Funny how to you say that. When you bundled up the routines, you're working on all aspects of the soft tissues, creating rigidity to the tissues. It's like building a house with good foundation and walls. When you do that, you also stimulate the growth to the nerves and blood vessels responsible for quicker responses for erection. This has been proven over and over again by urologists who specialized in PE.
Surely the bundles are breaking down the tissues, not building them? I'm getting them during the stretches... anyway, will just take some care. I did them very lightly today
Looks like Excel file is not allowed because of macro and security reasons. Try this link to access a template and download for yourself. Dump it back into your Google Drive to have access on the go:
So you seem to only be logging hours here. Thought you would have more detail about the workouts. Will try and adapt it, but a good starting basis.

So just replying quite quickly here, as my (new) girl is on her way. So wanted to dump some photos of me in the cockring on here and then delete then off my phone. They show soke different phases of me in the ring (hoping if I do thumbnails you can open and see).

On a separate note, it is now difficult to have my time in the morning to train when she is here. I have discussed PE with her, described it as a way of keeping penile health and good erections, but there can be size increases too. Haven't gone into detail of the kit as I've played it down so far. Quite challenging!


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Ok good... does that mean that if my flaccid is smaller and fatigued, that is a bad sign? Or just that I did a little too much and should ease off?
You overthinking this. Just stretch hard and rest hard according to SRT.
MOS RED will help you to loosen up your penis after session if you end up stretching "to hard".
The same concept is true for girth work.
If you need rest take it, but try to implement it in a strategic way and not just because you are not feeling it.
On a separate note, it is now difficult to have my time in the morning to train when she is here. I have discussed PE with her, described it as a way of keeping penile health and good erections, but there can be size increases too. Haven't gone into detail of the kit as I've played it down so far. Quite challenging!
Don't involve here in this on a detail level. Do what you do and she can know about it but that is it. Women know about my crazy weightlifting program, but that is it. The women in my life would never care about lifting 70-80 kilogram in dumbell row (just an example), or walking around with a 60 kg slam ball.
Just my suggestion.

You can do penis enlargement in the evening and night as I did it. Go high intensity is my recommendation, and everything 100% according to SRT.

Try to create a simple program, and you will be able to gain faster.
Our brother @squirt_inducer_man brought it up earlier and I'm in favor of it. I'll remake the spreadsheet for usages, unless you want what I have now.
Pen and paper are superior as an initial logging method. You can put it in a spreadsheet later, don't get obsessed with details. But it's easier to just copy it with a phone or a scanner later when you are done.

Make it simple and gain fast.
Surely the bundles are breaking down the tissues, not building them? I'm getting them during the stretches... anyway, will just take some care. I did them very lightly today
To build something up, you have to break it down first. This is especially true for the bio-cellular world.

So you seem to only be logging hours here. Thought you would have more detail about the workouts. Will try and adapt it, but a good starting basis.
I don't pay attention to gain until some time later, say 3 to 6 months down the road. The more important aspects are time and routine types. This will give you great data trend analysis for what worked and what didn't.

So just replying quite quickly here, as my (new) girl is on her way. So wanted to dump some photos of me in the cockring on here and then delete then off my phone. They show soke different phases of me in the ring (hoping if I do thumbnails you can open and see).
Looks good at the stages. I don't see more than 3% fluid retention, which is a nice sign.

On a separate note, it is now difficult to have my time in the morning to train when she is here. I have discussed PE with her, described it as a way of keeping penile health and good erections, but there can be size increases too. Haven't gone into detail of the kit as I've played it down so far. Quite challenging!
LOL. Welcome to PE life my brother. If you can't have enough time for true PE, SSJ while in bed will still account for the growth.
I don't pay attention to gain until some time later, say 3 to 6 months down the road. The more important aspects are time and routine types. This will give you great data trend analysis for what worked and what didn't.
No, wasn't referring to tracking size, more the training details.
Looks good at the stages. I don't see more than 3% fluid retention, which is a nice sign.
and is this level of large flaccid ok in the cockring... I did keep it more expanded while I was working today.

Forgot to add, today I checked my comfort level in the pump. For the first time today, 6Hg seemed comfortable and I went to 7Hg for 30 seconds and back down across each 5 minute set.

On top of that, I took a measurement while in the cockring after and I was seeing larger girth than my baseline, so that felt good.
LOL. Welcome to PE life my brother. If you can't have enough time for true PE, SSJ while in bed will still account for the growth.
For the first time, she is one that doesn't go to sleep before me. She has kids though, so I won't see her all the time, I can use my work lunchbreak when working from home 3dpw.

Didn't get any time between Friday lunch and Sunday evening though this weekend.
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