Got injured pumping, need some help

I've been pumping fairly regularly for the past 3 months and aside from just some ruptured surface blood vessels (which go away after two days), I've managed to avoid injury.

Until last Wednesday. I decided to pump with a rubber cock ring at the base of my penis and everything seemed fine until the next day when I noticed some pain.

I now have what feels like a rigid circle of tissue on the top of my penis just before my head which hurts and I can feel a cable-like strand from the base of the penis all the way down to the head which hurts a lot, mostly when I get hard.

I'm assuming this is a ligament that I'm feeling, possibly part of the suspensory ligaments. Any idea if this is permanent? Should I go see a doctor?

I haven't pumped since then so I'm definitely taking a break.
Peyronie's is not an immediate fracture. It's a post-fracture or trauma that leads to a post damage, scarring, or plague. So, this one specific trauma may lead to Peyronie's.

So, let's all hold off and wait first. We are jumping around screaming like Chicken Little.
Which means if it showed up that fast, it’s most likely not peyronies.
Peyronies can definitely occur from sudden trauma from a one-off incident.
Yes, it can develop from a one-off incident, but the incident must occur for it to happen. In other words, the recent incident may be the new trigger, not an old trigger, to create Peyronie's. It wasn't a Peyronie's that triggered the recent incident.
My brother in law got peyronies overnight. He messed up with the hole like @DLD said. Exactly this.
Relax guys, whatever it is there is nothing in this world a man cannot solve.
Me erect penis is like @DLD 's flaccid I feel so ashamed :(
Thanks my brother. Do not feel ashamed of anything. Peyronie’s is not a lifelong thing it can be corrected. Using the use of DLD bends to getting a more straight penis. You can also use pumping with a thin tube will also bring correction quite quickly. I am praying for all my brothers who are experiencing a bend. I did it to create an upward curve and that about 8 weeks to accomplish my upward bends.
Good news and bad news.

I don't have Peyronies. I have sclerosing lymphangitis which apparently is a very common thing when pumping with any sort of clamp or ring.

For some people, this resolves on it's own within a few to several months. A few people I've spoken to have had it for over a year.

Not much I can do other than stay away from pumping and no mastrubation, no vigorous sex.
This is a good thing that it's not Peyronie's, but at the same time, you have a unique case altogether. This is why it's always good to have a local medical professional offer diagnosis before jumping to conclusions.

Sclerosing lymphangitis is not something new, nor something reported often. Even with 100 people having the issues, only 1 or 2 people reported it due to some kind of medical scare. As PE journeymen, we are more fearful if hurting ourselves, and we are the forefront in providing data to the medical professionals. Funny how the age of PE becomes the age of urological advancement.

Most of the times, we tend to just sit around and allow to heal itself. Any lymphangitis issue, in the holistic parts of the world, they perform applications of natural remedies on top of directional massages, ranging from gentle to deep guiding movements. This is to guide any current blockages to displace and move out of the system, and to reduce the harden walls by softening then through frictional heat. Think of removing knots on the tight group of muscles. And yes, the lymphatic node is not a muscle, but the idea is the same.

Using non-steroidal cream is the same as softening the walls like above for shallow lymphangitis conditions within 2mm of the top skin layers. You can do the same for holistic methods using frictional and thermal heat exchange, with warm or hot oil during massage applications. Jojoba is a great oil for this. Same for added primrose, sage, and many others. India has a massive amount of anti-inflammatory selection of penile health oil with cream based applicators. It all boils down to, "Are you willing to wait for natural processes or are you willing to pursue intervention?"
I'm absolutely willing to pursue intervention. I'm already taking precautions and taking a number of supplements that should (purportedly) help. I've yet to try anything topical, however.
Here’s my suggestion. Change your mindset into one that will help bring healing. Get an infrared heating pad, wrap your dick for at least 20 minutes a day. Twice a day. Morning and night. Utilize DMSO on your shaft as my personal recommendation from months ago (and just my personal recommendation and experience with it) outlines. 50/50 solution ratio of DMSO to Steam distilled water. Do NOT wear or come in contact with anything inorganic. DMSO will drive anything into the skin and the bloodstream. This would include soaps, lotions, Vaseline, polyester from underwear etc. Take some L-Citruline and Collagen supplements. Get rest. Stay away from PE for 6 months. Don’t forget the daily heating pad/wrap I mentioned. Again, these are just my personal experiences and not meant to diagnose or any of that other bullshit. Just trying to lend a hand.
Should you feel pain take anti inflammatory. Also MOSRED can help you recover fastah
So much faster! MOSRED is the perfect way for warm ups and downs. If you can not afford one then definitely pick up a cheap heating pad but do be sure it has tempature gauge so you can choose the heat to what is right for you
Have you tried any peptides. They worked for me to heal up. Getting better by the day man. Ever consider HRT? That may be part of why you aren't healing. Maybe it is time for some big lifestyle changes and mindset changes.
It’s all a joke. Damage is damage, and it’s not much hope after 2 years. You don’t realize how big you were till you ruin it with stupidity reading about a bunch of insecure dude yanking on their self
Have you tried any peptides. They worked for me to heal up. Getting better by the day man. Ever consider HRT? That may be part of why you aren't healing. Maybe it is time for some big lifestyle changes and mindset changes.
Won't go into detail about my lifestyle but it's hard to be any healthier than I am now. I'm also on BPC-157 as well as MK-677.

I'll try all the topical stuff being listed here. Haven't touched PE since this happened 4 weeks ago.
It’s all a joke. Damage is damage, and it’s not much hope after 2 years. You don’t realize how big you were till you ruin it with stupidity reading about a bunch of insecure dude yanking on their self
Dude. Do you understand that I've mad CRAZY Progress on my HF it was bad a few months ago and now I'm in the final stages of healing a few months later by actually trying and not coming on here and whining about it. Do you understand that reality? Don't bash it until you try it man; things are funny in life, sometimes will take from temporarily to get you closer to the lord and give you back what you have lost in redemption as well as blessings great than what you lost. Trust me. This is how to works man.
Won't go into detail about my lifestyle but it's hard to be any healthier than I am now. I'm also on BPC-157 as well as MK-677.

I'll try all the topical stuff being listed here. Haven't touched PE since this happened 4 weeks ago.
Use Cialis if you have to. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), B12, Magnesium Glycinate, Gingko Biloba works well (I like that stuff), Like I said, hormone optimization so maybe look into TRT. The BPC works wonders; it really does and having a healthy lifestyle paired with it will make recovery quick. For example, when I first injured myself i was really sensitive and working out would make it clench up hard; really hard and it would come back; now it doesn't do that at all, my erections have been getting better and better and for a matter of fact they hurt initially and now they don't at all, on top of that, any pain that I had has gone away completely. If you are in the later stages of healing I'd recommend peptides and massage to break up the scar tissue, doing pelvic floor therapy which you can do on your own you just need to research it. For reference; I was hurt the 28th of Jan and was a mess then, I've came a LONG way I'll tell you. I learned a lot too, use this as a learning experience... What if it heals and you decide that the long game of low intensity PE will net you what you want in due time with patience? Would you be mad? or would you be glad that this happened and you are not only wiser from it but had what was taken from you returned with blessings you couldn't have imagined on top of that.
Dude. Do you understand that I've mad CRAZY Progress on my HF it was bad a few months ago and now I'm in the final stages of healing a few months later by actually trying and not coming on here and whining about it. Do you understand that reality? Don't bash it until you try it man; things are funny in life, sometimes will take from temporarily to get you closer to the lord and give you back what you have lost in redemption as well as blessings great than what you lost. Trust me. This is how to works man.
I’ve stayed as good as possible this whole time. And still am getting around. I’m almost used to not having or feeling my penis while at work. That’s really the only way I can stay calm is to just be what it is now. I didn’t know HF was something that could heal exactly. But what I have is beyond even explaining or comprehending
Use Cialis if you have to. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), B12, Magnesium Glycinate, Gingko Biloba works well (I like that stuff), Like I said, hormone optimization so maybe look into TRT. The BPC works wonders; it really does and having a healthy lifestyle paired with it will make recovery quick. For example, when I first injured myself i was really sensitive and working out would make it clench up hard; really hard and it would come back; now it doesn't do that at all, my erections have been getting better and better and for a matter of fact they hurt initially and now they don't at all, on top of that, any pain that I had has gone away completely. If you are in the later stages of healing I'd recommend peptides and massage to break up the scar tissue, doing pelvic floor therapy which you can do on your own you just need to research it. For reference; I was hurt the 28th of Jan and was a mess then, I've came a LONG way I'll tell you. I learned a lot too, use this as a learning experience... What if it heals and you decide that the long game of low intensity PE will net you what you want in due time with patience? Would you be mad? or would you be glad that this happened and you are not only wiser from it but had what was taken from you returned with blessings you couldn't have imagined on top of that.
Are you saying Jan 28 of this year or last year?
It’s all a joke. Damage is damage, and it’s not much hope after 2 years. You don’t realize how big you were till you ruin it with stupidity reading about a bunch of insecure dude yanking on their self
Dude. Do you understand that I've mad CRAZY Progress on my HF it was bad a few months ago and now I'm in the final stages of healing a few months later by actually trying and not coming on here and whining about it. Do you understand that reality? Don't bash it until you try it man; things are funny in life,
I’ve stayed as good as possible this whole time. And still am getting around. I’m almost used to not having or feeling my penis while at work. That’s really the only way I can stay calm is to just be what it is now. I didn’t know HF was something that could heal exactly. But what I have is beyond even explaining or comprehending
Have you tried anything like what I've done? heating pad all night while you sleep daily massage, supplements, taking care of you fitness and working out. This will all contribute. Your diet.
Dude. Do you understand that I've mad CRAZY Progress on my HF it was bad a few months ago and now I'm in the final stages of healing a few months later by actually trying and not coming on here and whining about it. Do you understand that reality? Don't bash it until you try it man; things are funny in life,

Have you tried anything like what I've done? heating pad all night while you sleep daily massage, supplements, taking care of you fitness and working out. This will all contribute. Your diet.
Yes. Much. Good grief. You ain’t hurt like me then. That’s only 6 weeks Heck, it took me longer than that to really really decline. I’m past a year and a half
Yes,and I’ve been to doctors,many,etc. it’s not that simple. They don’t know anything .it could probably be fixed if it was natural instead of self induced idiocracy
I know it might be off putting but Peptides absolutely work. Try them. Look at my post. I know a needle might be offputting as well but trust me.
I know it might be off putting but Peptides absolutely work. Try them. Look at my post. I know a needle might be offputting as well but trust me.

It's not about not going to the doctors nor willing to try the extremes. Rather, when the doctors asked about the approaches, they hesistated because they didn't want to jeopardize their medical licenses if the patient(s) chase after them for failed attempts and malpractices. This is why medical practices in other part of the world is much easier than within the States.
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